Tuesday, December 10, 2019


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Autonomy. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Autonomy paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Autonomy, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Autonomy paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Autonomy Within Professional Practice

I am currently on placement at a Learning Disability Centre in the North of England, which has been open since 174.

The centre aims to support 10 people who have moderate to severe learning disabilities, current ages ranging from nineteen to seventy six years of age. The centre has a number of well-established partnerships with a wide variety of agencies and organisations, which enhances service delivery offering a more varied and inclusive service. Help with essay on Autonomy

The centre aims to support people to play a full and active roll within their local community, through the provision of a programme of activities. This is achieved by using a key worker system and a person centred approach.

This encourages multi-disciplinary teams working, supporting and developing individual service users.

(Halton Borough Council 000)

Each person has their own person centred plan (see appendix 1) and timetable relating to daily activities within structured aims and objectives for example participating in a drama activity can enhance communication skills, which promotes confidence in voicing issues and enhances independence.

The centres philosophy is that every one has the right to experiences, which encourages choice, opportunities and personal development. Both present and future service provision is based firmly on the government's white paper 'Valuing People'.

According to Halton Borough Council they concur that central to this day centre's philosophy of encouraging choice, opportunities and personal development is the involvement of people in all stages of the decision making process regarding their services.


Within the centre staff are required to follow the Social Care Conduct of Practice when working with Service Uses. The code of practice outlines procedures and policies that are to be implemented within the professional practice (see appendix )

(Halton Borough Council 00)

For this assignment I have chosen to focus on a principles and theories of ethics.

The word ethics has several meanings for example can be related to as what is 'ought to be' or used to refer to as customs and beliefs of a particular group as in a religious ethics, physicians ethics, or nurse ethics. .

(Fry 14)

Ethics are related to theories for example 'classical theories' imply a rich historical tradition and concern with good life or how to achieve the good life e.g. hedonism and stoicism. 'Modern theories are applied ethical conduct in order to find the meaning of terms and statements that appear in theories e.g. naturalism, emotivism and intuitionism

(Fry 14)

All theories of ethics contain one or more ethical principles (ethics in nursing practice). (Fry 14)

Beauchamp & Childress state that ethical principles are guides to moral decision-making and moral action, and centre in the formation of moral judgements in professional practice. (Beauchamp & Childress 18)

Related ethical principles that relate to health profession are beneficence, justice, autonomy, veracity, and fidelity.

I have chosen to focus upon autonomy, as this is a debateable ongoing issue within this professional practice.

Autonomy is. 1. independence or freedom, as of the will or ones actions the autonomy of the individual.

. the condition of being autonomous; self-government, or the right of self-government; independence


The centre focuses on the principle autonomy but elements of 'intilarism' are experienced.

Intilarism is the recognition of a persons right to be his own unique individuality, but the health care profession ignores frequently autonomous wishes.

Paternalism is adopted rather than informed consent (Husted&Husted11)

To follow is a reflection on examples of positive and negative autonomy that Service users experience within the centre daily and try to explain what type of support is available and how this effects the delivery of care for the individual.

The centre has a Journalism group, which gets together twice a week; the group has become involved in a number of projects that enable Service Users to exercise their choice. They felt an important segment in anyone's daily schedule is in choosing a meal. They identified that there are situations that can make it difficult in for Service Users to choose their own meal from the canteen for example not being able to see over the counter due to physical height restriction, wheelchair restrictions and disability impairments i.e. reading menus.

To overcome this the journalism group became heavily involved in using digital cameras and computers to display all the daily menus the canteen provides.

Each day a service User was responsible to ask the kitchen staff what the day's choices are so they can display the large pictures on the menu display. This assists people in the queue to decide what they want. The photos are easily removable to show to staff or for people who are unable to queue in the canteen, or require extra help in their decision-making, also they are portable enough to show a person in the comfort of their own room.

This activity has made it possible and desirable to identify valued activities through which a person can move towards an informed future. It has promoted self-initiative, independence and a rewarding feeling of gratification for the Service Users who took part in this exercise. It has promoted more freedom of choice, independence for other Service Users accessing the canteen.

A few Service Users demonstrated negative examples of autonomy, at meal times. When communicating with them they voiced their opinions stating, they never wanted to bring packed lunches daily, parents made them. Reasons behind this were down to them being over weight and made to stick to a low fat controlled diet or for financial reasons

Financially Service Uses receive disability benefits, which include money for meal times. The canteen is subsidised, it's all down to parents controlling their finances that takes away their right to choice.

As for diet they only have to be few pounds over weight and they are put on a diet by parents and the multi-disciplinary team. This is seen as a threat to their health and well-being. They are monitored on their daily consumption by care staff.

I experienced one gentleman only being allowed a treat on a Friday afternoon. If we were to put on a few pounds or excess weight it should be are decision if we were to diet or not, we could be advised of health implications but it would still be our decision.

This not only takes away choice but also implies that these people don't have the mentality to make decisions regarding their health for themselves.

(Rumbold 000)

John O'Brien states that 'choice is the experience of autonomy in both small, everyday matters (e.g. what to eat or what to wear) and in large, life-defining matters (e.g., with whom to live or what sort of work to do). Personal choice defines and expresses individual identity. Without focused effort to increase available options and provide support for decision making, people with severe handicaps will be passive and without voice or the ability to escape undesirable situations.'

(O'Brien 181)

A key policy in Community Care legislation is that of involving service users in service planning and delivery. Training and support for service users speaking up for themselves and expressing views is of paramount importance if the user's voice is to be heard. (Department of Health 000))

One attempt at involving service users and encouraging them to express their views and having a say in how they would like their day service to develop is by allowing them to interview prospective staff.

In preparing for interviews, clients discussed the need not to ask leading questions and what that meant. Service users discussed about how it would be necessary to ask additional questions to those that were written down.

The service users had to consider ways of rephrasing questions in case they were not clear to the interviewee, or in order to get more information so that a question was answered properly.

In designing the questions the clients had total autonomy in discussing together what they felt were appropriate questions to ask. Having the service users formulate their own questions was probably better than any question that staff would have formulated according to a day service organiser (located at the centre).

For example it was recorded that clients were able to use simple, clear language, there was no ambiguity in the way the questions were formulated.

When clients asked the questions during the interview, questions were very clear and uncluttered no jargon used and no lengthy questions.

From involving service users it was recorded that it changed the culture and the attitudes of the workers and recognised the users expertise.

It also coincided with The NHS Community Care Act 11, which recommends that users should be at the focus of planning, developments and initiatives by collaborating and joint working and consultation with users.


The exercise also demonstrated that people with learning disabilities carry less intellectual clutter and so can say and see things in clearer and direct ways.

Another example of the need for autonomy is when service users want opportunities to be able to work. Access to the world of work can be difficult, sometimes daunting.

Halton Supported Employment offer comprehensive services to local employers, in order to create opportunities for people with learning disabilities, to get real paid employment.


We take for granted having the ability to sustain employment.

Clients receive initial support for approximately fifteen weeks. On the employment scheme there is an expectancy of initial support being withdrawn after that period.

However it has been identified that there are a number of service users that would like a work placement but would require longer or indefinite support within that placement. However this is not current practice, referrals still not being acted upon.

This obviously causes limitations of choice.

In recent job research and statistical evidence it shows that majority of jobs taken up tend to be 'stacking shelves', Is the firm doing this to please the service or is there a real job already there? It's hard to give an indefinite answer to this question because it can be looked at from numerous angles and be considered by differing attitudes and beliefs.

Traditionally people with learning disabilities have been regarded as objects of pity, objects of charity, misfits and inadequate, these are just a few of the negative perceptions which people have held and still hold today. As a result they have become seen as passive recipients of services. They have been assumed to be incapable of exercising their rights over their own lives, which others take for granted. Often services have developed without consulting the users of it, and decisions have been made for them, mapping out their life opportunities.

(O'Brien, Lyle&Sibblett 18)

The centre has set up a self-advocacy group in reference of the above.

Self-advocacy is 'speaking out for yourself' individually or in groups rather then letting others speak or act upon your behalf. Self-advocacy occurs when people assert their own rights, needs and concerns and assume the duties of full citizenship. Outcomes from theses groups have been proven to dispel the beliefs that people with learning disabilities depend solely on others and can only achieve very little.

(Mencap, 001)


John O'Brien has researched into lifestyle accomplishments within the learning disability environment. He recommends the following five Community Presence, Choice, Competence, Respect, Community Participation

He recommends these accomplishments help us to identify constructive actions that

Will improve the quality of life experiences for a particular individual.

(O'Brien 181)

The centre makes positive contributions towards each individual. From experiences within the centre and in the community, the service users receive a lot of freedom of choice and levels of independence. This is only taken away if it is not seen as beneficial or of a threatening implication towards the service user.

The service users are assessed and identified as individuals, with differing levels of physical and mental abilities, personalities and varying constraints.

The centre is constantly updating and communicating with service users to improve existing levels of standard.

From my work placement I have really enjoyed exploring this new experience that I have not before had the opportunity to be part of. I found the role of the Day Service Organiser to be a rewarding position as the service users showed real gratification when activities and delivery of care was implemented.

The emergence of advocacy movements has had tremendous force in bringing people to express more clearly their rights and entitlements.(Dawson & Whittaker 1)

The day centre's philosophy coincides with the implemented practice in the delivery of care that is received by the service users.

But there are still issues where aspects of choice and decision are taken away from them whether it being subconsciously (in the person's best interest as thought of by the carer or parent, or by the sub-conscious level were the want to be able to provide the autonomy but unable to due to finances reasons or lack of resources.

During this placement, it was not evident that the centre endeavoured to promote 'autonomy' for he people in its care.

Individuals were encouraged to become more independent for example, during an activity developing skills needed to glue and cut. Individuals were given the opportunity to choose activities they were interested in, to involve them making their own timetables.

This research has highlighted the need for more autonomy, valuing the contributions of people with learning disabilities to enable them to gain the confidence and self-esteem to ensure that they are included in the decision-making process.

The centre adheres to the guidelines implemented by the government's white paper 'Valuing People' they reflect on the principles of rights, choice and inclusion and the implications portrayed. They drive their challenges and perceptions through the help of agenise i.e. public, independent sectors and voluntary services. Who try to promote people with learning disabilities to have their voices heard and have wider opportunities for a fulfilling life as part of the local community?

They imply that getting it right for people with learning disabilities will show what can be achieved, within one of the most vulnerable and socially excluded groups in society. (Halton Borough Council 000).


Beauchamp.,& Childress,J,F.,(18) Principles of Biomedical nd Ed. Oxford University Press, New York.

Dawson,L.,&Whittaker,A.,(1) On one Side The role of the advisor in supporting people with learning disabilities in self advocacy groups, Mencap, Stamford.

Fry,T,S.,(14) Ethics in Nursing Practice rd Ed. Council Of Nurses(RCN) London

Husted,G,L.,&Husted,J,H,.11 Ethical Decision Making. Mosby-Year-Book,Inc.USA.

Please note that this sample paper on Autonomy is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Autonomy, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Autonomy will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Buddhist Wisdom

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Buddhist Wisdom. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Buddhist Wisdom paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Buddhist Wisdom, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Buddhist Wisdom paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

Throughout history people have wondered about the universe in which we live in and looked for a purpose of our existence. Many Western philosophers believed that an individual is a separate entity from every other individual and nature. In the Buddhist belief however, there is no separation between you and any other person or animal. The goal of living and dying is to eventually see the world as it actually is instead of the illusion that we see with our senses. This state of enlightenment is known as Nirvana. To reach Nirvana it is necessary to give up attachments to the things of this world, see the interconnectedness of everything, and clear your mind so that you can see things the way they actually are.

In the Western world we are very attached to our possessions, to the people that we care about, and especially to ourselves. Most Westerners would be glad to sacrifice something to help another person or even an animal in need if we could. But most people would not sacrifice something very important to us and very few would give up their lives in the spirit of compassion. On the other hand, because the Buddhist belief is that we are all connected to each other by helping another you help yourself and by hurting another you hurt yourself. In the story of ¡§The Bodhisattva and the Hungry Tigress¡¨ the Buddha tells of a prince who sacrifices his life so that a starving tigress that has just given birth may live. To be able sacrifice shows that you truly understand that there is more than just this life Yes self-sacrifice is so difficult! It is difficult for people like us, who mare so fond of our lives and bodies, and who have so little intelligence. It is not at all difficult, however, for others, who are truly men, intent on benefiting their fellow-creatures, and who long to sacrifice themselves. The prince was able to give up his life for the tigress because he was aware of that his own life was just a temporary state. His body and his life are not permanent but only a small part of a chain of births and deaths. It is almost impossible for us to imagine having no attachment to our lives or our bodies because in the Western belief that is our self and we are born and grow up with very strong self-preservation instincts.

Buddhists on the other hand, believe that we need to recognize the true nature of the living world, and do not be anxious; for separation cannot possibly be avoided. This attachment to our present lives and bodies will help us to ease our suffering and see the world as it truly is. Another of the beliefs in Buddhism is the system of births and deaths called Samsara. A person is born and reborn until that person reaches enlightenment. Death is not an ending but just a new beginning. Time has no importance and is just an illusion like the world is. All people and things are connected to each other as well as all of the people that those people have been and will be in other lives ¡§in a thousand relationships to each other, loving, hating, and destroying each other and becoming newly born¡¨. The Buddhist image of reality is everything simultaneously together without divisions such as time and space. These divisions such as time, space, past lives, and everything else around us are simply illusions according to Buddhist beliefs. If everything is just an illusion then why should we love nature and our fellow creatures?

The Buddha responded to this by saying ¡§If they are illusion, then I also am illusion, and so they are always the same nature as myself. It is that which makes them so lovable and venerable¡¨ This is what the prince had in mind when he fed himself to the tigress. Losing our attachment to the things of this world and our connection with everything else in the universe go hand in hand towards seeing things the way they truly are and becoming enlightened. Even after we lose we attachment to this world and we become aware of our interconnected role in the universe we cannot become enlightened unless we have clarity of mind. To become enlightened is to be aware of your true nature, but that is impossible to do by thinking about it beyond our conscious experiences. Zen Buddhists practice zazen, or sitting meditation, to achieve a calm mind ¡§it is when you sit in zazen that you will have the most pure, genuine experience of the empty state of mind. Actually, emptiness of mind is not even a state of mind, but the original essence of mind¡¨. Since this world is a world of illusions then by thinking about the things of this world we are thinking delusions. But when you realize that these clouded thoughts are just delusions, they will drift away and you will be left with a pure and calm mind. This is the enlightened mind. So by realizing that you are in a world of illusions and that you are thinking in delusions is when you become enlightened. You have to accept the delusion because if you try to expel it, ¡§it will become busier and busier trying to cope with it¡¨. By clearing your mind you can expect every moment to be a moment of enlightenment experience.

Help with essay on Buddhist Wisdom

All of these readings deal with different aspects of Buddhist belief, but they also have certain things in connection with each other. The goal of Buddhism is not to lead a good life, although that should come along as well, but to see things as they actually are and to reach enlightenment. To see things as they really are means understanding that everything is interconnected with everything else regardless of space or time, understanding that this world is a world of illusions and so should have no attachments to the things of this world, and finally realizing that the enlightened part of us lies in the ¡§true self¡¨ of the clear mind.

Please note that this sample paper on Buddhist Wisdom is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Buddhist Wisdom, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Buddhist Wisdom will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap custom writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Fat feminist and barbie dolls

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on fat feminist and barbie dolls. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality fat feminist and barbie dolls paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in fat feminist and barbie dolls, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your fat feminist and barbie dolls paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Ive been the chubby little girl, the plump teenager, the zaftig girlfriend and the queen-size young woman, but I really like being a Fat Feminist best. Being a Fat Feminist means that I dont spend all my time counting calories, or hiding behind dark colored, vertical striped clothing. Being a Fat Feminist means I carry a chair to a classroom when the chairs provided are too small, instead of dropping the class. Being a Fat Feminist means that I accept and love myself just the way I am.

My evolution from chubby girl to Fat Feminist would not have been possible without people that are prejudiced against me.

In this country, we are preoccupied with weight. Every womans magazine has articles on diets and fitness. Countless hours of TV advertising promise, quick and easy weight loss. Over the last 5 years, women have become heavier while the beauty ideal has become leaner.

Perhaps most at risk are children. Young girls are more afraid of becoming fat than they are of nuclear war, cancer, or of losing their parents, which tells us, the media has got their point across. Young girls should be taught to love their bodies not hate it with judgment.

Cheap Custom Essays on fat feminist and barbie dolls

My evolution from chubby girl to fat feminist would not have been possible without people that were and still are prejudiced against my appearance. Many people say that what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger and I thank those, which were prejudiced because they made me love myself.

Barbie dolls

As a young child Barbie was my role model. Her perfect world was my dream. Her long blonde hair, endless legs, always smiling bubbly personality and most important, her faultless figure. She was everything any girl would dream about but in reality she was a fake plastic doll.

Nobody was like Barbie and what I couldn't figure was why did everybody wanted to be like her. She was and still is a doll representing the average woman but why is she so unrealistic.

As a feminist, Ive been trained to hate Barbie morphing little girls view of what a woman should look like, her sexless relationship with pathetic Ken, her little shoes and always wearing pink. I mean, Im all for wearing pink, but why is it that most Barbie's are blondes, with huge boobs and unrealistically small waists? People say beauty magazines are bad for self esteem, but what about Barbie's?

Barbie has everything but she's only got it because we buy it. So if Barbie is so popular why do we buy her friends, her houses and worst of all her boyfriend? She is totally what I don't want to be like and to keep my sane Barbie's creator had major issues. Lets face the facts Barbie is a bitch that has everything because we brought it for her.

I love to hate Barbie - either I'm appalled by what she stands for, or I'm upset that Ill never reach her level of achievement- just think, shes been a model, a doctor, an astronaut and has a body that just wont quit. She owns a townhouse, a horse and a dune buggy and she has a steady boyfriend. Its just not humanly possible!

Please note that this sample paper on fat feminist and barbie dolls is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on fat feminist and barbie dolls, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on fat feminist and barbie dolls will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Workmanship of risk

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Workmanship of risk. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Workmanship of risk paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Workmanship of risk, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Workmanship of risk paper at affordable prices!

The crafters is always aiming at risking and challenging him/herself. They risk their job everyday on the pursuit of the perfect creation.

Usually they are middle-class men/women who engage themselves in this undertake. I used usually because there is need of a fair bit of capital to start up a business and acquire the material and tools.

But once in the workshop, the crafter will test himself every minute of his life to create the best possible pot, or chair or glassware or any other hand made artefact.

Custom writing service can write essays on Workmanship of risk

They do risk their piece every minute they work on it imagine the jeweller who has spend 40 hours on this ring and he only needs to solder the last bit of gold on it, he has nearly finished, but suddenly he gets the flame too hot and the whole ring melts. 40 hours completely wasted. But even if the whole ring doesn't get melted it may not turned out as well as the rest of the work he put in it. The point is that the craftsmen will produce a finished work that he will not be able to predict; as opposite to what the mass production outcome looks like all the same, the workmanship of certainty.

In the industry the design will have to be very simplified and the finish very bare, as every extra time spend on it will mean an extra cost added to it. This is exactly what they do not want their aim is to produce the biggest number in the smallest amount of time to keep the price down and sell more of it.

As the Mexican writer Octavio Paz stated in "Saying and Using Art and craftsmanship" '…The industrial object forbids the superfluous; the work of craftsmanship delights on embellishment.'

Craftsmanship was born when industry did, it seems life plays trick on us.

Before industry, if someone wanted a chair, they had to go to the chair maker, an artisan, who would spend one day making it. He had to be paid. The cost would be quite high as the artisan would be the only one supplying it and it could play on this factor.

But when machine started taking people's job, there was the possibility of buying 6 chairs at the price of one handmade. In the one day the artisan spend to make the one, 0 came out of the small factory. And as so many were made the cost was much more convenient.

There is always been a competition between industry and craft as the craft maker would find no market for their product as people could find an object with the same function for the fraction of the price of the handmade one. The craft world had to keep up with the industry to produce a better version of it. Unluckily some only tried to produce one pot in vast number as the industry, the only result achieved would be pots or glasses or earrings that of special would have only the imperfection of handmade. Even if a craftsman decides that he will concentrate on only one glass design, after 10 years there is impossibility that two of them are exactly the same as the nature of the material and methods make this task impossible.

In most of the cases the crafter would only find a niche market where the very specialised is requested, and the workshop would be able to keep up with the demand.

Another way the craftsmanship survives is thanks to the sponsors or patrons people that are ready to put in the budget investing in the handmade. People who learnt to contemplate the beauty of the object.

As soon as the crafter show the extent of his/her virtuoso skill that the outcome becomes more an art object.

The only problem we may encounter is that the cup or the light cover actually stops performing its function all together. A good example for this fashion is a piece of writing from Bernard Leach 'In Tokyo I made shapes and patterns with the same enthusiasm as I spent on drawing and etching, without thinking at first very much about utility and price…'.

The costumer does have the power on the maker if he/she doesn't want to appreciate the work and ability that went into making the piece, than there is not reason at all for the craftsperson to waste his/her intelligence and will into improving the environment around them. The workman transforms simple material into something with function and beauty (as opposite to the mere function of the machine one). And is not the material that makes the object good but the skill a ring because made of gold doesn't mean that it has to be good.

At the end of the day the reason why craft exist is because of the human relationship it offers the factor that the client realises that that object was especially made for him/her.

It will still have little flaws but they are there to remind that you paid the extra for the little extra scratch or skew ness that stops it from been special.

If you really wanted perfection and the anonymous touch than you want the £. industry spoon.

I know of this problem myself I work in a jewellery shop that sells mass production items. There are so many the times that costumers come in to the shop asking for ring and pendants and they leave complaining that they are so standardised that so many people have something similar. On the other hand we have a designer who will produce one off items at higher prices and they complain again. They want so much at no price.

One thing that I learn to appreciate is that if something is made propely its value is only going to increase with time.

To conclude, there is been an evolution in the handmade object, especially the hand crafted one, as the world around us is changing , our needs do as well. Especially as the GIP (gross income per person) increases, people can choose to spend their money in the way they want.

At the moment it is so fashionable to come out of the ordinary and there are people who strive to achieve the ultimate personalised item and to own it. And this is where the craft maker will find its market.

Please note that this sample paper on Workmanship of risk is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Workmanship of risk, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Workmanship of risk will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, December 2, 2019

A Farewell to Arms

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Farewell to Arms. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Farewell to Arms paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Farewell to Arms, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Farewell to Arms paper at affordable prices!

Analysis of Major Characters

Frederic Henry - In the sections of the novel in which he describes his experience in the war, Henry portrays himself as a man of duty. He attaches to this understanding of himself no sense of honor, nor does he expect any praise for his service. Even after he has been severely wounded, he discourages Rinaldi from pursuing medals of distinction for him. Time and again, through conversations with men like the priest, Ettore Moretti, and Gino, Henry distances himself from such abstract notions as faith, honor, and patriotism. Concepts such as these mean nothing to him beside such concrete facts of war as the names of the cities in which he has fought and the numbers of decimated streets.

Against this bleak backdrop, Henrys reaction to Catherine Barkley is rather astonishing. The reader understands why Henry responds to the game that Catherine proposeswhy he pledges his love to a woman he barely knows like Rinaldi, he hopes for a nights simple pleasures. But an active sex drive does not explain why Henry returns to Catherinewhy he continues to swear his love even after Catherine insists that he stop playing. In his fondness for Catherine, Henry reveals a vulnerability usually hidden by his stoicism and masculinity. The quality of the language that Henry uses to describe Catherines hair and her presence in bed testifies to the genuine depth of his feelings for her. Furthermore, because he allows Henry to narrate the book, Hemingway is able to suffuse the entire novel with the power and pathos of an elegy A Farewell to Arms, which Henry narrates after Catherines death, confirms his love and his loss.

Catherine Barkley - Much has been written regarding Hemingways portrayal of female characters. With the advent of feminist criticism, readers have become more vocal about their dissatisfaction with Hemingways depictions of women, which, according to critics such as Leslie A. Fiedler, tend to fall into one of two categories overly dominant shrews, like Lady Brett in The Sun Also Rises, and overly submissive confections, like Catherine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway, Fiedler maintains, was at his best dealing with men without women; when he started to involve female characters in his writing, he reverted to uncomplicated stereotypes. A Farewell to Arms certainly supports such a reading it is easy to see how Catherines blissful submission to domesticity, especially at the novels end, might rankle contemporary readers for whom lines such as Im having a child and that makes me contented not to do anything suggest a bygone era in which a womans work centered around maintaining a home and filling it with children.

Still, even though Catherines excessive desire to live a lovely life may, at times, make her more archetypal than real, it is unfair to deny her the nuances of her character. Although Catherine alludes to her initial days with Henry as a period when she was slightly crazy, she seems perfectly aware of the fact that she and Henry are, at first, playing an elaborate game of seduction. Rather than being swept off her feet by Henrys declarations of love, she capably draws the line, telling him when she has had enough for the night or reminding him that their budding love is a lie. In fact, Catherines resistance holds out much longer than Henrys even after Henry emphatically states that he loves her and that their lives together will be splendid, Catherine exhibits the occasional doubt, telling him that she is sure that dreadful things await them and claiming that she fears having a baby because she has never loved anyone. Privy only to what Catherine says, not to what she thinks, the reader is left to explain these infrequent lapses in her otherwise uncompromised devotion. Her premonition of dreadful things, for instance, may simply be a general alarm about the war-torn world or residual guilt for loving a man other than the fianc whom she is mourning as the book opens. While the degree to which Catherine is conflicted remains open to debate, her loyalty to Henry does not. She is a loving, dedicated woman whose desire and capacity for a redemptive, otherworldly love makes her the inevitable victim of tragedy.

Rinaldi - Rinaldis character serves an important function in A Farewell to Arms. He dominates an array of minor male characters who embody the kind of virile, competent, and good-natured masculinity that, for better or worse, so much of Hemingways fiction celebrates. Rinaldi is an unbelievable womanizer, professing to be in love with Catherine at the beginning of the novel but claiming soon thereafter to be relieved that he is not, like Henry, saddled with the complicated emotional baggage that the love of a woman entails. Considering Rinaldis frequent visits to the local whorehouses, Henry later muses that his friend has most likely succumbed to syphilis. While this registers as an unpleasant end, it is presented with an air of detached likelihood rather than fervent moralizing. It is, in other words, not punishment for a mans bad behavior but rather the consequence of a man behaving as a manliving large, living boldly, and being true to himself.


Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.

The Grim Reality of War - As the title of the novel makes clear, A Farewell to Arms concerns itself primarily with war, namely the process by which Frederic Henry removes himself from it and leaves it behind. The few characters in the novel who actually support the effortEttore Moretti and Ginocome across as a dull braggart and a naïve youth, respectively. The majority of the characters remain ambivalent about the war, resentful of the terrible destruction it causes, doubtful of the glory it supposedly brings.

The novel offers masterful descriptions of the conflicts senseless brutality and violent chaos the scene of the Italian armys retreat remains one of the most profound evocations of war in American literature. As the neat columns of men begin to crumble, so too do the soldiers nerves, minds, and capacity for rational thought and moral judgment. Henrys shooting of the engineer for refusing to help free the car from the mud shocks the reader for two reasons first, the violent outburst seems at odds with Henrys coolly detached character; second, the incident occurs in a setting that robs it of its moral importthe complicity of Henrys fellow soldiers legitimizes the killing. The murder of the engineer seems justifiable because it is an inevitable by-product of the spiraling violence and disorder of the war.

Nevertheless, the novel cannot be said to condemn the war; A Farewell to Arms is hardly the work of a pacifist. Instead, just as the innocent engineers death is an inevitability of war, so is war the inevitable outcome of a cruel, senseless world. Hemingway suggests that war is nothing more than the dark, murderous extension of a world that refuses to acknowledge, protect, or preserve true love.

The Relationship between Love and Pain - Against the backdrop of war, Hemingway offers a deep, mournful meditation on the nature of love. No sooner does Catherine announce to Henry that she is in mourning for her dead fianc than she begins a game meant to seduce Henry. Her reasons for doing so are clear she wants to distance herself from the pain of her loss. Likewise, Henry intends to get as far away from talk of the war as possible. In each other, Henry and Catherine find temporary solace from the things that plague them. The couples feelings for each other quickly pass from an amusement that distracts them to the very fuel that sustains them. Henrys understanding of how meaningful his love for Catherine is outweighs any consideration for the emptiness of abstract ideals such as honor, enabling him to flee the war and seek her out. Reunited, they plan an idyllic life together that promises to act as a salve for the damage that the war has inflicted. Far away from the decimated Italian countryside, each intends to be the others refuge. If they are to achieve physical, emotional, and psychological healing, they have found the perfect place in the safe remove of the Swiss mountains. The tragedy of the novel rests in the fact that their love, even when genuine, can never be more than temporary in this world.


Motifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the texts major themes.

Masculinity - Readers of Hemingways fiction will quickly notice a consistent thread in the portrayal and celebration of a certain kind of man domineering, supremely competent, and swaggeringly virile. A Farewell to Arms holds up several of its minor male characters as examples of fine manhood. Rinaldi is a faithful friend and an oversexed womanizer; Dr. Valentini exhibits a virility to rival Rinaldis as well as a bold competence that makes him the best surgeon. Similarly, during the scene in which Henry fires his pistol at the fleeing engineering sergeants, Bonello takes charge of the situation by brutally shooting the fallen engineer in the head. The respect with which Hemingway sketches these men, even at their lowest points, is highlighted by the humor, if not contempt, with which he depicts their opposites. The success of each of these men depends, in part, on the failure of another Rinaldi secures his sexual prowess by attacking the priests lack of lust; Dr. Valentinis reputation as a surgeon is thrown into relief by the three mousy, overly cautious, and physically unimpressive doctors who precede him; and Bonellos ruthlessness is prompted by the disloyal behavior of the soldier whom he kills.

Games and Divertissement - Henry and Catherine begin flirting with each other in order to forget personal troubles. Flirting, which Henry compares to bridge, allows Henry to drop the war and diverts Catherines thoughts from the death of her fianc. Likewise, the horse races that Catherine and Henry attend enable them to block out thinking of Henrys return to the front and of their imminent separation. Ironically, Henry and Catherines relationship becomes the source of suffering from which Henry needs diversion. Henry cannot stand to be away from Catherine, and while playing pool with Count Greffi takes his mind off of her, the best divertissement turns out to be the war itself. When Catherine instructs him not to think about her when they are apart, Henry replies, Thats how I worked it at the front. But there was something to do then. The transformations of the war from fatal threat into divertissement and love from distraction into pain signal not only Henrys attachment to Catherine but also the transitory nature of happiness. Pathos radiates from this fleeting happiness because, even though happiness is temporary, the pursuit of it remains necessary. Perhaps an understanding of the limits of happiness explains the counts comment that though he values love most in life, he is not wise for doing so. The count is wiser than he claims, however. He hedges against the transitory nature of love by finding pleasure and amusement in games, birthday parties, and the taking of a little stimulant. That one can depend on their simple pleasures lends games and divertissement a certain dignity; while they may not match up to the nobility of pursuits such as love, they prove quietly constant.

Loyalty versus Abandonment - The notions of loyalty and abandonment apply equally well to love and war. The novel, however, suggests that loyalty is more a requirement of love and friendship than of the grand political causes and abstract philosophies of battling nations. While Henry takes seriously his duty as a lieutenant, he does not subscribe to the ideals that one typically imagines fuel soldiers in combat. Unlike Ettore Moretti or Gino, the promise of honor and the duties of patriotism mean little to Henry. Although he shoots an uncooperative engineering sergeant for failing to comply with his orders, Henrys violence should be read as an inevitable outcome of a destructive war rather than as a conscious decision to enforce a code of moral conduct. Indeed, Henry eventually follows in the engineering sergeants footsteps by abandoning the army and his responsibilities. While he does, at times, feel guilt over this course of action, he takes comfort in the knowledge that he is most loyal where loyalty counts most in his relationship with Catherine. That these conflicting allegiances cannot be reconciled does not suggest, however, that loyalty and abandonment lie at opposite ends of a moral spectrum. Rather, they reflect the priorities of a specific individuals life.

Illusions and Fantasies - Upon meeting, Catherine and Henry rely upon a grand illusion of love and seduction for comfort. Catherine seeks solace for the death of her fianc, while Henry will do anything to distance himself from the war. At first, their declarations of love are transparent Catherine reminds Henry several times that their courtship is a game, sending him away when she has played her fill. After Henry is wounded, however, his desire for Catherine and the comfort and support that she offers becomes more than a distraction from the worlds unpleasantness; his love begins to sustain him and blossoms into something undeniably real. Catherines feelings for Henry follow a similar course.

While the couple acts in ways that confirm the genuine nature of their passion, however, they never escape the temptation of dreaming of a better world. In other words, the boundary between reality and illusion proves difficult to identify. After Henry and Catherine have spent months of isolation in Switzerland, Hemingway depicts their relationship as a mixture of reality and illusion. Boredom has begun to set in, and the couple effects small daily changes to reinvigorate their lives and their passion Catherine gets a new haircut, while Henry grows a beard. Still, or perhaps because of, the comparative dullness of real life (not to mention the ongoing war), the couple turns to fantasies of a more perfect existence. They dream of life on a Swiss mountain, where they will make their own clothes and need nothing but each other, suggesting that fantasizing is an essential part of coping with the banal, sometimes damaging effects of reality.


Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.

Rain - Rain serves in the novel as a potent symbol of the inevitable disintegration of happiness in life. Catherine infuses the weather with meaning as she and Henry lie in bed listening to the storm outside. As the rain falls on the roof, Catherine admits that the rain scares her and says that it has a tendency to ruin things for lovers. Of course, no meteorological phenomenon has such power; symbolically, however, Catherines fear proves to be prophetic, for doom does eventually come to the lovers. After Catherines death, Henry leaves the hospital and walks home in the rain. Here, the falling rain validates Catherines anxiety and confirms one of the novels main contentions great love, like anything else in the worldgood or bad, innocent or deservingcannot last.

Catherines Hair - Although it is not a recurring symbol, Catherines hair is an important one. In the early, easy days of their relationship, as Henry and Catherine lie in bed, Catherine takes down her hair and lets it cascade around Henrys head. The tumble of hair reminds Henry of being enclosed inside a tent or behind a waterfall. This lovely description stands as a symbol of the couples isolation from the world. With a war raging around them, they manage to secure a blissful seclusion, believing themselves protected by something as delicate as hair. Later, however, when they are truly isolated from the ravages of war and living in peaceful Switzerland, they learn the harsh lesson that love, in the face of lifes cruel reality, is as fragile and ephemeral as hair.

Please note that this sample paper on A Farewell to Arms is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Farewell to Arms, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on A Farewell to Arms will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use.

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use. paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use. paper at affordable prices!

A) Polyamides (nylons) Polyamides was developed during research into finding a substitute

for silk. Nylon was the first synthetic polymer to be produced, Nylons main characteristics is

that it is a tough strong fabric, elasticity, wear and abrasion resistance and good chemical

resistance. These characteristics are related to the use of nylon in society today because of its

Order Custom List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use. paper

useful characteristics . Nylons are used in virtually every industry and market

B) Polyester Polyester does not absorb water or oil, can resist many acids. It wont stretch out

of a shape, has a high tensile strength. Polyester is often used in outerwear because of its high

tenacity and durability. It is a strong fibre and consequently can withstand strong and repetitive

movements. Its hydrophobic property makes it ideal for garments and jackets that are to be

used in wet or damp environments. coating the fabric with a water-resistant finish intensifies this


C) Polyethylene There are two types of polyethylene High density and Low density.

Low Density The features of low density polyethylene is that it is flexible, soft, translucent,

scratches easily and melts at 80 degrees. These characteristics are re-lated to the use of Low

Density polyethylene in society today because it can be made easily into Garbage bags,

squeeze bottles. Its flexible so it can be used in black irrigation tube and garbage bins.

High Density Its properties are that it is opaque, melts at 15 degrees C and is hard to semi-

flexible. These characteristics are related to the use of High Density Polyethylene in society

today, because its strong it is used in shopping bags to hold groceries and also freezer bags. It is

water resistant so it is used in milk bottles and buckets and is hard so it is used in milkcrates.

D) Polystyrene There are forms Polystyrene and expanded Polystyrene.

Polystyrene Its characteristics are that its rigid, brittle, semi-tough, it can be see through and

obaque. These characteristics are related to the use of Polystyrene in society today because it

is semi tough so it is used in Plastic cutlery and low-cost brittle toys, and because it is see

through it is also used in imitation crystal glassware.

Expanded Polystyrene Its characteristics are that it is light weight, energy ab sorbing and

heat insulating. These characteristics are related to the use of Expanded Polystyrene in society

today because it is heat resistant and an insulator so it is used in hot drink takeaway cups and

takeaway containers. Its also Energy absorbing so it doesnt damage the product so it is used in

foam meat trays and protective packaging.

Please note that this sample paper on List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use., we are here to assist you. Your essay on List 5 Polymers and desctribe there characteristics in relation to there use. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, November 29, 2019

East of eden

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East of Eden

Imagery- Page - "I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. I remember where a toad may live and what time the birds awaken in the summerand what trees and seasons smelled likehow people looked and walked and smelled even. The memory of odors is very rich."

By starting the text with a vivid description of the scenery and life in the Salinas valley Steinbeck captures the audience's attention with his use of imagery. By making the reader interpret the setting and allowing them to smell the trees and the seasons, he enhances the beginning of the book by making the reader join into the text.

Imagery- Page 5- "Then June came the grasses headed out and turned brown, and the hills turned a brown which was not brown but a gold and saffron and red an indescribable color."

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Another example of imagery in the first chapter of the book, which shows how Steinbeck enjoys the use of imagery to start his book. The use of imagery in the beginning of the book enhances the reader's mood, and allows them to enjoy the writing, which is most likely, the reason why it is used as a hook in this text. Also, when Steinbeck says "an indescribable color," he lets the mind wonder and think what that color might be.

Simile- Page - "It was an unlikely place for a man from a green country to come to, but he came about thirty years before the turn of the century and he brought with him his tiny Irish wife, a tight hard little woman humor-less as a chicken.

This example of a simile makes the text more meaningful by giving a reference when describing Hamilton's wife. Without having the reference it would be hard to understand what Hamilton's wife is really like, but with the reference we can interpret that she is strict and humor-less, without reading any further into the text.

Personification- Page 54- "A time splashed with interest, wounded with tragedy, crevassed with joythat's the time that seems long in memory."

This excerpt uses personification three times in one sentence. Time has been splashed with interest; it has been wounded with tragedy, and crevassed with joy. These examples make the reader better understand the concept of time. Steinbeck's use of personification gives the reader better examples of the idea, so they can better understand what is being explained.

Parallelism- Page 8- "He had invented his businessthe circuit route through the small towns, the short stay of each girl, the discipline, the percentages. He felt his way along and made few mistakes. He never sent his girls into the cities. He could handle the hungry constables of the villages, but he had respect for the experienced and voracious city police."

There are actually two instances of parallelism in this excerpt. The first excerpt is all in one sentence. Steinbeck writes the sentence in the same form, giving the many examples of what Mr. Edwards had set up in his prostitution ring. Not only does he use it in this sentence, but also he uses it in the next three sentences to show the many intricacies of the business.

Irony- Page 15- "When they inspected his handbooks they found that he had over ninety-three thousand dollars in the bank and ten thousand dollars in good securities. They felt very different about Mr. Trask then. People with that much money were rich. They would never have to worry. It was enough to start a dynasty."

After a childhood of mediocrity and growing up with no real luxuries, Adam and Charles Trask discover that their father had been hiding an enormous sum of money from them their entire lives. This shows the irony that Adam and Charles, who suspected that their father was a nothing, really had come across a large sum of money in his many years. And also the fact that they grew up without any luxuries, and all of a sudden are wealthy defines irony.

Symbolism- Page 185- "Missy Adam say come! Missy Cathy bad- come quick. Missy yell, scream."

This excerpt symbolizes how Asian Americans, although through and through Americans, were looked down upon during the time period that this book takes place. Lee, who is quoted in this passage, speaks perfectly good English and is very well educated, but for a time in this book he speaks broken English so he would be accepted as the Trask's butler. Later, in the book Lee finally opens up and shows his scholar and even has the dream of opening up a bookstore. This symbolizes the possibility of overcoming racial prejudice with the help of kind souls such as the Trask's.

Simile- Page 0- "With a saddle he feels as though you were riding a sled over a gravel pit."

This passage enhances the text by describing how the horse that Mr. Hamilton purchased runs. Without the simile it would be hard to infer the horse's capability when running, but with the simile you can determine that Mr. Hamilton's horse was a bust.

Rhetorical Questioning- Page 6- "Lee said softly, " Couldn't a world be built around accepted truth? Couldn't some pains and insanities be rooted out if the causes were known?""

By making these statement Lee is making his point come across much more clear. The use of rhetorical questioning allows the mind to ponder the idea put on the table, without steering too far off track.

Personification- Page 418- "Salinas had two grammar schools, big yellow structures with tall windows, and the windows were baleful and the doors did not smile."

Giving the school buildings physical attributes and motions is a prime example of personification. This also enhances the text by giving the reader a visual image of the school buildings so that they can interpret by themselves what they look like. Steinbeck is keen on developing mental images for the reader so that they can envision the ins and outs of the text, based on what they have read.

Please note that this sample paper on East of eden is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on East of eden, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on East of eden will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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