Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Suspension bridges

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on suspension bridges. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality suspension bridges paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in suspension bridges, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your suspension bridges paper at affordable prices!

The design of the suspension bridge is pleasing to the eye, but its design is complex and convoluted. A suspension bridge is a bridge where cables are strung across whatever obstacle it happens to be and the deck is suspended from these cable.

Designing abridge is a difficult task that causes many engineers to become quite uneasy. The engineers get that uneasy feeling because once the bridge is built it's there for a long time, and an unfortunate error of judgment is on view for all to see. Much depends on the location for the bridge to be built, how large a load it will have to carry, and so on. The designers ask themselves, and each other many questions. Will it cross a river, and have to stand up to strong currents and perhaps flooding? Will it be wide enough for the traffic? Do approach roads need to be built? Will it be high enough for ships to pass below? Will people like the way it looks? Most importantly, will it be safe under all conditions?

The decision making process can be made easy, but usually winds up being difficult and long. The process starts with various committees meeting and arguing about the good and bad points of the different ways in which the bridge can be built, and where. After a decision is made the committee gets someone to draw up a specification, which describes what is needed. This specification is published, so that the people who wish to build the bridge can say how they would do it, how much it would cost, and so on. Bridge designers are specialists in the field. They've built many bridges, solved many problems and have a wide range of experience. When the designers have read the specifications some groundwork ideas are sketched up and discussed. Then representing upon their experience they begin to work on the calculations, designing and drawing the bridge. Usually several firms will prepare drawings to be presented to the client. To consider the various ideas more committees are assembled and ultimately a design is selected. The firm, which has received the contract, then allocates the work to contractors who do the actual construction, under the supervision of the designers. The contractors employ sub-contractors to do the work, and then the materials are ordered.

Over the centuries bridge construction has changed. Wages are now higher, and materials are dearer. The bridge builders need to be more careful about how much wood, steel, or stone is used, and how many workers and machines are going to be involved. The handling of materials in the old days was a relatively quiet non-polluting matter of horses and carts, but now the diesel engine has taken over, solving some problems and creating others. The delivery dates for the materials need to be arranged so everything arrives on the site at the right time as far as possible. The quantity ordered is very important because the lack of a material at some stage of the work may hold up the entire undertaking, and add to the cost, for delays are expensive. Although the first thing is to make sure that the bridge will be strong enough allowing for all of the expected load, the engineers think about the way the structure looks, too. There are some things that look good anyway, when properly designed, and a bridge is one of them. A bridge that used material improperly usually looks skinny and wobbly, or fat and clumsy.

Order custom research paper on suspension bridges

Starting with the specification, the engineers need to put in a lot of mathematical work. At one time this was a branch called "statics", dealing with stationary things; but bridge parts do move; they sway in the wind, give and vibrate. For these reasons statics alone cannot be used to solve all of the problems. Modern computers now provide engineers with new advanced mathematical computer programs that incorporate all aspects of a bridge. The mathematical side of the work is speed up due to the use of the modern computer, and engineers are able to produce pictures of the finished bridge, before the first material orders are issued, to show what the finished bridge will look like.

The suspension bridge is the most distinct and the most difficult bridge to design. They are very pleasing to the eye, which makes them readily recognized. The cables or chains hang down in natural enjoyable curves, and the only thing that can spoil their appearance might be an unfeeling design of the pylons that carry the cables. If they are unsightly they can ultimately ruin the appearance, as they show up from all angles.

Please note that this sample paper on suspension bridges is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on suspension bridges, we are here to assist you. Your essay on suspension bridges will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy paper at affordable prices!

In the article Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy is about a clash between the boy scouts laws and the beliefs of a boy scout. The conflict is on that all twelve laws must be followed; the one in particular is the one on reverence. This has a created a large controversy.

According to the laws of Boy Scout there are twelve that must be followed trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. They had a member who had been scouting with them for ten years, his name Darrell Lambert. Last year he had achieved the highest rank which is Eagle. . As he is now in college, he volunteers as an assistant in a troop in Port Orchard, where his own mother is a scoutmaster. The issue here is the ultimatum given to Lambert last month which was handed to him by scouting officials in Seattle. The ultimatum was to "...abide by the vow of reverence by Nov or get out." According to Lambert he looks at it from another perspective, he feels "he was given a week to find God". He finds their request unrealistic he says "they say I should think about what I …Can they expect me to change my beliefs in seven days?" Apparently the boy scouts official, Mark Hunter, (the director of marketing and administration for the chief Seattle Council) they feel they are just "enforcing a national policy". The feel very strongly on this matter as they feel this is the basis, the foundation of the scouts organization "The Boy Scouts is a faith based organization, he said, and the issue of God is not negotiable. Aside from the vow of reverence in the Scout Law, every Boy Scout pledges a duty to God and in the Scout Oath." The feel by Lambert not meeting up to this requirement, he cannot be apart of this organization, since the basis of this organization is based on the faith of God. He even goes to sate in the article "'Advocating a belief in a supreme being has been a core value of the Boy Scouts, Hunter said. 'The 1th point of the Scout Law is 'reverent,' and that includes being faithful in your religious duties and respecting the beliefs of others." As it happens to be, Lamberts acknowledges that he was aware the importance of this "national policy long ago. He admitted to sometimes mouthing the parts about reverence and God when reciting the law and oath. Other times… training for adult leaders." at this training for adult leaders a scouting official began a discussion about religion and mentioned "that the only way a non believer could advance in scouting would be to lie about his beliefs, said Lambert and his mother, Trish Lambert, …The official went on to suggest that 'a person who doesn't believe in God is not a good citizen,' said Lambert". In the article it goes on to explain, it was that comment, which has caused a problem for him. Even though he was an atheist and he revealed it, still many of the leaders and adults considered him as a role model in his troop, and he achieved the status of Eagle. Even when last year when being considered for the Eagle award, when he was interviewed by the board of scouting leaders, even then he notified them that he was an atheist. His mother had told him not to, but he felt he had to, even if it meant him not receiving his award. In fact several members of the board congratulated his mother, saying it was commendable of her son to have the courage. In fact in one of the leaders in his mother's troop, backed up her son once again, when they got sixteen parents, who represented the entire troop, who all signed a letter to the Chief Seattle Council to permit Lambert to stay on. That his "atheism had never been an issue in the troop and it did nothing to change the spiritual foundation of scouting." Even though Mrs. Lambert stated that she did indeed believe in God as the other leaders did, but "… her son should not be punished for 'questioning himself and his spirituality.' ".

After having read the article I feel the reason why the Chief Seattle council won't allow Darrell Lambert to stay are no unjust to him. One of the main reasons being, they mentioned in the article "'Advocating a belief in a supreme being has been a core value of the Boy Scouts,' Hunter said. 'The 1th point of the Scout Law is 'reverent,' and that includes being faithful in your religious duties and respecting the beliefs of others.". After having said that statement, they specifically state respecting the beliefs of others, they do not specify that this rule does not imply to fellow scout members. This being the case and this being their policy, they should not even be trying to kick out Derek Lambert. If they were to, they would somewhat being going against their own beliefs, which would in the end be extremely contradictory t o their argument. Their argument being that Lambert's belief of atheism is different from what the Scouts believe. They say that the basis of the Scout is the belief in God "Scouting is a private organizationold, respected, devoted entirely to service of others. A general belief in God, as the source of right and the Being to whom we owe ultimate allegiance, is woven into its entire fabric" (, based on a trial). Even though they believe in this, is it really right to let someone else's belief, not to be allowed in this organization, since they do point out they need to respect other's beliefs and atheism is a form of belief. Therefore they should respect it. By not allowing him to stay in the organization, is it not only unfair but also goes against our right to have freedom of religion. Our freedom of religion states a) right to entertain religious beliefs of ones own choosing b) right to declare beliefs openly without fear of reprisal c) right to manifest religious belief by worship, practice, teaching and dissemination.(http// Parts a and b state a) right to entertain religious beliefs of ones own choosing b) right to declare beliefs openly without fear of reprisal, which basically says we have the right to believe in any belief we want to, its our right. This being the case the Scouts Organization has no justification to take that right away from Darrell Lambert. It's his right given to him, by the constitution which has been established since the year 1788, that was about two hundred and fourteen years ago. These rights were given to all American citizens and residents two hundred and fourteen years ago, and now the Scouts Organization wants to take that right away from Darrell Lambert, due to the fact that he has his own set of beliefs, which is incidentally his right to being able to do so? If they are able to do this, then that means what was written two hundred and fourteen years ago, means nothing. That the basis of our government, (which what the constitution is) can be considered worthless and pointless. Since that is not the case, they do not have the right to kick him out of the Scouts organization; just because he chose to exercise his right does not mean he should be condemed for it. After all it seems the Boy Scouts organization not only has a problem with atheist but also with homosexuals, which is also a right, a right to having your own sexual preference. If they continue to have problems with people's personal preferences, it makes one wonder what next? People who are living together out of wed lock? Or children who are conceived out of wedlock? In fact, unless ones personal life does not affect the organization, they should not be terminated

Overall, if the Scouts organization does kick him out of the organization, may people will be very disappointed and upset. We already know this because one troop has already shown their disagreement, with the Scouts organization on this matter, and there is more to come, if they continue. In fact someone's religious beliefs have nothing to do with what kind of person they are, unless they try to subjugate and impose others with their beliefs. After all the point of Boy Scouts is to help others and do good for people, despite their beliefs, perhaps they should consider applying that policy to themselves first.

Custom writing service can write essays on article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy

Please note that this sample paper on article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy, we are here to assist you. Your essay on article analysis of: Scout not prepared for group's ultimatum: Getright with God by Dean E. Murphy will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Sociology being the systematic study of human society and the sociological perspective would be summarized as the distinctive point of view of sociology. Society is capable of influencing our actions, thoughts, and feelings. However, learning exactly how to make these types of observations can be very difficult. The text mentions several well known sociology pioneers such as Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, C. Wright Mills, Max Weber, and George Herbert Mead, to contemporary sociologist like George Homans, and Peter Blau. These sociologist use data and other findings to make generalizations about different categories of people while attempting not to stereotype.

Theory is the process of linking facts to create meaning or a statement of how and why specific facts are related. Theories are formed when sociologists bring forth their observations and attempt better understand their findings. The text defines the basic image of society that guides thinking and research as a theoretical paradigm or "roadmap". The three major paradigms in sociology are the structural-functional paradigm, the social-conflict paradigm, and the symbolic-interaction paradigm. Structural-functional paradigm is a framework for exploring how social structures work together to promote the overall operation of society. Social-conflict paradigm highlights dimensions of social inequality that generate conflict and promote change. Symbolic-interaction paradigm is a micro-level framework for studying how people in everyday interaction construct reality.

Research methods are the plans for conducting research. The text mentions four methods of sociological investigation experiments, surveys, participant observation, and the use of existing sources.

I'm having a difficult time appreciating sociology as a profession due to the nature of what is being studied. I feel that it could be debated whether sociology is useful in the study of generalizations of people or is sociology just a scientific method of stereotyping. In either case I intend to continue my studies and draw my conclusion at a later time.

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Please note that this sample paper on Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, October 9, 2020

Scarlet Letter

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Scarlet Letter. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Scarlet Letter paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Scarlet Letter, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Scarlet Letter paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Puritanical Examples in The Scarlet Letter

Change dominates society. So much so, that looking back a mere decade can bring a culture shock to the viewer. Presently, society is moving at an alarming rate away from the morals of yesteryear, and no other culture brings this fact to mind more than that of the Puritans, whose rules were so strict, that even the most conservative churches of today can be viewed as radically liberal in comparison. Few books exhibit this strictness as well as The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Set in the Colonial Period, the peak time of Puritanism, the reader is constantly exposed to the increased recognition of sin, the increased burden of carrying it, and the increased measures taken against it. This obsession with sin in the Puritan culture is the main thing that separates them from present-day religion.

Today, unlike the Puritanical days, not everyone is a devout Christian. The shift from the Colonial society to that of today has brought about a much more lax attitude towards actions previously regarded as hateful sins. The Puritans shrunk away from sin as if it were a deadly disease. They believed that if the level of sin escalated in a person's life it could cause physical disfigurement, such as the red mark on the chest of Arthur Dimmesdale, the town minister. Unfortunately, this terrible fear of sin brought about a social anxiety, a fear of doing almost anything because it was believed to be sin. In the book, Dimmesdale feels that even strong emotions are off limits. As the minister, he then communicates much fear to the community. It is this communal obsession among all of the Puritans of Boston that sets them apart from today's culture.

Only when a Puritan found himself guilty of a sin could he fully appreciate the reason for avoiding it in the first place. This fact cannot be more clearly illustrated than in the story of Hester Prynne, the protagonist of The Scarlet Letter, and her minister Rev. Dimmesdale. Both of them realize the full torment of living with unforgivable sin. Puritans did not have the ability to justify their own actions if they believed that those actions were out of God's plan. Therefore, if they do not believe that they have been completely forgiven by God, their sins will become an unbearable burden, disallowing them to get on with their lives. Although he shares his sin with Hester, Dimmesdale is the one most affected. He longs to make his side of it publicly known so that he may find peace of mind, but instead his inability to do so results in his slow destruction over seven years. While today someone can openly admit their sins to others of their faith and find forgiveness, Dimmesdale could not.

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Of course, Dimmesdale's fear of discovery was well founded, as Hester's story attests. Puritans were not only concerned with recognizing and avoiding sin; they were also ruthless in taking action against it. Hester's punishment for adultery, wearing a badge of public humiliation, is lenient by Puritan standards. Such a crime was easily punishable by death, as is mentioned in the opening of the book. Many in the town of Boston believed that Hester should have been hanged or burned, when today sex out of wedlock is a common practice that often goes without penalization of any kind. However, Hester was not that lucky, and is subjected to verbal abuse on a scaffold in her town. Ironically, Dimmesdale longs to be there with her and even goes to that same scaffold on a vigil at night, to try to make his peace with God. His Puritan faith was so strong, that even he, the sinner, longed for others to chastise him for his sin. An example of such unbending faith would be hard to find in today's culture, where many seek to justify their actions to themselves instead of seeking forgiveness.

For any reader, The Scarlet Letter can be a culture shock. For those that are Christians, it can be a wakeup call. Its ability to capture the Puritan faith helps the reader to understand some of the dangers of religious extremism, and shows that moderation should be considered in all situations. However, the given the way adultery is handled in our supposedly improved modern society, The Scarlet Letter can be viewed as a dissertation on modesty and a call for a return to more traditional values. Hawthorne's book is a classic not only because of its excellent writing but also because of its focus on a subject that can never become obsolete religion.

Please note that this sample paper on Scarlet Letter is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Scarlet Letter, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Scarlet Letter will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Gnosticism. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Gnosticism paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Gnosticism, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Gnosticism paper at affordable prices!

Jennifer A. Jones

Dr. Farthing

September , 00

The 145 discovery at Nag Hammadi of thirteen papyrus scrolls uncovered new insights and excited historians and theologians around the globe. Until this time, little was known about the mysterious religion of Gnosticism. It evolved into one of the main belief systems of the 1st century and helped shape modern religious traditions, including Orthodox Christianity. The Nag Hammadi finds revealed many things about this religion, including a better understanding of the basic belief system, their view on women, and the divergence from prevalent Orthodox Christian ideas. Elaine Pagels book The Gnostic Gospels clearly outlines excellent information on these views and understandings of Gnosticism.

Order custom research paper on Gnosticism

The Gnostic belief system sounds absurd to the modern Christian ear. From the early pages of the introduction to the last few sentences of the conclusion, Pagels delineates major differences in the practices of Orthodox Christians and Gnostics. Gnosticism is a philosophical and religious movement whose name is derived from the Greek word gnosis (knowledge.) The very implication of this name sheds light on one of the main characteristics of the Gnostic beliefs. To these people, self-knowledge was knowledge of God; meaning the self and the divine are inseparable. Knowledge to them was not an intellectual exercise or a vague understanding of spirituality, but instead, knowledge had a liberating function that severed an individual from the confines of this world. Contrary to the Orthodox belief that one attains salvation through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, Gnostics felt that salvation is achieved through learning secret knowledge of their spiritual essence. Upon this discovery, an individual has the opportunity to escape from the prison of their body after death. The Orthodox Christians of this era viewed this belief as heresy, and aimed to annihilate all of the written records of this faith. The efforts of the majority to destroy every trace of heretical blasphemy proved so successful that, until the discoveries at Nag Hammadi, nearly all of our information concerning alternative forms of early Christianity came from the massive orthodox attacks upon them.1

Gnostic Christians also trusted that Jesus Christ was nothing near what the Orthodox Christians claimed he was. The role of the Savior in Gnostic belief is unclear, but they seem to have thought of him as a liberator rather than the way to salvation. The Gnostics felt that Christ's purpose was to increase knowledge that would release people from the evil, inferior Creator (Demiurge). This Demiurge was looked at as only the image of God, and until one attained gnosis, the individual thought that this false God was the true Maker. The "living Jesus" of the Gnostic texts speaks of illusion and enlightenment, not of sin and repentance, like the Jesus of the New Testament. Instead of coming to save us from sin, he comes as a guide who opens access to spiritual understanding. But when the Gnostic disciple attains enlightenment, Jesus no longer serves as his spiritual master. The two halves have now become equal, even identical. Some Gnostics endorsed Docetism, an idea that the body of Jesus appeared to be fully human, but was not.4 They felt that Christ was pure spirit and only had a ghostlike body, thus denying that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. Orthodox Christians believed that Jesus is Lord and the Son of God, and that He remains forever distinct from the rest of humanity whom He came to save. These views were once again seen as heretical and blasphemous to the Orthodox Christians. Gnosticism was a serious threat at this point to Christianity, and leaders of the church vehemently opposed it, thus helping Christianity grow stronger through the fear of harsher punishments for heretics.

In the Christian faith, the designated structure of the church was a main aspect of the religious process. There was a hierachtical rank of authority, beginning with bishops, priests, deacons and finally the congregation lay persons. The bishop was designated the authority of the church and acted as the sole ruler and disciplinarian over the laity.5 Apparently this organization was not supported by the Gnostic Christians. Instead of ranking their members into classes, they operated on the idea of equality. All of the people, whether male or female, were allowed to participate and even lead the worship services. These decisions were made through the drawing of lots, and anyone may be a priest or bishop at any given ceremony.6 This practice is very similar to the way that some modern pagan movements, such as Wicca, chose their ceremonial leaders. This act was and is viewed by both of these groups as a way to eliminate permanent positions of power in the church. Each member was given just as much authority as the next, and this may have contributed to the Gnostics position on women in their church and society.

The role of women in the Gnostic faith was quite different from the Orthodox belief. Firstly, there were two very distinct depictions of the sexuality of the beings at the creation time in the Orthodox and Gnostic parties. Many Gnostics gave the first being both masculine and feminine characteristics and appearance, backing their beliefs with reference to the creation account of Genesis 1. This attitude of egalitarianism is carried over into the structures of their communities and social practices. On the other hand, Orthodox Christians consider God to have only masculine properties. They customarily look to Genesis to affirm their theory. The Gnostic teaching of Genesis 1 suggests the idea of a sexless creation, while Genesis , used by the Orthodox faith, clearly illustrates that Eve was created from the rib of Adam. This idea of male superiority is also seen in the societies and clerical structures of the early Christian churches. While the Gnostics felt that women had a voice in religious affairs, as seen through the writings of The Gospel of Mary, Christian women were not allowed to write or teach the gospels, as seen in Timothy 1 where it clearly states "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent." Although these beliefs were the basic structure of these two groups beliefs, exceptions to these patterns do occur. Not all Gnostics were undivided in affirming women- nor were the Orthodox unanimous in demeaning them.7

Beyond the equality of men and women in the Gnostic society, feminine characteristics were also applied to their God. Pagels makes numerous references to the Mother Goddess. She explains the Gnostic description of God as Father, Mother and Son, and relates this to the aspect of the Holy Trinity8. The Mother in this Trinity is the Holy Spirit. Christianity assumes the Trinitarian terms of the three divine "Persons," two- the Father and the Son- described in masculine terms, and the third- the Spirit- suggests the genderlessness of the Greek neuter term for spirit, pneuma. The portrayal of the Holy Spirit as mother may contribute to the difference in treatment of women between the Gnostics and Christians.

Christianity as we know it today may not have survived without the pressure and competition of the Gnostic groups in the first few centuries. The place of women, the authenticity of Jesus Christ and the sexuality of God are a few of the major doctrines that strike me as the most affected. As millions of Christians practice their faith today with a grateful heart for their religion, they must remember that the Christians changed many of their doctrines and practices because of the fierce battle against the heretics of the early Gnostic church. Pagels book has opened my eyes to this aspect of the religion that I have believed in my whole life. Although the survival of Christianity is often attributed to the use of military and political powers of the early churches, I think that it has been well worth the struggle.

Response to Elaine Pagels The Gnostic Gospels

Pagels book really exposed me to a side of Christianity that I have never even heard of. Through the reading of each chapter, I found myself with numerous questions that left me questioning and thinking of things that had never crossed my mind. Although we read a little in our textbooks about Gnosticism, I think that Pagels book far exceeded any expectations and thoughts on Gnosticism that I may have previously had from other exposure to the other writings. I have read several articles and forewards to books by Pagels and enjoy her writing style and composition. This is an excellent book for this course and for anyone else that is in religious studies.

1. Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels (New York Vintage Press, 17) pg. xxiv.

. Ibid. pg. 7.

. Ibid. pg. xx.

4. Justo L. Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity (San Francisco Harper Collins Publishers, 184) pg. 60.

5. Pagels, pg. 40.

6. Ibid. pg 6.

7. Ibid. pg 66.

8. Ibid. pg. 5.

. Ibid. pg. 4.

Please note that this sample paper on Gnosticism is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Gnosticism, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Gnosticism will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Cubs lost

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on cubs lost. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality cubs lost paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in cubs lost, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your cubs lost paper at affordable prices!

On March 4, 18, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground in Alaska's Prince William Sound. Over 1 million gallons of crude oil were spilled in one of Alaska's most scenic and pristine areas, with a devastating effect on the teeming wildlife native to the sound. Despite Exxon's admirable clean-up efforts, environmentalists said it did not even begin to correct the extensive damage or restore what was lost to the sound.

There were many contributing factors that caused this tragedy, some more prominent than others. The main reason, however, was the slow decline of standard safety precautions and oversight that had been in practice for the 1-year existence of the Exxon Oil Company. Tankers had been transporting crude oil through Prince Williams for as long as oil had been in exchange through the Trans- Alaska pipeline. In the 8,700 trips taken through the sound with little or no mishap, the company had become overly confident in it's practices of routine safety. Other possible contributions to this downfall were the alleged drunkenness of the tanker's skipper, Captain Joseph Hazelwood, and an obviously undermanned crew. Regardless of the cause of the spill, the effects of the crude oil on the sound's environment were inarguably tragic. Experts estimated that over half of the sound's otter population was wiped out, with equally lethal effects on the many species of native fish and birds. Although Exxon spent about 600 million dollars on the cleanup movement, the largest response ever to an oil spill, quite a bit of it still lingered. Scientists said that about half of the toxic aromatic poisons were dissolved in the water, making it impossible to purify. In addition, beaches were becoming re-oiled constantly with the never -ending amount of toxins washing in.

Even though the Prince William Sound in Alaska will doubtfully ever recover fully from this horrible product of the Exxon company's negligence, their noble efforts were not completely in vain. Most if not all of the rehabilitated wildlife rescued from certain death have been safely returned to the sound. Environmentalists report that no species was threatened with extinction. Over 150 law suites were filed against Exxon, though few were able to get the compensation needed to continue the clean up. No human lives were lost due to the tanker's incident, but the dramatic downfall of the wildlife and scenery of the sound is a constant reminder of this 18 environmental tragedy.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Compare/Contrast Loneliness of the long distance runner and Color Purple

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Compare and Contrast the ways in which the film version of The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner and The Color Purple treat the political and social questions raised in the corresponding novels.

Alice Walker and Alan Sillitoe novels are an illustrative tale of our society inevitable course, and the social and political issues prevalent in that period. These issues have sometimes placed these books in precarious positions where they create controversy in these same societies. So controversial, that the film versions are not created and until years later when the political and social questions raised in these novels can be easily accepted by the critics. Socially conscious filmmakers make these period novels into film to give us a broader insight or to capitalize on the success of the novel. However, film versions are not always successful in depicting the political and social questions raised in the novels but filmmakers have felt socially committed to not only to tell the story, but to engage the mind and senses as well. The films The Color Purple and The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner are filled with exploitation, Homosexuality, rape, domestic abuse, racism, and class struggles.

Tony Richardson's film, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner touches on a number of relevant issues during the period in which it is set, including the struggles of working class, and the exploitation of the protagonist Colin Smith and the other boys in the borstal. During this period, there was a division in Britain into two distinct classes the rich upper class and the poor working class. In the novel Smith elaborates his theory of "them" and "us" otherwise characterized as the law abiding middle and upper class majority and the substantial poor minority working class. In fact, the film uses location to show us the social issues of classes in 150's Britain. Evidence of this appears in the scene where Colin and Mike take two girls onto a hill, while dark clouds of smoke billow in the background. The pollution from the factories was clearly visible in the film and we are left to wonder if this could have contributed to his father's cancer. In order to support his family, Colin's father toiled in the local factory for a measly paycheck. Colin wishing to avoid the life which was to be his destiny refuses a similar job at the same factory and evens burns the portions of his father's death benefits in protest of the system. He feels trapped in his environment with what seems to be no positive outlook. He will either have to work in a factory or become a career criminal. The novel does not show us Colin's real life situation, but instead shows us how certain situation is perceived and his thoughts on various events in his life. "I'd never known a family as happy as ours was in that couple of months when we'd got all the money we needed" (1). But in the film we are shown how disgusted he was with his situation, when he decides to burn the money given to him by his mother after his father's death. We see a rebellious young man driven to the depth of despair to which one can sink because of poverty and we almost begin to feel sorry for him.

The persistent desire for money, implanted in him by his mother, compels Colin to rob a bakery and he is sent away to a Borstal for rehabilitation. Both the book and the movie raise questions about the intentions of the governor. The governor uses his political aspirations to exploit Colin and the boys at the Borstal for his own personal gain. He wants his Borstal to be known as having the best athletes and being the first to compete against a private school. Colin's one great talent, his ability in running singles him out for the governor's preferential treatment. In the film, the governors singles him out for polite conversation and upgrades his work detail from cleaning machine parts in a small shed to working in an outdoor garden with fresh air. The film seems brighter and the disposition of the boys change, they are now joking around and everyone seems to be in a joyous mood except Stacy, the head of Duke house, and the one time favorite of the governor. The only hint we are given in the novel of Colin's preferred status is when he's allowed to do his long distance running without a guard supervising and when " the governors talks to me when he comes on his rounds, almost as he'd talk to his prize race horse" (1). He realizes with all the talks of honesty, "we want hard honest work and we want good athletics (10) is a farce and a means to an end. The governor has told him to be "honest" but he sees that he is more honest than the governor. The governor is referring to honesty as a respect for other peoples property but Smith takes "honesty" to mean being true to one's principles and personal integrity. He is aware that to win the race would be help the governor in his political aspirations of putting his Borstal on the map and making a name for himself, and to lose he would remain true to himself. At the end of the film we are not shown what happens to Colin when he loses the race on purpose. We know only that he is a success at beating the governor at his own game. However, the novel shows that even though he was successful in that sense he was not successful at being rehabilitated, but goes back to a life of crime with the intention of not being caught.

Cheap Custom Essays on Compare/Contrast Loneliness of the long distance runner and Color Purple

In the film, The Color Purple, Steven Spielberg chooses to include and exclude highly controversial social issues raised in the novel. For instance, in the novel Celia speaks of being beaten by Mr. "sometime beat me anyhow, I say, whether I do what he say or not" (66). She is also physically and sexually abused by the man who she thinks is her father but we are not given any evidence of this in the film. There are no black eyes, no bruises and no broken arms however, the physical abuse permeate the novel. Mr. only stops beating Celie after Shug tell him not to. Sophia is incensed when she found out that Celie was the one who told Harpo to beat her. The physical abuse is an area where Spielberg seems to tread lightly.

The lesbian relationship between Celie and Shug is not explored at all in the film. It is only implied during the intimate interaction between Celie and Shug. When Celie meets Shug for the first time she is beside herself when she realizes that her face is a mess and she's wearing clothes, in fact the look in Celie's eyes throughout the film when she gazes at Shug is one of a love struck teenager.

Racism is another social issue which does not get a lot of play in the film. The novel goes into detail to tell us of the plight of the Olinka Tribe in Africa whose village is ultimately destroyed by the road builders and who is eventually forced to pay rent on the land that belonged to them for centuries. We are introduced to Doris Baines and her African grandson. There she uses her wealth to set up a reciprocal arrangement that in fact reflects her political power to buy whatever she wants. But she does not use her power and money to make the world aware of the plight of the Olinka tribe or any other tribe throughout Africa. She has written several books on the way of life of Akwee tribe for her own personal gain. Spielberg omits this from his film version and we are left to wonder if this is due to the strained race relations of African American and whites at the time the film was made.

Squeaks rape is an intensely and highly political act. Squeaks rape exposes the denial of kinship at the heart of race relation in the south. Mr. Reveals the kinship relations between whites and blacks in the community that it is assumed that someone would be related by blood to the warden. That someone, of course, is Squeak. Hopeful that she will be able to gain Sophia's release from the warden on the basis of kinship, the other dress Squeak up like a white woman with instructions to make him " see the Hodges in you" (8). This was never addressed in the film.

In conclusion, both film versions of the novels are well made commentary on the social and political issues raised in the corresponding novels, which are present in today's day society. They are films have a strong visual style, with an important story that wouldn't normally receive attention. Although, some of the important issues were not addressed in the film we realize that there are certain issues that our country and the world are not quite ready to deal with.

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