Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Lise meitner

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on lise meitner. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality lise meitner paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in lise meitner, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your lise meitner paper at affordable prices!

Lise Meitner was born in Vienna, Austria in 1878 as the third among eight children of Hedwig and Philipp Meitner. Her family was Jewish although they later distanced themselves from their Jewish past. During her childhood, Lise was already curious about math and science and had rational skepticism. Her parents idealism, in which they wished for freedom, led the family toward an extraordinary intellectual atmosphere. All of the children, including five daughters, pursued an advanced education. Because women, by law, were excluded from Austrian universities as well as rigorous secondary schools until the end of 1th century, receiving an advanced education was extraordinary, especially for girls.

With her parents support, Lise entered the University of Vienna in 101, and she was awarded her doctorate degree in physics in 106 as the second woman to earn a doctorate in that field from the University of Vienna. Despite her doctorate, there were no prospects for women in physics. She taught at a girls school in the daytime and worked in the evening at the Institute of Ludwig Boltzmann, who gave her through his lectures the vision of physics as a battle for ultimate truth, a vision which she never lost.

Yet, her future appeared to hold nothing but teaching at the girls school. Hence, she decided to go to Berlin, Germany for a few terms of study in 107. She did not know at that time that she would stay there for more than thirty years. The University in Berlin was still a mans world in which she not only felt like a stranger but also an oddity. Before attending Max Plancks lectures she had to ask Max for permission to attend because she was a woman. While she attended his lectures, she realized that she preferred experimental physics as opposed to theoretical physics. She then got placed in the laboratory of Prof. Heinrich Rubens, who was the head of the Experimental Physics Institute. There she met Dr. Otto Hahn, who had the degree in Chemistry and would work with her for the next thirty-one years.

Even though she was allowed to investigate her research into radioactivity with Hahn in the chemistry institute where Hahn did his experiments, she still lacked a position within the field. She had a permanent double liability a woman who was a scientist, and a scientist who was female. Because the Institute was completely off limits to women, she was allowed to work only in a basement room, and in order to use the toilet she had to walk down the street a couple of blocks to a restaurant.

When Hahn was offered a position, with a decent annual salary, in a new independent research institute, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute (KWI) for chemistry, Lise was offered a position as well, but as an unpaid guest. She had published more than twenty articles, and established her reputation as a scientist since she started working with Hahn. Nevertheless, she still had no position, no income, and no prospects for the future.

After Lise and Hahn moved into the new institute, late in 11, her situation was dramatically changed. Max Planck appointed her as his assistant, which was her first paying position. Soon after, Emil Fischer, chairman of KWI for chemistry, who had followed her work kindly, assigned her for the same position as Hahns although her salary was still considerably lower.

In spite of World War I as well as the long absence by Hahn, she managed to keep their radioactivity laboratory. In 117, she was assigned to establish a physics department in KWI for chemistry. In 11, she was promoted to Professor in the Institute. As the first woman professor in Germany, this achievement helped Lise to attract people around her, obtain larger grants and work with important officials. The partnership between Hahn and Lise had been very successful, and she was the leader of their experiments in many respects; nonetheless, others saw a woman working with a man as nothing but his subordinate.

In 10s, she continued to scale the academic ladder; her title qualified her for university teaching. Besides, her work spanned almost all of experimental nuclear physics; she had the equipment, resources and co-workers, and published intellectual articles about new findings throughout this period when the nucleus was still very much a newcomer to the atomic scene, and radioactivity remained the prime source of nuclear data.

Under the Third Reich, Lise despite being Jewish tried to stay and to continue her research as long as she could, refusing many friends offers to get out of Germany. However, the situation was getting worse, which forced her to flee to Stockholm, Sweden in 18.

Lise went to Stockholm without any possessions, money, adequate clothing, or the language skills to start out successfully. However, she was accepted to Manne Siegbahns Institute sponsored by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Yet, her salary was not as high as what she expected. There were no resources left in which she could perform her experiments in her new laboratory, no support was provided by her colleagues or organizations. Lises unhappiness was the product of two factors the hardships of the Third Reich and dissatisfaction at work. She continued to keep in touch with Hahn; they often exchanged letters; moreover, they sometimes met secretly. Hahn, who was still in Berlin, had continued to investigate their research with their assistant, Fritz Strassmann. Hahn reported every result to Lise, and she gave him advice and suggestions in return. Strassmann knew that the direction of their experiments had come from her ideas although he did not know that Hahn had met her.

These experiments led directly to the discovery of nuclear fission. When Lise spent Christmas holidays in 18 with her nephew, Otto Robert Frisch, and her friends, Lise received a letter from Hahn stating that he had found a theoretical interpretation for a property of the nucleus. Although Lise and Hahn continued to correspond about further researches, the same racial policies that had forced her out of Germany made it impossible for Hahn and Strassmann to include her in the discovery of fission. She knew that it had nothing to do with science and everything to do with race. Lise submitted a small, independent article about the interpretation with Frisch, which would receive worldwide attention later. On the other hand, Hahn himself suppressed and denied not only their ongoing collaboration but also the value of nearly everything she had done, just as the political situations deprived her of her proper recognition.

Even after her fission interpretation with her nephew gained an acceptance throughout the world, her status in Siegbahns Institute did not improve. At that time in Sweden, there was no sympathy for refugees from Germany. The Swedish academic culture had always been supporters of Germany. Groups from within Siegbahns Institute considered Lise as an outcast. Moreover, having been forced into immigration and being excluded from the discovery of fission formed an unforgettable hardship that she would undoubtingly remember for the last twenty years of her life.

If fission had been found in a world at peace, its energy might first have been used to provide light and heat for peoples homes. Unfortunately, the discovery led to the development of the nuclear bomb because of World War II, which made her really sorrowful. If fission had been discovered in a world that was free of racial persecution and gender bias, her contribution to nuclear fission could have received much worthier rewards. In fact, Hahn received the Nobel Prize in 146; she did not. Although she was not honored with the Nobel Prize, she received many honors after World War II. She continued to work on her research, yet she never fully established herself in physics again. In 160, she retired and moved to Cambridge, England in order to be closer to her nephew, Frisch, who was a professor of physics at that time. Even though she retired, she was still trying to learn the new aspects of physics in every way possible, relying on Frisch to explain the new developments within the field. In 168, after numerous contributions to the scientific world, Lise Meitner died right before her ninetieth birthday. Frisch selected the inscription of her headstone to contain the following phrase, which best describes her attributes Lise Meitner a physicist who never lost her humanity.

Please note that this sample paper on lise meitner is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on lise meitner, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on lise meitner will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

"Where is the Voice Coming From?"

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "Where is the Voice Coming From?". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "Where is the Voice Coming From?" paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "Where is the Voice Coming From?", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "Where is the Voice Coming From?" paper at affordable prices!

State of Emergency

Societies today have many fears, but none bigger than change. Many of the short stories that we have read have dealt with towns in fear of change. In "Where is the Voice Coming From?" Medgar Evers was assassinated because he was trying to change society in favor of the black community. In the movie Witness the Amish community has a tough time trying to adapt to John Book's lifestyle. Change is a natural occurrence and until we can accept change we will never grow as a society.

In "Where is the Voice Coming From?" the society is in a uproar over the speeches of a up-and-coming civil rights leader, Medgar Evers. This Mississippi town likes the way that their community is being run and do not want Medgar Evers or any other civil rights leaders to change the society. Byron De La Beckwith is a member of this small Mississippi community, and feels it is his duty to take care of the problem to ensure that there will be no change. Byron De La Beckwith assassinates Mr. Medgar Evers. By doing so becomes a hero in the process, and keeps the society unchanged and untouched. A court could not convict Byron De La Beckwith, and he was let free on many occasions. This shows that the community was afraid if they decided against Byron De La Beckwith they would be traitors to their people. The courts didn't want to charge him for murder because it would show other people that they are changed. It would also show that they are not going to let people murder other races and get away with it. This type of communities are hard to break and almost impossible to completely change. It took the small community in Mississippi almost thirty years to change the decision and convict Byron De La Beckwith . This proves the fact that the community is changing, but it took thirty years to reverse an unjust decision. The Mississippi community feared any kind of change that would effect the social status, but the Amish community in Witness feared anyone changing their lifestyles.

The Amish are one of the closest communities left in America. They have dressed the same and have done the same things since the birth of our nation. There lifestyle is one of the few things that has not changed in American history. The Amish keep to themselves and try to keep out of other people's way. In the motion picture Witness a mother and son are taking a train ride to see a family member. The young boy, Sammuel Lapp, sees a murder happen in the restroom. He is questioned by Jon Book, and finds out that another police officer was the murderer. Jon Book takes Sammuel and Rachel Lapp back to their Amish town so they will be safe. Jon Book is injured so he stays in the Amish town with all of the townspeople. Rachel Lapp asks her father to look at him and make sure he is alright. The father brings the town's leaders to look at him and to make sure that the town is not in danger by Jon being there. They allow Jon to stay but fear that he might changed young Sammuel or even Rachel. Jon is not used to the Amish lifestyle and wants to be able to carry his gun or be able to curse. Jon goes through a tough with Rachel, because he want to be with her. He knows that he cannot be with her and if he is with her she and her son will be shunned from the town. The Amish people don't like people from the outside coming in and marrying on of their own. The community does show some kind of leniency towards Jon Book when he is helping the Amish build a barn. They seem to be a lot more accepting to different people than the Mississippi town. It might be because of their good nature or just that they are nicer people than the people in Mississippi.

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Most people in all societies like their lives to be the same and not to change. They don't like when life to throw a curve ball in their direction, because they don't know what to do when it gets there. Our society is in a state of emergency with all of the changes that we are going through. It could be that we have not changed, and maybe that is the problem with our society. Racism is still alive and has gotten more ammunition. We as a community must grow and put all of our differences behind us. We must embrace the changes and grow from them

Please note that this sample paper on "Where is the Voice Coming From?" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "Where is the Voice Coming From?", we are here to assist you. Your essay on "Where is the Voice Coming From?" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Have you ever felt that what you said or what you did could never impress those you love because they were more focused on the other sibling? This is half the case for Happy Loman, who is the younger sibling of the two Loman brothers. He has often been in the shadow of Biff, hoping for some recognition by his father, Willy Loman. Happy has a steady job, a stable home, and undividing love for both his parents, however he is not content with his more stable life, because he has never risked failure or experienced any measure of success.

Happy Loman is thirty-two years old, powerfully built, tall, and sexually appealing. "Sometimes I want to just rip my clothes off in the middle of the store and outbox that goddam merchandise manager. I mean I can outbox, outrun, and outlift anybody in that store," Happy said (Miller, 145). Sexuality is like a visible color on him, or a scent that many women have discovered. Happy treats women the same from the beginning of the play to the end. When Happy is introduced, there is an automatic recognition that he loves women and is simply a womanizer. In proving this point, Happy's dialogue proves that he is a compulsive womanizer who treats women purely as sex objects and has little respect for the many he seduces, "The only trouble is, it gets like bowling or something. I just keep knockin' them over and it doesn't mean anything" (146). For Happy, sexuality is a way that he relieves himself whenever he feels disgusted, "I get that any time I want, Biff. Whenever I feel disgusted. The only trouble is, it gets like bowling or something. I just keep knockin' them over and it doesn't mean anything" (146). Happy seduces women in whom he has no real interest, especially women engaged to executives above him in the corporate structure, "I don't know what gets into me, maybe I just have an overdeveloped sense of competition or something, but I went and ruined her, and furthermore I can't get rid of her" (146). Happy uses women to bring himself up so, that he could feel more confident and desired. Another reason is that he would seduce the executives' wives so that he could undermine the executives to feel that he was of some self-importance. A major reason why he is a womanizer is because he yearns for attention, due to the fact that he never received it from his mother, Linda. Linda feels that both Happy and Biff are the causes to Willy's problems because they are disappointments and failures. Later on in the play, Happy reveals that he wants to meet a woman of substance like his mother, but he never will because he loves the attention of many women and is unfit to be loyal to just one woman.

Happy is quite confident that he is on the right track, but yet at the same time, he is lonely. Happy dreams of being successful and has the general idea of how it will feel, but has no clue on how to obtain it. "I gotta show some of those pompous, self-important executives over there that Hap Loman can make the grade. I want to walk into the store the way he walks in" (146). Happy wants to be successful, just like the executives, but he never will be successful because he doesn't have any ambition to get him where he wants to go and to be. He has this dream that he will not let go, but sooner or later he will realize that he didn't amount to anything. Happy feels that he knows more than the merchandise manager and has a dire want to be the merchandise manager, "I got more in my pinky finger than he's got in his head" (146). Happy also plans to stay right there in the city to show everyone that, "I'm gonna beat this racket! The Loman Brothers!" (105). Over Willy's grave he exclaims, "…Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream. It's the only dream you can have-to come out number-one man." (106).

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When Willy is having one of his flashbacks there is a dialogue that reveals how Willy is towards Happy. "I'm losing weight, you notice, Pop?" said Happy (150). In return, Willy doesn't say anything to Happy; he brushes him away leaving him without any recognition or congratulation. In the scenes from the past Happy does everything in his power to get his father to notice him. He keeps up a vigorous routine of exercises, and his refrain as a boy is to ask his father whether he notices that he's losing weight. It's almost as though he's asking Willy whether he sees him at all. However, Happy always tries to be on Willy's good side and to keep him happy, even if it means perpetuating the lies and illusions that Willy lives in. In the middle of the play, you see that Happy, no matter what, tries to please and make Willy content. When Biff doesn't get the loan or even the chance to meet Bill Oliver, Happy urges Biff to tell his father that they have a lunch date tomorrow.

However, Linda views Happy as a "philandering bum-" (16). Linda is well aware of Happy's affairs with many women. In the end of the play, when Happy leads the desertion of his father, at the restaurant, Linda has bitter resentment towards Happy, "Did you have to go to women tonight? You and your lousy rotten whores!" (17). At this point, Linda is heart broken and has an immense amount of resentment towards Happy for not loving and helping Willy at his most distraught moments. When Happy tries to gain recognition by his parents by saying, "I'm losing weight, you notice, Pop?" and "I'm gonna get married, Mom. I wanted to tell you.", they ignore him as if he is invisible. Happy has learned to say what people want to hear, but neither of his parents take him seriously.

As the play progresses there is a realization that Happy only cares about Happy. A perfect example is when Happy abandons Willy in his most distraught moments, saying to the girls he's picked up, "No, that's not my father. He's just a guy" (1). It's no wonder Happy rejects his father after his father's lifetime rejection of him. However, Happy is always saying that he wants to help, but when it comes to that point, Happy backs down and leaves the mess to someone else.

There are many parallels that are between Happy and Willy. Happy is the stunted incarnation of Willy's worst traits and the embodiment of the lie of the happy American Dream. He shares Willy's capacity for self-delusion, trumpeting himself as the assistant buyer at his store, when in reality; he is only an assistant to the assistant buyer. It would make perfectly sense if Happy was the favorite rather than Biff because Happy and Willy have so much in common.

Happy is one-dimensional and static throughout the play having no realization of what actually went on, "All right, boy. I'm gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good ream. It's the only dream you can have-to come out number-one man. He fought it out here, and this is where I'm gonna win it for him" (106). In the end of the play, Happy cannot see reality, like his father, he is destined to live a fruitless life trying for something that will never happen. After Willy's death Happy plans to carry on Willy's unrealistic notions of success, "I'm staying right in this city, and I'm gonna beat this racket! The Loman Brothers!" (105).

After living in the shadow of Biff throughout his childhood, Happy tries to mask his lack of self-confidence by surrounding himself with women and pretending that everything is okay. Happy is seemingly content and successful, with a steady career and none of the obvious marks of failure than his older brother displays. However, he is very lonely and longs for the chance to prove himself. On the face of it, the grown-up Happy appears to have achieved the things Willy wanted for his boys, a steady job, the social life of a popular single man, a car, and his own expensive apartment. Happy sees everything from a straight narrow path and never achieves things that are beyond his reach. He simply awaits his destiny hoping that he will be given the ultimate, superior dream and opportunity.

Please note that this sample paper on Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Character Analysis, Happy Loman from Death of a Salesman will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2020


If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Myth. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Myth paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Myth, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Myth paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The three stories and poem that I am writing about, The Companions, Old Man and Old Women and When I Heard the Learned Astronomer have a lot to do with mythology and science. In some way, shape or form they connect to each other and tie in with each other. Different objects that are classified as "science" that the authors use in these stories are things that we can see and hear everyday.

In the short story Old Man and Old Women, science and mythology intersected in different ways. What the old man and old women were doing in that myth could be defined as science. They were figuring out answers to questions each of them had. For instance, they asked and figured out how people's body's were made up and if people would die forever or only for four days. This story is obviously mythology because two people didn't make up what we look like and if we will die or not. It also has science in it to because the old man and women experiment on different elements in science that were are still trying to figure out today, like why our body is shaped and figured like it is. A quote referring to this is when the old man says "we will let the people have eyes and mouths straight up and down their faces."

In The Companions, there is mythology within science. The Gods are in different objects used in "science" as in animals like toads, crickets and glowworms, and in nature like the branch of the elm tree. In this poem it has a way of symbolism used in mythology called archetypes. In the line "than I are seeking you in fountain, sun and star" It has archetypes. Last, in the poem When I heard the Learned Astronomer, its connection with science was that astronomy is a part of science, which this person is talking about. The way mythology fits into this poem is that when it says "mystical moist night-air," it means that the person is interested in the mystery of the stars and moon.

In Each one of these stories, mythology and science connect with each other in a way or two. I now know that mythology and science are not two totally different things. Sometimes it's easier to learn something with mythology, like the poem When I heard the Learned Astronomer. Sometimes it's easier to learn something with science. That's how I think each story had both mythology and science in them.

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Please note that this sample paper on Myth is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Myth, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on Myth will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

My Last Meal

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on My Last Meal. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality My Last Meal paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in My Last Meal, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your My Last Meal paper at affordable prices!

My Last Meal

The day before I left for school, I was hungry. I was so hungry, in fact, that it sounded as if a bear was trying to escape the confines of my stomach. Unfortunately for me, there was no food in the fridge, nor was there time to eat, even if there was food to eat.

There was a full day ahead of me. I had a driver's license test to take, a lot of shopping to do, and I hadn't begun the packing that I said I was going to a whole week ago. The night before, I set my alarm clock to ring at eight o'clock but when I woke up the alarm clock was blinking, indicating that it had lost power the at some point in the night. This is probably due to the fact that my step dad is a self appointed handy man, and like to mess around in the fuse box in the middle of the night when he gets off of the night shift.

When I looked on my cell phone display, I was shocked to find that I only had forty five minutes to get to a testing center that was fifty minutes away. I hopped out of bed, showered, and got dressed as quickly as possibility. Ironically, on my way to the test I didn't drive the speed limit once. I relaxed when I arrived to the test center with time to spare. When I saw the person in front of me begin their test, I decided to prepare myself for my test. I put my seat belt on, applied the emergency break, and pulled out my wallet to retrieve my drivers's permit. Words couldn't explain the looks of shock, awe, and dismay that swept across my face at the same time. At that point, I simply accepted the fact that I was going to college without a driver's license. Seeing that I was quite disheartened, my mom consoled and persuaded me to go to home, get the permit, and attempt to come back to take the test. The trip home and back took only an hour. When I returned to the testing center, I simply got in line as if I had an appointment within that time period. Oddly, even though I failed the test a week earlier, this day it seemed especially simple. It was only two minutes long and had an entirely different route.Help with essay on My Last Meal

After that ordeal, my hunger seemed to double, I needed something to eat. After my mom dropped me of so she could go to work, I hopped on the train and went downtown to begin my shopping. I stopped in a CVS and got an Nutrageous candy bar and a Pepsi(I didn't have a lot of cash on me).This held me over while I did most of my shopping.

After I got home I seemed to have slipped back into my previous stage of hunger. My friends were taking me out that night because it was my last night in town. I really had to get something to eat before I left out again. I rushed to the kitchen figuring that there had to be something to eat. When I opened the refrigerator and peered in, my eyes were greeted only by a half loaf of bread, and a couple slices of cheese. Although this was only a meager solution to my advanced level of hunger, it would have to do. I took out the cheese and bread and teamed the up into a sandwich that was fit for a king. The sandwich was made double decker style with three slices of bread. I began by warming up a skillet. After the skillet was warm, I heavily greased the pan with butter. Once the butter began to bubble, I put the sandwich in to the pan. I used a spatula to somewhat flatten the sandwich. Moments after that, I applied a lid to the pan. I personally feel that this is the key to making a good sandwich. It allows for the heat that comes off of the pan to move in a convection like manner and penetrate the sandwich rather than escaping into the open air. All though you want to keep a lid on the pan as much as possible, you should constantly check to make sure that the bread isn't burning. After about five minutes, my masterpiece was finished . I removed from the pan what seemed tto be the greatest grilled chees sandwich to ever be created. I vividly remember every luscious bite, how the cheese oozed from the sandwich as my teeth penetrated the buttery soft but crunchy toast.

After I finished the sandwich, I felt energized and ready to take on the world. That nigh was one of the best nights I had I a long time. I don't feel that it would have been half the night it was if I was still hungry. So, with that in mind, I would personally like to give a shout out to that grill cheese sandwich that made my night all that it was.

Please note that this sample paper on My Last Meal is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on My Last Meal, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on My Last Meal will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, December 7, 2020

Of mice and men

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on of mice and men. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality of mice and men paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in of mice and men, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your of mice and men paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

In the book 'of mice and men', John Steinbeck portrays the main characters, George and Lennie, Curley's wife, and Candy the old swamper, to have dreams which inspire them to go on with their difficult lives. George and Lennie with their dream ranch, which, inspires them to continue their lives. Curley's wife and her dreams of becoming an actor which help her escape reality. Candy was inspired to retire due to George and Lennie's dream ranch.

Throughout the book, 'of mice and men', George and Lennie are inspired because of their dream ranch. In the book, the ranch creates a bond between George and Lennie. Lennie repeatedly gets George to describe to him the dream ranch, which funnily enough seems to comfort Lennie. "Come on George, tell me like you done before….." Lennie was delighted, "that's it-that's it now tell me how it is with us" Lennie would say time and time again throughout the book(Steinbeck,14,pp-14-15). The ranch though, didn't just comfort Lennie, as it also helped George. It Comforted George as with the ranch, he could be his own boss, which meant he had a stable life and wouldn't have to move all the time. The dream ranch creates a strong bond between George and Lennie which is throughout Steinbeck's 'of mice and men'.

Throughout The Story, Curley's wife speaks her dreams to escape her hidden reality.

Curley's wife, who, throughout the story is treated like garbage, talks about how she could have been an actress in the movies. "well a show came through, and I met one of the actors. He says I coulda gone with that show" she 'd keep repeating to whoever would listen to her. The reason for these dreams is because she's lonely in the story, and, she doesn't like curley. "I ain't told noone bout this, and maybe I oughtn' to. I don't like Curley" she said to Lennie (Steinbeck,14,pp78-7). Curley's wife is portrayed as a lonely character who speaks her dreams to escape her lonely reality

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Candy dreams of retirement when he gets involved with George and Lennie's dream ranch. Candy, in the book, had already lost his hand, meaning that he was almost useless. The boss was going to can him soon. He then gets involved with George and Lennie's

Idea and starts to dream of retirement.

Please note that this sample paper on of mice and men is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on of mice and men, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on of mice and men will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, December 4, 2020


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Chopper. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Chopper paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Chopper, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Chopper paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!



A lady walks onto the set and sits down down on a small blue chair,holding a

bright red book which reads "Playtime stories" on the cover.

Do my essay on Chopper CHEAP !

A number of small kids are sitting around her.The kids cheer and clap.


Good morning everyone! My name is Polly Playtime and

welcome to...

POLLY + KIDS (at the same time)


POLLY Today on the show we have a very special guest.. (big smile)

Everyone say a big Playtime welcome to UNCLE CHOP-


Some of the kids cheer but some look bemused..who the hell is Uncle Chop-Chop?

POLLY (cont) (looks around)

Come on Uncle Chop-Chop,dont be shy,we dont bite

DO WE EVERYONE! (overly happy)

Afigure starts to appear from left of screen and walks toward Polly and the kids.

In his RIGHT HAND he is holding a lit ciggaretteand in his LEFT HAND,he is holding

an opened can of VB.

It's Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read, Melbourne's most feared and respected

standover man and underworld executioner.And he is obviously drunk.

Chopper stumbles over the Lego building blocks as he approaches Polly and the


CHOPPER (slurs) G'day everyone! How is everyone this fine evening..?

POLLY Umm,well,its actually 70 am Uncle Chop-Chop

CHOPPER Well is it really (big smile) (laughs)

Well thank you Polly for correcting my mistake (laughs again)

POLLY Umm,yes,well, why don't you tell the kids what you do for a

living (big smile)

I'll give everyone a hint,he's not an Ambulance Officer

(laughs overly loud)

The kids dont know whether to laugh or cry.

CHOPPER Well,i know it didn't pay to well,but I used to have "Playtime"

with my little friends in the criminal underworld (laughs)

(takes a drag of the ciggaretteand a large gulp of the beer)

POLLY Oh really? How wonderful,isn't that right everyone! (claps hands)

Uncle Chop-Chop,tell us what you mean by "playtime"

CHOPPER I used to cut crims toes off for fun

(laughs and smiles)

The children look a bit scared and some start to become teary eyed.Chopper looks at

the kids and can't tell they're upset because he's to drunk to notice.

CHOPPER (to a small boy) (high pitched voice)


LITTLE MONKEY (laughs and waves at the boy)

The boy starts to cry and is carried off stage.This is just the beginning.

POLLY So yes,anyway Uncle Chop-Chop,how about you tell us all about

your friends (smiles)

CHOPPER Well Poll,as you might already know,one of my supposedly best

mates was Jimmy Loughnan.I even kidnapped a judge to get him

out of prison,so in return,what does he do the cheeky little dog? He

tries to kill me then claimed i attacked him first so he could get a bit

of money

out of the system.Then there's bloody Neville Bartos,that bloody

wog idiot,thinking he's some criminal mastermind...bloody fruitshop

owner if you ask me.You might remember Poll,that i shot that idiot

in his stomach coz he was being a bloody smart-arse to me.Tell

me,what kind of person would argue with someone when that

person has a loaded gun pointed at you...And let me tell you kids

did he have a bloody whinge or what! (laughs)

The kids look really scared and most start to cry.

POLLY Umm..ok,well,i believe you have a poem to tell us all,isnt that right

Uncle Chop-Chop?

CHOPPER Yes,thats right Poll,does everyone want to hear it? (beat)

(kids shake their heads quickly)

Of cource you all do! (laughs)

CHOPPER (cont) (big smile and clears throat)

This one is called FAST EDDY.

Fast Eddy got grabbed on a friday night,

He died on Sunday lunch,

I didn't use much violence,

I didn't kick or punch,

But we had some fun before he died,

Yes we had some fun,

Played a game called Knee Cap,

Knee Cap nail gun,

I had to keep Eddy fresh,

He spent five days in the fridge,

Until I could arrange his funeral,

Under West Gate Bridge,

Fast Eddy had a heap of gold,

And every ounce of it I sold,

Eddy had a heap of dash,

But not enought o keep his cash,

He made it all from selling dope,

But in the end,he had no hope,

His mother wonders where Eddy is,

She cries and feels blue,

But don't cry dear,this is just a poem

And poems are rarely true.

Ha Ha.

CHOPPER Well well,thats not a bad little poem even if i do say so myself,

whatchya think Miss Polly? (chuckles) (trys to be funny)

POLLY Umm,well,that wa...

(starts to get into a matter-of-fact mode)


Miss Polly...did you by any chance have a dolly that was sick sick sick?

(laughs)..and they think I'M the twisted one! What about all these

bloody kid's fairytails ay?..you know,that one about that bloody

Snow white and the little dwarf blokes...what were their names..bloody

Sleepy,Dopey,Stupid and whatnot..you know what that so-called

child's book is about Poll?..go on,have a little guess...

POLLY I think we're getting off track here a litt....

CHOPPER Thats right...its all about the 7 stages of bloody heroin addiction!

These bloody mongrels at Walt Disney are bloody sugar-coating

society's bad habits by turning them into fancy shmancy little characters

selling them off to little children like yourselves over here...

(points to the kids)

KID whats herwin action?

CHOPPER (laughs) Thats HEROIN ADDICTION to you son! your a cheeky little thing

you are,arnchya! (laughs again)

Well,to keep it simple,if I ever caught you taking or dealing

heroin,I will personally see to it that you will never walk again,

(serious)...(suddenly very happy and upbeat)..but having said

that,a little bit of 'goey'' never killed anyone! (laughs and winks at

the boy)..just dont let your mummy catch you doing it or you'll

be sent to your room with no bloody telly (laughs)

(Polly and the rest of the crew look at Chopper stunned ; this guy is off his dial,

condoning drug taking.This show has got way out of hand)

POLLY (nervous laugh)

Umm,Uncle Chop-Chop,I dont think you should be saying to

everyone that taking drugs is...

CHOPPER (interrupts)

Hey kids (winks) ..I just so happen to have another small poem

tucked away in the back of me pocket..... (chuckles)

Kids are shaking their heads violently and start to cry.Please take this man away from us!

CHOPPER (cont) Look out Mr Shakespeare,Uncle Chop-Chop is here!

(looks at Polly and kids and give a toothy chuckle)

(Polly listens to her earpiece. FINISH THE SHOW RIGHT NOW!)

POLLY (pretends to be happy)

Well,I think thats all the time we've for today everyone!

(another nervous laugh)

How about a big thank you to Uncle Cho...

CHOPPER (interrupts again and pulls out another sheet of paper from his pocket)

This one's about this greasy little Turk called Sammy.Sneaky

little cunt tried to luer me into this empty bloody car-park at this

bar called Bojangles where all his mates were there ready to

give me a good old going over. But the Knucklehead took me

to the wrong bloody carpark (laughs) And this guy was ready

to pop me off,but unknown to him I had a sawn off .410

shotgun down the back of my pants,and a . down the front.

(laughs)...I'm sure you kids can guess what happened next

(chuckles and winks at the kids)

Anyways,enough with the fanciful stories.This ones

appropriately named SAMMY THE TURK. (chuckles again)

(Polly and kids are to scared to argue now)

CHOPPER She said get The Chopper out of the bar,

Shane and the boys are in the car,

If you can help set up the Big Fella,Turk,you'll be a star,

The boys farmed it out,they had it ghosted,

But as Sammy walked out the door,the boys just left him


The game was for real,it was no lark,

But Sammy walked toward the wrong carpark,

Silly boys,was all The Chopper had to say,

It wasn't their lucky day,

And poor Sammy the Turk got blown away.

Kids are crying and Polly is panicking.Its chaos.

CHOPPER (chuckles)

So what you think kids? pretty bloody good poetry if you ask

me.I've got another one somewhere here (feels around in his




colour bands.

Ben Stevenson


Please note that this sample paper on Chopper is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Chopper, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Chopper will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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