Monday, November 2, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on biomolecules. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality biomolecules paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in biomolecules, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your biomolecules paper at affordable prices!

#Biomolecules Identification

1. A- I would test for a monosaccharide by mixing ml of a particular solution with 6 ml of Benedict's solution in a test tube. I would then heat the test tube in a boiling water for three minutes, then let it cool. If the solution turns a yellow/orange/red color it is positive for glucose. If the solution stays blue then there is no presence of glucose.

1. B- I would test for starch by placing ml of a particular solution in a test tube. I would then add - drops of Iodine. If the Iodine turns blue/black, starch is present.

1. C- I would test lipids by placing a small amount of a solution in a test tube. I would then add several drops of Sudan IV. I would then shake the solution vigorously and set it aside for observation. When the mixture has settled I would observe for the presence of droplets. The solution is positive for lipids if it has formed pink droplets.Help with essay on biomolecules

1. D- I would test for the presence of proteins by placing a particular solution in a test tube. I would then add 10-15 drops of Biuret solution . If the solution turns blue/violet color, proteins are present. I could also perform the same test using Nitric acid. The solution would then turn a yellow color if proteins are present.

. Sucrose is a disaccharide. To do a Benedict solution test I would have to hydrolyze sucrose into its two monosaccarides. To break it down I would put 5 ml of sucrose solution and ml of 1 M Hydrochloric Acid in a test tube. I would then heat the solution in boiling water for minutes. Then I can perform the Benedict solution test.

. Benedicts solution reacts with exposed aldehyde groups.

4. A- To hydrolyze a solution means to break a compound down into monosaccarides.

B- It is down with sucrose because sucrose is a disaccharide. For sucrose to be tested for glucose it has to be broken down into monosaccarides for the test to give a positive result.

5. Biuret reagent reacts with peptide bonds.

6. A- A 5% Vitamin C solution is more concentrated than a 10% Vitamin C solution.

B- I Can prove this by performing the following test

1. I would put 10 ml of Vitamin C indicator into test


. I would then add drops of 5%Vitamin C solution in

one test tube and 10% solution in the other.

. Which ever solution turns colorless first has the higher.

concentration of Vitamin C

Please note that this sample paper on biomolecules is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on biomolecules, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on biomolecules will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" paper at affordable prices!

"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is a coming-of-age story. A story in which Stephen Dedalus moves from the insecurities of childhood to the confidence and determination of adulthood. Stephen always wanted the same basic thing the freedom to live as he pleased free from the rule of others. Stephen's name, Dedalus, is a reference to flight in Greek mythology. Like his martyred namesake, Stephen suffers because of his unique perception of the world. He works his way through the labyrinth of school, Dublin, and the church before he transcends this maze. Stephen reflects on life in Ireland saying "When the soul of a man is born in this country there are nets flung at it to hold it back from flight" (0). Throughout the novel, Joyce relates flight and the beings of flight to the experiences that move Stephen in the direction of attending his goal. Stephens ultimate desire to live for himself and to have the ability to realize his own dreams without the limitations of others is represented by the concept of flight.

One of the earliest examples of the connection of freedom with flight can be found at the end of the first chapter as Stephen's classmates are cheering him as a hero. In a literal and physical sense Stephen is essentially flying above his classmates as they made a cradle of their locked hands and hoisted him among them and carried him along (60). Stephens flight cannot be contained to this simple physical experience. Stephen, a socially challenged child who referred to himself as small and weak, is now being cheered as the champion of the College. His euphoria and sense of flight goes beyond the gratification of being accepted by his schoolmates. It represents the beginning of Stephens independence of thought and freedom from the rules of others. He has taken a stand against Father Dolan's unjust punishment at the hands of the Catholic Church. Stephen goes through life trying to escape those who control him, in particular, the Church. At this point in his life, he is still very much a child. Stephen is not yet ready to throw away his allegiance the church, and says that he must remain, very quite and obedient and he wished that he could do something kind for [Father Dolan] to show him that he was not proud (60-61). At this stage in his life, Stephen is still comfortable pledging allegiance to others around him, but he is at his happiest when he can act as he chooses.

Stephen again encounters the imagery of flight after his family has been forced to move from their home in Bray and Stephen begins his studies at Belvedere College in Dublin. There he meets Vincent Heron, a boy whom he describes as having, a birds face as well as a birds name and a shock of pale hair like a ruffled crest (80). Heron represents everything that Stephen secretly yearns for. While the rest of the student body is obediently inside the assembly hall waiting for the play to begin, Heron and his friend are outside enjoying a cigarette. Heron is independent and refuses to fall in line with the demands of the faculty at Belvedere College. He has not allowed anyone to get in the way of his thoughts and desires, and as a result he is portrayed by Joyce as having birdlike characteristics. Heron is free to fly away to the world he desires, a quality Stephen admires.

Custom Essays on Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"

Stephen's fear of being unable to fly leads him to momentarily return to the Catholic Church of his childhood. The sermon given to Stephen and his classmates during their Saint Xavier retreat at Belvedere College entails the reasons one may be sentenced to eternity in Hell and the suffering of its inhabitance. The preacher tells Stephen, who has recently taken to a life of debauchery and visiting prostitutes on a regular basis, that in Hell both the flesh and the soul suffer always. The image of Lucifer, the fallen angel, is the central image of the sermon. This is where Stephens desire to take flight is captured. Lucifer was an angel who had the ability to fly and was unbound by the rules of others. Through his sin, however, all of that was lost. Stephen fears that he too has been sentenced to lose his wings and will be forever Hell bound. It is this fear that causes Stephen to repent.

Flight is again the theme when Stephen realizes that for his entire life he has been stopping short of living a life that is truly free. He has lived a life so meticulous in its adherence to the practices of the Catholic Church that he is approached by the director of Belvedere and asked if he has ever considered a vocation in the priesthood. The priest tells Stephen that he is marked off from his companions by his piety (170). Although much of the imagery associated with the Catholic Church seems to imply flight flying towards heaven on the wings of angels, being born up on eagles wing by the Hand of God, the idea of Christs Ascension into the sky, these are nowhere to be found in Stephens mind. Instead Joyce tells the reader how Stephen is not destined to be a member of the priesthood because being a member of any order would prevent him from learning the wisdom of others among the snares of the world (175). Stephen believes that freedom in life must not be restricted.

Stephen begins to comprehend his need for freedom and desire for flight as he is making his decision to reject the priesthood. As Stephen walks around the streets of Dublin thoroughly convinced that he must turn away from the priesthood, he looks skyward and focuses on the slowdrifting clouds, dappled and seaborn. They were voyaging across the deserts of the sky (181). The vision that Stephen sees, a hawk-like man flying sunward above the sea (18), is a foretelling of his final decision to leave the land that he calls home in search of freedom and artistic identity. Joyce connects the sky with the concept of journeying and freedom. It is at this moment that Stephen begins to realize the desire that has been within him all along. He has been trying to find freedom within a system which is founded upon strict rules and regulations. The only answer to his problem is, like the clouds, to journey away from that which controls him.

Stephens change in thinking is best represented when he wades out into the water and a beautiful girl suddenly appears before him. Much as Stephen describes Heron earlier, the features of this girl are bird-like in nature. He refers to her as being

. . . like one whom magic had changed into the likeness of a strange and beautiful seabird. Her long slender bare legs were delicate as a cranes and pure save where an emerald trail of seaweed had fashioned itself as a sign upon the flesh. Her thighs, fuller and softhued as ivory, were bared almost to the hips where the white fringes of her drawers we like featherings of soft white down. Her slateblue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her. Her bosom was as a birds soft and slight, slight and soft as the breast of some darkplumaged dove. (185-186).

This girl, like Heron, represents the freedom that Stephen can have if he makes the choice to fly over the nets that are holding him back. The girl differs from Heron because she is there for Stephen to accept as his own. When Stephen was following Heron, he was on the outside looking into a life of freedom. In this instance, the opportunity is set before him, and he is given the ability to choose for himself.

As Stephen is standing on the steps of the library, he comes to a realization while watching a flock of birds fly overhead. He feels the need to depart from the world he has established for himself and start again fresh just as birds are "ever leaving the homes they had built to wander" (45). He feels that "the augury he had sought in the wheeling darting birds and in the pale space of sky above him had come forth from his heart like a bird from a turret quietly and swiftly" (45). As he takes off into the unknown, he calls on his old father, Daedelus, the old artificer, to stand [him] now and ever in good stead (76). He has created for himself, just as his legendary namesake, wings to fly from his oppression into a world where he will be free to exercise his own desires.

Works Cited

Joyce, James. The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Text, Criticism, and Notes. Ed. Seamus

Deane. University of Minnesota Penguin Books, 164.

Please note that this sample paper on Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", we are here to assist you. Your essay on Flight in James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

MY NEW friend

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on MY NEW friend. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality MY NEW friend paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in MY NEW friend, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your MY NEW friend paper at affordable prices!

Traveling is rather complicated thing, because you always must choose the company.

You should always travel with someone whose idea of fun is also your idea of fun.

On a personal note, despite my last experience, I still believe it is better to travel with two or more people -- assuming you get along. It is safer, cheaper and more interactive.

After all, wouldnt you want to share your awe of the Great Pyramids, the romance of the Eiffel Tower, or the magnificence of the Niagara Falls with someone?

Order custom research paper on MY NEW friend

Travel mates

Its the holiday you have been planning for months. You eagerly set off. But a couple of days

into your vacation, you realise youve got a pain of a travelling companion.

What to do now - suffer in silence or sharpen your claws?

It is no fun travelling with a penny pincher, where every ruble counts, and every portion has to be divided equally.

When my travel mate turned into Scrooge, I found myself being watched right down to the number of oysters we shared on a plate.

For her, everything was split right down to the last cent - - taxi fare, car rental, petrol, even toll charges.

Never mind that I sometimes ended up forking out more than my share.

This is all part and parcel of travelling, you sometimes have to end up paying for others, my companion tossed out one day, leaving me open-mouthed at her absolute cheek.

Finders keepers

Then, there are the people who cannot resist taking mementos from places they have visited.

That often puts you in a spot, because even though you are not the one actually pocketing things, if caught, you are guilty by association.

Mrs Germaine Chang, managing director of her own consultancy, has travelled with someone whose behaviour bordered on kleptomania.

She wasnt picky -- cutlery, cups and saucers, left-over breakfast would all mysteriously disappear when I came back from the ladies, said Mrs Chang of her travelling buddy.

And it got worse. As the person became bolder, she even tried to sneak a book out from a shop.

Its not that she couldnt afford it -- it was the challenge of not being caught. It gave her a high, I think.

Conflict of interest

Sometimes, travellers go to the same place with very different objectives.

For commodities trader Janice Lim, that is exactly what happened.

One time, I went to Perth with a friend. I was looking forward to trying out all the wonderful restaurants my friends had told me about; she was more interested in the theatre.

Nothing wrong with that, except that she went to this same musical twice in two nights!

Plus, she didnt want to spend too much on food, so we ended up eating lots of Red Rooster.

I checked out the restaurants myself.

Sometimes, what starts out promising can turn sour overnight.

Ms Connie Yeung, who was in Bangkok on a shopping trip, lost track of her girlfriend for a whole night when the latter ran off with a guy she met in a nightclub.

The marketing manager didnt want to go bar-hopping, but her girlfriend did. She did not return until the next morning.

I was up all night, worrying myself silly. She didnt call and I didnt know if she was dead or alive!

Hidden agenda

Different objectives aside, what if your travelling companion isnt very honest?

On my last trip, my travel mate and I had separate rooms. That way, I was told, we would not inconvenience each other.

And then I learnt the truth Part of the reason for her trip was to rendezvous with a guy she insisted was just a friend.

Sure, and my aunts the Queen of Timbuktu!

Motor mouth

Ever travel with someone who cannot stop talking?

Ms Lim, an avid traveller, has been on the receiving end of this nightmare.

It was non-stop yak yak yak while we were driving, eating... and then non-stop comments when we watched telly at night.

I would bury my head in my travel journal. That journal filled up very quickly.

Nighttime woes

Unless you are deaf or dead to the world when you are asleep, there is nothing worse than being stuck in a room with someone who snores.

Said Ms Lim Anytime a potential travel companion says, even jokingly, Eh, I snore, dont mind me, alarm bells should ring hysterically in your head.

You are no better off sharing a room with someone who is sick all the time either, said Ms Yeung.

My friend refused to see the doctor, she preferred to self-medicate.

But her coughing got progressively worse, depriving Ms Yeung of her beauty sleep for three consecutive nights.

Ultimately, for a truly enjoyable trip, make sure your travel buddy is someone with whom you get along well.

Please note that this sample paper on MY NEW friend is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on MY NEW friend, we are here to assist you. Your essay on MY NEW friend will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Disadvantages Of Owing a Car

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Disadvantages Of Owing a Car. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Disadvantages Of Owing a Car paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Disadvantages Of Owing a Car, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Disadvantages Of Owing a Car paper at affordable prices!

Is there any disadvantages of having a car? Having a car for a couple of years made me realize some disadvantages. For example,risking your life, spending money and the waste of time.

The first disadvantage is risking our life.We know the way we drive so we have to be carefull with the others drivers. when we are driving we always have to see if the person next to us is driving right. Because we never know if that driver is going to hit our car and cause and accident or maybe death. We never know what could happend while we are driving. For example you could be driving whit your kids in the car but there is an old lady driving next to you. you never know if she coukd suffer from an hearth attack and loose control of the car. Last thing you remember you were driving with your kids and know one is dead and you and your other child in a coma. So driving a car could be very dangerous for your life and others.

The second disadvantage is the money we spend. The good cars cost around 10,000 dollars and more. It all depends in what kind of car you like or want to drive. After getting the car we must paid the insurance for the car every year or six months. After that the car next gasoline to be able to run. Gasoline every day is becoming more expensive. Finally there is the parking. Every time we go shoping in some places we must paid for the parking of the car. If we dont park appropiate we get a ticket which is also very expensive. In other words, the responsibility of the car, and taking care of it could be very expensive.

Finally, owing a car is a could be wasting our time. First, we must take time and look for the perfect car we want and like to buy. Then we spend a whole day in Motor Vehicule getting all the paper work done. So, we could drive the car legally whit no problem. We also lose the time to sleep. For example, when we get up early to go to work or school. We must get there one hour and half early just to get a parking. And finally when there is traffic. Sometimes we cant move for hours. In conclusion, these are some reasons i belived owing a car is a waste of time.

In others words, owing a car carhas many disadvantages. Eventhoug sometimes it could be very necessary. I would recomend when posible to use public transportation is safer and more econmic.

Please note that this sample paper on Disadvantages Of Owing a Car is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Disadvantages Of Owing a Car, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Disadvantages Of Owing a Car will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

What is love?

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on what is love?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality what is love? paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in what is love?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your what is love? paper at affordable prices!


What is love? It may seem like a stupid question, but on second examination, it doesn't seem quite stupid. Love by definition is an emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or love of God (based on the definition found in the Encarta encyclopaedia). After all, love is a feeling. How can we really describe what a feeling is or means? The meaning of any feeling can differ greatly between individuals. Love has many different meanings to different people. L O V E this four letter word, one of the most frequently used words in our lives, yet one of the most complicated and misunderstood word of all times. I will try now, to describe how love feels like.

We can feel love in many different ways, but I think that there is a moment in life when we experience the strongest love. That moment is when we meet our first crush or when we fall in love with someone. When you fall in love there is nothing who can stop all the feelings that your heart experience. There's a moment when your eyes can't keep the secret that you are in love, but you just keep silence hoping for the moment when your soul let escape a little of his shine through out your eyes. Suddenly, everything is the most beautiful, and you learn to listen the silence of the night, and you find that the moon, the stars, and all the things you do; have sense. You can't figure out why are you feeling that, but then you remember his smile, his eyes while you are listening a romantic song. Then, you start imagine all kind of love stories, but when you realise that is just a dream you wish that he was there hugging you or just sitting there by your side. Then, something comes to your mind and finish with all that. That something is a question; is the biggest doubt in your mind is he thinking about me?. while you are thinking that maybe he isn't thinking about you, Your heart starts beating so hard, and starts telling you his name. You feel like nothing matters anymore and you wish only to see him, so you forgot all the doubts, and you think that the only way we can really enjoy love is letting your heart beat, and letting your mind dream about him; dream about love.

As we get older and more experienced, we realize that we are all destined to be with that one special person in this world. As we all set out on our journeys searching for the right one, we realize that love often fail us and breaks us down. The person you thought to be your soulmate turns out to be a simple person in your life and you feel as if that marks the end of your life. but think about it. With millions and millions of invisible strings that attach each one of us to our soulmates, it's hard to go through without getting tangled up with others. One cannot deny that love is something that we all need for our lives and it's our duty to untangle each string, one by one, until we finally get to the right one. Love is pain, love brakes your heart; it tears you into pieces, leaves you hopeless, and it often seems like love is never on our side. At times like this, just think about that special someone who is on the other side, going through the same emotional turbulence just to find you.

Buy what is love? term paper

Even we have experienced a crush we still haven't describe the feeling. I mean, how love feels inside?. If love is the strongest emotion that a human being can have, so love is everywhere because everyone need it. Love feels like a refreshing bottle of cold water in the hot summer. Love is like wet sand between bare toes. Love is the most beautiful landscape. Love is an evening with your friends. Love is a big and comfortable hug. Love is a sweet; warm kiss. Love can evoke laughter, pleasure, pain, anger, happiness, and any wave of reaction. Love is all the passion that we live for. It's very difficult to describe Love in words, love is only about feelings. It is simply to complex for humans to understand through words. The only way a human can possibly understand love is to have been in love at one point and time. Love is an act of faith. It requires trust and conviction. There is no method to measure or test love; those who love must accept the word of another that their love is shared. Feelings of affection and devotion that love brings are irreplaceable and untouchable. Being in love can touch a person's life forever and leave an imprint never to be forgotten. There is no other feeling that can compare to love. It is true " All you need is love."

Please note that this sample paper on what is love? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on what is love?, we are here to assist you. Your essay on what is love? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Grandma. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Grandma paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Grandma, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Grandma paper at affordable prices!

¡§Grandma!¡¨ shouted little Sandy as Grandma was gently wheeled into the old folk's home. ¡§Flowers!¡¨ said Sandy as she pointed her finger towards some bright red hibiscus. Grandma made a funny twitch with the right corner of her lips, much to Sandy's amusement.

¡§Grandma has been bed-ridden for the last five years¡Kand I have tried my best to keep her in my custody but¡KI'm only seventeen.,¡¨ said Jerald to the supervisor of the old folk's home, Madam Liew. Jerald's Grandma was a victim of abuse by her daughter-in-law, Jerald's step-mother. His step-mother was a cruel woman who wanted nothing more to do with the old lady. She found it a nuisance to look after the paralyzed Grandma, who suffered a stroke and had Parkinson's disease. ¡§What about your father? I mean, why didn't the court put your Grandma under his care?¡¨ asked Madam Liew. ¡§He's¡Kerm¡Kan alcoholic¡K¡¨ answered Jerald quietly. All of a sudden, Madam Liew wished she had not been so inquisitive. After a few moments of awkward silence, Jerald finally said something, ¡§so, I'll come by and visit her everyday¡Kif possible. Call me immediately if anything happens to Grandma.¡¨ Madam Liew nodded.

¡§Bye Grandma!¡¨ waved Sandy. Grandma did not respond. Jerald hugged Grandma and kissed her goodbye before picking Sandy up in his fine strong arms. Grandma watched silently as the two made their way out. What left in her were the memories of abuse and some faded sweet reminiscences of her good grandson and granddaughter. Madam Liew wheeled Grandma back into the home, wanting to help her get use to life in the old folk's home.

While on the way home, Sandy asked Jerald, ¡§Why didn't Grandma come home with us, Jerald?¡¨ Jerald pretended to look out of the window of the bus. He did not know how to answer or if he wanted to answer Sandy. Sweet innocent little Sandy. What do she know? She was barely six years old and she must not know anything about her drunkard father or her mother in jail or¡K¡¨Jerald?¡¨ prompted Sandy again. Jerald pursed his lips and tightened his arms around Sandy's tiny waist and continued looking out of the window. Sandy knew her brother well. She knew that if Jerald didn't want to answer questions he didn't like, he wouldn't. So there sat Sandy in Jerald's lap, keeping quiet for a long, long time.

Buy Grandma term paper

¡§Shall we visit Grandma tomorrow?¡¨ asked Jerald suddenly when they alighted the bus. ¡§Really?¡¨ said Sandy, suddenly brightening up with her cheeks flushing with happiness. Jerald smiled upon seeing his little sister so happy. ¡§Yeah, I promise,¡¨ said Jerald bending down and holding up his last finger to Sandy. Sandy took his finger and dribbled her saliva all over it. Jerald looked on with disgust, but it was their way of making, and keeping, promises.

Upon reaching home, Jerald opened the door to hear some plates smashing in the kitchen and clumsy collisions against the furniture. It didn't take him long to sense that his father was home. He quickly shooed the frightened Sandy into her room. ¡§Jerald, who was that?¡¨ whispered Sandy. Jerald motioned her to sit still and keep very quiet in her room while he investigated.

¡§Dad, what the hell do you think you are doing at this time of the day in this house?¡¨ asked Jerald in an unnaturally cool voice. He was trying very hard to calm himself as he did not want Sandy to know what was going on.

¡§Son, come, come and drink with me. Where's Sandy? Ask her to come and join us too!¡¨ sang Mr. Lim. ¡§I don't have time for this, okay, dad. All I want to know is why you are home drinking when you should be working, and why can't I have some peace around here?¡¨ said Jerald, this time louder, and nearly yelling. ¡§I¡KI'm¡Kout of job¡K.Look, I want you to understand ¡V ¡¨ Jerald did not wait for his father to finish, he carefully stepped over the broken plates and took hold of his dad by the shoulders, yelling into his face, ¡§I don't give a DAMN! I don't care! I don't wanna understand! All I want is Grandma home, and you outta my life!¡¨ Jerald left his dad standing in the middle of the kitchen, stunned. It was for a moment before Mr. Lim suddenly became more sober and angry that his son showed no respect for him. ¡§I AM your father! Whatever I say, you listen, my orders, you do!¡¨ he roared. ¡§Yeah, yeah, whatever! I don't have a father like you!¡¨ he spat.

Grandma lay on her bed, feeling very uneasy. She couldn't move but she had a button in her hands to buzz for the nurse to come. She missed Sandy and Jerald. She couldn't quite remember why she was here in the first place. All she could remember was a woman beating her constantly with kicks, punches and cane. That woman was horrible! She wouldn't let Grandma eat. There were many times when she felt very uncomfortable and agitated. Her bladder felt like bursting but the horrible woman refused to bring her to the toilet.When Grandma finally let loose, the woman would grumble and protest and cane her. It was her grandson who helped to clean her up.

Suddenly, Grandma realized she had dirtied herself again. She reluctantly pressed the buzzer in her palm.

A petite nurse came in a short while later. Grandma expected a grunt or something insulting. Instead, the nurse flashed her a wide smile. The nurse made a hasty exit after her job was done. Grandma tried to smile but the nurse left so quickly that Grandma couldn't even try. Not long after, Grandma felt lonely again. If only she could move¡K

¡§Grandma!¡¨ Sandy shouted as she ran into the room. Jerald held his breath, the place stunk with strong medical smell. As the two of them neared Grandma, she almost reached out for Sandy¡Kwell, almost. Her movements were very restricted, so she lay there still. Grandma tried to smile again. This time, she could feel her cheeks muscles stretching a tiny bit. ¡§I missed you!¡¨ cried Sandy as she threw her arms around Grandma's neck. The stretch on Grandma's cheeks slowly crept down to her jaws. She hoped that Sandy could see a difference. ¡§Grandma, are you okay?¡¨ asked the concerned Jerald, seeing Grandma's rigid expression, especially her cheeks. Grandma blinked twice, indicating that there was nothing wrong with her. Jerald shrugged his shoulders and continued helping Grandma to adjust her bed.

Grandma took a good look at Jerald. Now, was that young man her grandson? Oh no¡K she couldn't quite remember his name. ¡§Jerald, can you give Grandma my card, please?¡¨ Oh yes, Jerald. Grandma stared blankly at the card Sandy had made. It was childish picture of five stick figures and lots of hearts. Although it wasn't as good as Vangough's or Leonardo's, it was heart-warming.

Jerald grabbed the nearest chair and sat down beside Grandma. He sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair. ¡§Grams,¡¨ he started, ¡§Dad¡Khe and his wife wanted you dead. They were after your insurance money. That was why you had stroke in the first place, right? You were so angry and all¡K¡¨ Grandma squeezed her eyes tight. Yes, that was true. She'd never dreamed of her own son collaborating with an outsider, to get her money. Luckily, she was smart enough to change the beneficial names to both Sandy and Jerald.

¡§So, Grandma, please¡Kdon't die¡Kdon't let them get the money,¡¨ ended Jerald. He didn't know what else to say. Grandma probably doesn't understand anyway. ¡§I'm gonna look for a job because Dad's funds are running low, you know, all those cash squandered away on his drinks. I have to look after Sandy, so I couldn't come and visit you as often if I get a job,¡¨ said Jerald, shifting around in his chair. Grandma looked at him painfully. Only seventeen and he had to balance school, work and family. She felt like dying so she could help him out. At that instant, she thought of a plan.

Jerald got out of his chair and waved goodbye to Grandma. After they left, Grandma looked around for a sharp object. A fruit knife lay on a table right beside Grandma's bed. Grandma wanted to make it a point to move her fingers and arms at least a little everyday, to make them come alive again. She remembered her doctor telling her she could recover, but the physio-therapy would cost a lot. Grandma decided it was time to teach herself how to move. Day after day, Jerald's situation would not be any better than the day before, until he was threatened to drop out of school, if he couldn't pay his school fees.

One night, Grandma felt she was strong enough to reach out for the fruit knife, which was now on the breakfast table right in front of her. She grabbed it, trembling and struggling to hold it. She made a quick slice on her wrist. Nothing. She'd need more strength now. Gathering all the strength she had, Grandma made a forceful slash on her left wrist. Blood. That was the last thing she wanted to see¡K

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Friday, October 23, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on shakespear. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality shakespear paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in shakespear, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your shakespear paper at affordable prices!

In Shakespeare's book A Midsummer Nights Dream, Lysander says,

"The course of true love never did run smooth.'' Lysander is saying this to his true love Herima. Whom her parents disapproved of their love for each other. While this is going on Demetruis is making Helena his bride, although he is in love with Herima. The story gets even better when the fairies are helping them to think they all have true love.

Lysander and Hermia love each other very much, much knowing that Hermia's parents would approve or would not let them get married because Hermia's father wants his daughter to marry Demetruis she doesn't then she will die. So, Lysander comes up with a great plan that they will run away with each other and go stay with his aunt. Who thinks of him as a son. While they were discussing this they were in the forest where it is getting late so they decide to spend the night with each other. When they wake, up all will be different.

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Helena loves Demetruis even though, Demetruis's true love is Hermia, but he will never be able to be with her because she's in love with Lysander. Even though Hermia's father would like her to marry Demrtruis, he decides that since Helena loves me, I'm going to love her. While Oberon and Puck the fairies, are walking through the forest talking about how to get the "Indian Boy'' they come across Lysander who is sleeping in the woods. They put love juice in his eyes thinking it was someone else. The love juice makes you fall in love with the first person you see. When Lysander wakes up he sees Helena and right then and there he falls in love with her. When Oberon and Puck found out what they have done, they know there is going to be a big problem, because they were supposed to put the love juice into Demetruis eyes. So, the fairies tired to make the mistake right by putting love juice into Demetruis's eyes, so when Demetruis wakes up and see's Helena he would fall in love with her. Now, Demetruis and Lysander are in love with the same girl which Helena thinks that this is happening out of meanness. So to fix the problem, Oberon and Puck put love juice back into Lysander so that Herima can wake him up and he will fall in love with her. So at the end of the story Lysander loves Herima. Demetruis loves Helena. At the end of the story, no one knows what love juice can do to peoples true love for each other. So I guess what Lysander said was true," The course of true love never did run smooth.

Please note that this sample paper on shakespear is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on shakespear, we are here to assist you. Your essay on shakespear will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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