Thursday, November 28, 2019

Effective Strategic Marketing Planning

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Effective Strategic Marketing Planning. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Effective Strategic Marketing Planning paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Effective Strategic Marketing Planning, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Effective Strategic Marketing Planning paper at affordable prices!

Effective strategic marketing planning is essential for any organisation to succeed in its chose market. Kotler (00) states that the key to achieving organisational goals consist of the company being more effective than its competitors in creating, delivering and communicating customer value to its chosen target markets, therefore the organisation must know as much about its competitors, as it does about itself. When attempting a marketing plan it is important to include seven integrated components; Background situation, Marketing objectives, Marketing strategy, Marketing mix, Action plans, Budget and Organisation implications. According to Doyle pg 101, (00), these will provide us with the information needed as well as a structured path to fulfil the plan. It should also be noted as Kotler (00) suggested that a degree of openness should be allowed which will help innovative ideas within the total planning systems. This flexibility adds kotler is also a potential source of competitive advantage. Barriers identified by McDonald (00) which cause problems in implementing plans, ranged from little senior management support, inadequate marketing and planning skills to confusion and delegation of plans. These barriers need to be addressed by the organisation to ensure effective strategic planning.

ANC rental Corporation is a car rental company and is made up of three distinctive brands, National is a well know corporate (business) brand, Alamo car rental has a strong presence in the retail market while the third brand, Guy Salmon is a prestige name in car rental through which they hire executive vehicles. Together the Alamo and National brands make up one of the world's largest car rental companies with annual revenue of $.4 billion in 00. To ensure an effective strategic marketing plan they must be able to give themselves a competitive advantage over rival firms. Wilson & Gilligan (17) suggests how market orientation requires a focus on customers, competitors, changing environment and company culture. Despite competition ANC rental can rely on numerous strengths. Firstly it has the largest fleet of cars (55,000) (ANC start right, Dec 00) in the UK, 10,000 more than its nearest competitor Avis. Secondly it has a service support network connected to its 15 branches through out the UK as well as a global reservations office, which can handle 8 languages. This last point proves that ANC is a global brand, which it must incorporate into its strategy if it wants to compete in today's global economy. The information it collects must be used to give the company global competitive advantage which Yib (18) states can maximise worldwide performance through sharing and integration. However its weakness includes a lack of identifying small but potential gaps in the market. Wichan pg 151, (18), states how opportunities do not present themselves, they have to be actively sought out. ANC must use its current resources such as staff to seek new opportunities before the competition does. Another weakness, which is a main cause for its position is lack of brand awareness and image, which in today's business environment is a key, factor in an organisations success. According to Fill pg 16 (1), Brand equity is a measure of a number of different components including the beliefs, images and core associations, consumers have about particular brands. Ambler (00) continues to confirm its importance by stating that firms that measured their main marketing asset (Brand equity) and used both financial and non-financial metrics to assess performance were less likely to cut budgets. He adds that marketers who align their agenda with the corporate goals are under less threat. This is no exception in the car rental business where customer's needs are to feel "looked after and counted. Marketing plans are needed for ANC's slogan " Freedom we'll take you there" and logo to be seen and heard using different media. Before they can expect to beat their competitors, they first need to strengthen its current position in the consumers mind. A good example of this is when Avis ran their campaign " We're number two, we try harder" this showed how they acknowledged its second position in the rental car business.

A marketing audit needs to be executed which according to Lancaster & Massingham (18) pg 14, is a systematic internal and external environmental review of the companies marketing performance for a given period of time. ANC rental should look at all financial reviews and their position in the industry for the last 5 10 yrs which not only will provide them with essential information but also will help them to see what changes are needed to take them where they want to go, Be number 1 in the market place. The structure of the audit that suggests Lancaster & Massingham (18) will provide the basic for subsequent SWOT analysis, while the external audit will examine the PEST factor. Such issues, which affected the car rental industry, was September 11th, which reduced the number of tourists and social culture which has increased customer demands and wants. Globalisation, Levitt (18) is a major cause of this, which increased brand equity and competition. ANC should also conduct their marketing audit on a continuing basis that according to McDonald pg 57 (00) will make it a useful source of information to draw on for decision-making throughout the year. This will give the flexibility needed which will help the plan to succeed. Management at ANC should also understand the twelve guidelines for effective marketing which McDonald (1) lists are important for companies if they want to gain competitive advantage. This gives them extra information, which is needed when the plan is being created. After they have collected the bulk of the information they must produce a mission statement which according to Doyle pg85 (00), motivates employees by providing them with an external goal worth striving for. Also a Mission statement represents a visionary view of the overall strategic posture of an organisation and as Johnson & Scholes (1) suggest is likely to be a persistent and resistant influences on strategic decisions. Therefore it is important to display the mission statement where all employees can see it, canteen, reception, etc. this will give employees a sense of direction which according to Doyle (00), will identify major policies that define how to treat customers, fellow employees, suppliers and other key stakeholders. This will also take away the traditional strategies used be finance directors, which caused confusion among line managers, which prevented them for taking them seriously. McDonald (15) suggests marketing planners place a greater emphasis for essential data only and use phases, which explain the underlying thinking behind the objectives and strategies. This way employees at ANC from top management all the way down the chain of command to drivers will understand what the company stands for, its values and where it wants to be. In ANC's case "To be the Global car rental company of choice". The marketing team at ANC have done this and have changed the structure of the organisation to adapt to its plan. The importance of drivers as a customer contact point was noted which promoted them to change the driver's title to key time worker. According to Lancaster & Massingham (18) pg 17, objectives and strategy can only be achieved through people, structure, systems and methods. ANC's new consideration for all its employees and other resources help bring about the changes required to meets the organisation's objectives. This gives staff a sense of belonging and having a say in the company they work for. Satisfaction levels must be high within the organisation before positive results can be achieved.

The whole process must have an effective structure for it to succeed (Wilson & Fook, 10 Pg ), this shows how it is no good creating a marketing plan if you don't lay down a structured plan to implement it. Staffs training programmes need to be implemented to increase performance as well as effectively communicating the strategic plan to staff. MacNamee & McDonnell pg14 (15) suggest how incentive schemes can generate staff motivation and reward them on the plans' attainment. This will encourage staff to achieve the plan's objectives who in short are the key people who ANC rely on to ensure their customers position ANC as their global choice in car rental. Delta Airlines in the US realised in the early 0's, a simple fact, that by treating its staff well and keeping them motivated and trained, high productivity and superior customer service was implemented which helped them to differentiate the airline from its competitors. ANC will need to introduce a continuous appraisal system to measure staff performance and can help managers assess the ongoing strategy. Structuring the organisation can cut mistakes when implementing the plan, Mintzberg's (17) Division of Labour can help the different departments understand their core duties and standardise procedures. However solid communication must allow certain change if needed to take place with minimum fuss. I agree with Alexander (185) when he brings up the point that top management must first of all clearly communicate with all employees what the new strategic decision is all about. In the rental industry when the drivers have a close contact with customers it is important that these employees feel they have an important role to play in the organisation. Alexander continues to stress how two- way communication within its organisation where e.g. Bolton branch is short two cars but the Manchester branch is slow to cooperate. ANC's new strategy where "working together" is a key value, they have changed the structure where four or five branches in one area are part of one region, which encourages cooperation and can lead to healthy competition between other regions in the future. The development and management of the strategy can be implemented more successfully through the "lens of design". This according to Johnson & Scholes (1) uses economic forces and constraints on the organisation, which are weighed carefully through analytic and evaluative techniques to establish clear strategic direction. This backs up Alexander's point that top management need to lead the development of strategy in the organisation. This controlling will help determine smooth operation of the strategic plan. But will only work when used with other methods to control the plan and eliminate barriers.

It should be noted that a lot of these barriers, which could render the plan useless, are human made and according to Ambler (00) lacks an experienced marketing director who understands the fundamentals of marketing. Assertiveness and cooperation is essential to work together with marketing people to understand that contribution and profit is far more important than executing expenditure. Traditional managers concentrate too much on yearly finance reports rather than on long-term strategies. ANC rental have given their marketing department much more power as the strategy is integrated into the total corporate planning system which McDonald (16) states needs to be achieved by all departments in the organisation such as distribution, finance, process and personnel. To break down some of the barriers to Marketing planning, McDonald (1), ANC should use methods for implementing the strategic plan. A successful method was developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1, called The Balanced scorecard methodology. This is an analysis technique designed to translate an organizations mission statement and overall business strategy into specific, quantifiable goals and to monitor the organizations performance in terms of achieving these goals. The methodology examines performance in four areas financial analysis, includes assessments of measures such as operating costs and return-on-investment; customer analysis looks at customer satisfaction and retention; internal analysis looks at production and innovation, measuring performance in terms of maximizing profit from current products and following indicators for future productivity; and finally, learning and growth analysis explores the effectiveness of management in terms of measures of employee satisfaction and retention and information system performance. However as MacNamee & McDonnell (15) argue that the balanced scorecard is not a template that can be applied in every business, each organisation such as ANC rental can develop their own customised scorecard to fit their goals and strategy.

When correctly done, strategic planning takes into account all aspects of your organisation and provides criteria for making day-to-day decisions about operations within and outside the organisation. This gives a template against which all such decisions can be evaluated. This leads to greater focus and effectiveness. But by just collecting all the relevant information and using the best components in formulating a strategic plan it must be agreed that this work is rendered useless if it cannot be effectively implemented by the organisation. Successful controlling requires performance measures, suitable reward systems and flexibility embraced by the structure of the organisation. This is needed to create a balanced environment for the plan to go from "idea" to an actual working plan. Motivated employees are the key success factor in implementing a successful plan. This is why strong leadership make the strategy real at a level of achievable that is both meaningful and actionable. This critical leadership issue is how to lead from a position of strength based on a view of the future, and a plan for getting the organisation there. This leadership should come from both marketing planners and the top leadership team which in some organisations are the same. Good communication at all levels of responsibility will create an understanding to highlight the benefits of actually carrying out and keeping to the plan. Obstacles will always occur, internally or externally, but if the necessary foundations are in place; vision, skills, flexibility to change, strong leadership and communication; Management will and should be able to ensure effective planning. For each barrier the remedy is different, and appropriately identifying those barriers is an important step in effective strategic planning. Therefore the plan must have adaptiveness, flexibility, and responsiveness. In the cases of major business change initiatives, success or failure will hinge on the effectiveness and strength of the vision and strategic plan. Also controlling systems such as collecting data with other reports and statistics can help you anticipate and resolve issues before they become problems, or at least minimize the effect of problems by early action. This with enhanced strategic feedback and learning for future results may create new opportunities or risks not anticipated when initial strategies were developed. This forward thinking approach will help any organisation to respond quickly and effectively to changing environmental conditions.


Alexander, L. D. (185) Successfully implementing strategic decisions

Ambler, T. (Marketing, October rd, 00)

ANC start right, (Dec 00)

Asch, D. and Bowman (14) Readings in Strategy Management

Doyle, P. (00) Marketing Management and Strategy. rd Ed

Fill C. (1) Marketing Communications nd Ed.

Hughes, G.D. (180) Marketing Management A planning approach

Ind, N. (17) The corporate brand

Johnson, G. & Scholes, K. (1) Exploring corporate strategy 6th Ed

Kaplan, Robert S. and Norton, David P., Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System. Harvard Business Review, January-February (16)

Kotler P. (00) Marketing Management, International Edition 11th Ed

Lancaster, G. and Massingham, L. (18) Marketing Management. nd Ed

Levitt, T. (18) The globalisation of markets.

MacNamee, B. and McDonnell, R. (15) The marketing Casebase

McDonald, M. (00) Marketing Plans. 5th Ed

McDonald, M. (1) Strategic marketing planning a state of the art review.

Mintzberg, H. (17) The structuring of organisations

Quinn, J. (180) Management strategic change

Wickham, P. (18) Strategic Entrepreneurship

Wilson, R., Gilligan, C. and Pearson, D. (1) Strategic Marketing Management Planning, Implementation and Control. Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann

Yip, G.S. (18) Global Strategy In a world of nations

Anonymous. Marketing News. Chicago (Feb 1, 185). Vol. 1; p. 1

Marketing Management

Assignment 1

Effective Strategic Marketing Planning

ANC Rental Corporation


Denis Finnegan

Student no. 00047

Submission date 7th Nov 00

Tutor Mr Bob Barrett

Please note that this sample paper on Effective Strategic Marketing Planning is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Effective Strategic Marketing Planning, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Effective Strategic Marketing Planning will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Mcdonaldization of america

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on mcdonaldization of america. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality mcdonaldization of america paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in mcdonaldization of america, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your mcdonaldization of america paper at affordable prices!

Essay on Ritzer

George Ritzer's book, The McDonaldization of Society, was too repetitive, simplistic, and predictable. At first, I found his examples interesting, but the book became more of a disappointment as I continued to read. It seems as if he wrote for an audience that has never stopped to think about things for themselves, and so he then offers them his own repetitive, dry ideas. Ritzer depicted McDonaldization as a huge problem in our society, supposedly enlightening the reader to the "irrationality of rationality" we are all living with. I admit that I do not know a lot about exactly how or why societies have changed, but his trivial explanations for such a broad topic are not convincing. I feel that I got the same amount of information from the first two chapters as I did from the entire rest of the book, making the whole thing such a effortless, dull book to read.

McDonald's has become a sacred institution in our culture the golden arches are among some of the most identifiable symbols in our society and societies across the world. The company has become very successful and their fast-food organizational practices have come to affect many aspects of our social lives. The world is becoming more and more McDonaldized, a place where poeple rely on a society that is efficient, calculable, and predictable like the restaurant itself. McDonaldization of Society has shown that many of these social changes are the result of the increasing strength and importance of bureaucracies that emphasize efficiency, calculability, and predictability.

We now live in a time where efficiency and speed is stressed, which leads to a lot of impersonality. Everyone seems to be in a rush and wants everything done in the shortest amount of time necessary. Each and every process of a business is organized to ensure that everything happens at the right time and the right place to ensure that the maximum gratification for the customer and the maximum profit for the company. McDonald's is convenient way to get a meal quickly; the stress is on this speed and convenience, not delicious food, a fine dining experience, or satisfying interactions with other people. Companies want workers who follow strict orders to do the most efficient work. Labor is divided to help with the completion of larger goals that could not be obtained by a single person. A bureaucracy sacrifices the individual for whatever is the most efficient and profitable, and then creates individuals who treasure the same efficiency and profits in their own lives.

Cheap Custom Essays on mcdonaldization of america

Our society also seems to be more focused on quantity than quality; the higher the quantifying aspects of something, the better it must be. People eating a McDonald's meal are more concerned with its seemingly lower price and convenience than a quality fine dining experience or nutritional value. Companies are most concerned with their profits, wanting workers who can work quickly and efficiently to produce the highest number of products. The illusion of quantity and a good value for the consumer has become more of a focus than true quality. Calculability leads to people and their actions being reduced to simple numbers instead of individuals, and life experiences reduced to nothing more than calculated values. Society uses these numbers to determine value or success, giving increasing importance to a flawed quantifying system. The higher the numbers, the more efficient something is deemed to be, and the bureaucracy is successful.

People feel more comfortable when they know what to expect. Businesses like to know that their workers will perform predictably. Life can seem easier when there are not any surprises. McDonald's makes sure that each item on their menu is the same in every location and that each one of their employees behaves in the same scripted manner. A bureaucracy would fall apart if its rules were consistently broken or if it's people consistently broke away from their roles. Predictable, effortless work makes tasks easier for the worker, and then makes the workers easier to manage.

A bureaucracy is a large-scale organization composed of a hierarchy of offices. In these offices, people have certain responsibilities and must act in accord with rules, written regulations, and means of compulsion exercised by those who occupy higher-level positions. This system is supposed to offer the most rationality and perform the most efficiently. Society controls people through this efficiency, calculability, and predictability, all characteristics of a bureaucracy. Social changes toward what seems to be more efficient and rational means have been a dominant characteristic in our evolving society.

Change has always been inevitable and a society will always be growing. While Mcdonaldization is rapidly taking over American society and spreading to the rest of the globe, it is not something unjustly imposed on the American people. Our culture has taught the public to seek efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. Even when given the choice to avoid sucha establisment or product, people will still flock to it. A McDonaldized system of standardizing products by efficiency, predictability, and calculability has become embedded in most cultures. Many businesses feel that in order to be successful they must adhere to these guidelines. Corporations and capitalism dominate a large part of our society, so their values are also going to dominate. Speed, convenience, and predictability make some aspects of life seem easier, but with this ease comes some sacrifices. In a society dominated by bureaucracies, it can be easy to overlook some of the disadvantages to enjoy the advantages it can offer.

Please note that this sample paper on mcdonaldization of america is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on mcdonaldization of america, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on mcdonaldization of america will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Economic analysis of the Australian & Hong Kong economies

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Economic analysis of the Australian & Hong Kong economies. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Economic analysis of the Australian & Hong Kong economies paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Economic analysis of the Australian & Hong Kong economies, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Economic analysis of the Australian & Hong Kong economies paper at affordable prices!





Custom writing service can write essays on Economic analysis of the Australian & Hong Kong economies







There have been significant changes to Australias place in the world economy since 100. From a marked dependence on the United Kingdom for `men, money, and markets down to the 150s, where the `lucky country evolved into a key player in the emerging Asia-Pacific group of dynamic economies by the 180s. Yet such shifts obscure the fundamental continuities, which have characterised Australian development ever since European settlement began. Australia's place in the global economy is primarily one of an exporter of primary produce and a heavy borrower.

Australia has always been at the mercy of external elements over which it has little apparent control. Long before the concept of globalisation acquired its modern currency, Australias dependence on the outside world made it prone to recurrent economic crises because of a periodic inability to earn export surpluses to pay for capital inflows. It is for this reason that the extent to which external, rather than domestic, forces have shaped the growth of the Australian economy is very evident. This is not to say the peculiar domestic forces have also helped to drive the Australian economy. For much of the twentieth century most Australians lived in a high-income economy with a large service sector, an unusually rapid rate of population growth, and a well-entrenched system of protectionism. Collectively, Australian's have shown a high propensity to consume, a marked liking for leisure, and a strong preference for owner-occupation and suburban living. Alongside an optimistic belief that, in the long run, `shell be right lay an assumption that ad hoc government intervention would somehow sort out any short-term problems.


By contrast, Hong Kong, as one of the last remaining colonial outposts, retained a number of similarities with European or British methods of operating, controlling and reporting, to maintain their economic position in the global market place.

As in many fields of study, an understanding of international accounting differences is aided by an examination of evolution. The systems of law and commerce in Australia and Hong Kong all derive historically from the UK. Not surprisingly, therefore, the British accounting system was similarly exported and still feels at home in these environments.

In both economies, there are loose regulatory frameworks provided by Companies Acts. These are supplemented by more detailed accounting standards promulgated by committees dominated by accountants. Tax rules are different from accounting rules for certain items (eg. depreciation), which gives rise to deferred tax. For most issues, tax rules follow accounting rules.

A further connected feature is the nature of the financial system. On the whole, one could say that Australia and Hong Kong have a system based on capital markets. There are large numbers of listed companies with widespread shareholdings. By contrast, Japan and Korea (and Germany and Italy) have credit-based financial systems with heavy involvement by governments or financial institutions. It follows that, published financial reporting and external auditors are much more relevant in a capital market system because there are large numbers of external investors to report to.

Gross Domestic Product

The figures above suggest that Australia has entered a prolonged period of growth that will continue well into the next decade, and could even surpass the golden age of the 150s. In those days, Australia still ``rode on the sheeps back, with agriculture, especially wool, accounting for much of its prosperity. The biggest change in the 10s has been a surge in manufactured goods and services which together now contribute twice as much to exports as farming does Australia is seeing the benefits of structural changes over the past 15 years that have made its economy more resilient. The changes started with the former Labor government, which took the crucial decision in 18 to float the Australian dollar. It dismantled many of the tariffs that had for decades protected inefficient Australian industries from foreign competition, deregulated the financial system and started to privatise transport, communications and utilities.

On the down side, the Hong Kong economy contracted by 4% during the first half of 18, the stock market crashed to a 5- year-low, and the unemployment level reached a 15-year high, as the region suffered from the financial crisis that had engulfed south east Asia since 17. This situation was exacerbated as GDP fell by 5% during 18, as the region endured its worst ever economic recession and unemployment rose to above 5% - an unheard of figure in the days under British control.

However, once the Asian crisis passed by, the resilience of Hong Kong's economy meant it was quick to recover. Based upon Hong Kong's huge financial reserves and its pivotal financial position in the world economy and because of the pre-eminent position the Hong Kong Stock exchange has in world financial markets.



The attacks on the Thai baht and other Southeast Asian currencies in 17

barely touched Hong Kong. With a huge fiscal reserve of well over HK$00

billion, a huge foreign exchange reserve of U.S.$8.6 billion, and a budget

surplus for most of the last thirty years, Hong Kong is well positioned to

withstand speculative attacks on its currency. And indeed the Hong Kong dollar

remained strong, relative to the official link rate of HK$7.8 to the U.S.

dollar, when practically all ASEAN currencies depreciated against the U.S.

dollar. But a large foreign exchange reserve must be complemented with strong

fundamentals if a currency is to free itself from speculative attacks. The

management of the Hong Kong economy now needs more caution, vision, and

understanding than ever before. In particular, Hong Kongs ability to complete

in international markets is expected to be severely tested in the next ten

years, and the recent attacks on Southeast Asian currencies are forcing Hong

Kong to face those issues sooner than it otherwise might have.

Yet Hong Kong is not without its worries. Hong Kong's

attractiveness to investors has been declining recent years. There are two

reasons behind these developments. Hong Kong may have been subject to influences that reduced its attractiveness in absolute terms, as other countries may have improved their absolute attractiveness, so that Hong Kong is losing out

in relative terms to these countries.

For example, inflation and the relative appreciation of the Hong Kong dollar against competitor currencies have raised labour and land costs. Global improvements in transportation and communication have made formerly

unfavourable locations less of a drawback. And changes in the government

policies of Hong Kongs competitors may also have increased their attractiveness.

Given that the, under the current "one country, two systems" framework, the Hong Kong dollar will remain distinct from the RMB, there remains the further question of whether the current, linked exchange system,

which provides a direct link to the U.S. dollar at a fixed, official link rate

of HK$7.8 to the U.S. dollar, is best for Hong Kong.

To be fair, the linked exchange rate system has contributed a great deal to

public confidence in the future of Hong Kong during the time leading up to 17.


While, in Australia's case, the volatility of the dollar, accompanied with generally downward movements against the major global currencies has, in recent years, assisted in providing Australia with some protection against falls in the global economy. This resilience in the economy was achieved as a result of the improved standing Australia's exports have in the global economy from the weakening Australian dollar, thereby increasing the flow of foreign capital into the country as the export accounts are settled.



One key concern of some observers such as the World Economic Forum is whether the one country, two systems framework, which is the platform under which mainland China has decreed Hong Kong will be permitted to trade, is viable, given that it implies the circulation of two distinct currencies in one country. The monetary policies attached to this framework are linked to China and are built upon a number of key principles, which include -

· that China for to be prosperous Hong Kong is to be prosperous itself;

· that Hong Kong needs an independent monetary policy in order to maintain its attractiveness to investors

· that China needs an independent monetary policy to maintain the

macroeconomic stability necessary for its own prosperity

Hong Kong is Chinas predominant source of inward foreign capital, and therefore facilitates the flow of foreign capital into China as an intermediary.

It has made the world more accessible to China, whether as a supplier or

as a market. To continue to do so, Hong Kong needs to retain its position as a

world-class financial centre. Therefore, it must not have any foreign exchange control; the Hong Kong dollar has to have 100 percent, unconditional convertibility.


The Australian government, through the Reserve Bank (RBA), has a policy of controlling inflation and monetary supply through the use of interest rates. The guidelines under which the RBA operates have been set to ensure that monetary policy controls the direction of the economy. This is achieved by adjusting the flow of available money by manipulating the interest rate levers to make money more or less attractive or affordable. If inflation is trending upwards, lever is pulled, interest rates rise, and in the medium term, inflation comes down. Alternatively, the interest rate lever is released in the event of low inflation, which is generally accompanied by low investment.


As discussed throughout this report, the graph above highlights that the Australian economy has negotiated the economic crises in the past 5 years in a positive manner. On the other hand there has been obvious problems in the Asian economies such as the collapse in Thailand, the property bubble burst in Hong Kong and Japan, and these have had detrimental effects upon Hong Kong's performance.

A consistent inflation performance allows business to confidently predict where their investments are best placed, or what results they can expect of their business strategies. The uncertainty of Hong Kong's inflation figure, while there have been some negative numbers, does not engender the confidence that businesses are looking for in their investments.

Additionally, a government that allows inflation to rise to very high levels is usually ineffective in many respects; so determining whether high rates of inflation are a cause of poor economic performance or a symptom of other problems that impinge on economic activity can be difficult. Nevertheless, numerous researchers have documented a link between high rates of inflation and poor economic outcomes. The picture is less clear at more moderate rates of inflation (Bruno 15) but plausible arguments can be advanced that even relatively low rates of inflation distort economic decision-making. Thus, monetary policymakers commonly justify their concern with restraining inflation in terms of the beneficial impact on economic output over the long term. They also point to the role of low inflation expectations and enhanced central bank credibility in strengthening the policymakers hand.

Evidence that cost inflation is hurting Hong Kong is best drawn from recent

hotel occupancy rates. Hotels occupancy rates were estimated to be still 8 to percent. (Source Hong Kong Tourism Industry)


One option that may be worth considering, is to merge the RMB with the HK dollar. This means either that China has to give up that independence or that Hong Kongs monetary environment has to be dictated by developments in the rest of China. For those reasons, any speculation that the HK dollar would merge with the RMB in the short medium term (10 0 years) is unwarranted.

Beyond that, depending upon China's performance in the global economy, which, in turn is dependent on a number of important factors -

· The price it pays for it's labour;

· The sustainability of its economic growth through capital investment in new projects;

· Its human rights record;

· losses in the state enterprise and bad loans in state banks

Then in fifty years, the likelihood of a merge would be greater, but it would still require that the RMB itself be 100 percent convertible and that China cleans up its

fiscal problems.

Australia's economic growth is all the more remarkable given that Australia is still following the export formula that worked so well a century ago close to two-thirds of Australias exports are still rural and mineral commodities. This is a risky strategy. More export revenue is now to be made in services (such as banking, insurance, tourism and education). The world needed what Australia exported in 101; that is not necessarily the case today. As societies get richer, their proportion of expenditure on, for example, food stuffs declines (there is a limit, say, to the amount of bread that a person can eat) and instead their tastes run to services (such as overseas travel).

American economist Paul Krugman, writing in Fortune magazine in December 18, called Australia the miracle economy of the worlds financial crisis. Its rate of economic growth (about five per cent) was one of the best performances in the industrialised world. Australia has now had eight years of uninterrupted economic growth - the longest period of growth in its history.

Additionally, international commodity prices are very low and Australias two and a half decades of economic rationalism, culminating in the General Agreement on Tariff's & Trade (GATT) has reduced the protectionism still enjoyed by its competitors. For example, Australia could export coal to Germany (the Australian is a better quality than German coal) at a lower price (even including shipping costs) than the current cost of German coal. But the German Government prefers to subsidise each miner on the basis that it is better to subsidise the miners than have them sit around all day on unemployment benefits.

Furthermore, Australia is a country of almost 1 million people, with an economy about the size of South Korea or the Netherlands. It represents less than two per cent of the gross global product. It is vulnerable to international economic fluctuations. The Australian dollar is the sixth most traded currency in the world by currency speculators. Despite these limitations, the Australian economy, according to the statistics, is doing well.

Meanwhile, China has recently been admitted to the World Trade Organisation,

Which will result in reducing its tariffs rapidly and liberalising its dealings with foreign investors. Already some foreign banks, for example, have been allowed to conduct business in RMB deposits and lending.

It is with such a China that Hong Kong has reunified. If the communist state

stands for a rigid bureaucracy and a command economy, then Hong Kong has

not reunified with a communist state. To be accurate, China has become a mixed

economy and is due to become largely a market economy, if not within a

generation, certainly within the fifty years of one country, two systems

promised by the Basic Law. The assertion, commonly found in the Western media, that Hong Kong has reverted to Communist China is actually inaccurate and misleading.

The reversion of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty has benefited both Hong

Kong and China economically. Hong Kong benefits because reunification with

China greatly enhances Hong Kongs locational advantage.

The economic miracle of Hong Kong is legendary, but the one now taking

place on the mainland is even more striking. The challenges facing Hong Kong are not small, but the reunion with China has greatly assisted Hong Kong in meeting them.


Bruno, Michael. 15. Does Inflation Really Lower Growth? Finance & Development, September, pp. 5-8.

Hong Kong Tourism Industry


International Monetary Fund "World Economic Outlook Report 00"

Paul Krugman, "Fortune" magazine, December 18

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The Royal Tenenbaums

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Royal Tenenbaums. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Royal Tenenbaums paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Royal Tenenbaums, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Royal Tenenbaums paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The Royal Tenenbaums Dysfunctional Perfection

What defines a "normal" family? This controversial question has puzzled billions around the world for centuries. Since the early 100s, more artists, writers, and musicians began to portray what they thought constituted a "normal" family. Individuals who were so set on their family image being the norm had a hard time adjusting to all these new ideas. People like Rockwell and Graff clearly state their opinions on what defines the "perfect" family. Wes Anderson, the director of the film The Royal Tenenbaums, ridicules the concept of "normal" and creates the most eccentric, dysfunctional, and self-destructive family on the screen.

The Tenenbaums, the first thing you hear about them explains it all, "Family is not a word…it's a sentence." The Tenenbaums are dysfunctional in only a way a movie family can be dysfunctional. The theme of eccentricity is apparent from the opening shots and character introductions. Chas, the oldest of the three children, was a real estate genius as a teenager. Margot is the adopted daughter her father never accepted and was an award-winning playwright by the ninth grade. Richie, the youngest son and most favored of the children, was a three-time champion tennis ace, whose public breakdown marked the end of his career. And then we discover why the Tenenbaum children are the way they are "a nut doesn't fall far from a nutty tree". Father Royal, who hadn't spoken to his family in three years, and out-of-touch but caring mother Etheline seem to be the primary reasons for the prevention of any normalcy in the family tree.

It's obvious that something is not quite right with the characters in The Royal Tenenbaums. Perhaps it was the early success of the Tenenbaum children that ruined them, leaving them with nothing to look forward to in life. Or maybe it was their deadbeat, absent father or their unaware and unattached mother. Whatever it was, "dysfunctional" is certainly the word to describe the quirky and often amusing world of the Tenenbaums. This family, self-destructive as it may seem, somehow just…works.

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Nevertheless, The Royal Tenenbaums is ultimately a disappointing movie because of its unrealistic nature. What makes it disappointing is, in part, its need to broach too many themes at once (death, romance, jealousy, obsession, rage, aging, maturity, childhood, fantasy, literature, fame, depressions, suicide, and psychiatry to name just a few). Each character could conceivably own their own movie, and that even applies to some of the supporting characters. The monotone narrative and chapter headings only contribute to a weird, unrealistic, fairytale-like setting.

It stands in amazement as the Tenenbaums and their extended family unveil one strategy after another to get attention and find love. The audience doesn't mock their efforts, dysfunctional as they are, because they understand themand sympathizes. Witnessing their peculiar existence is utterly enthralling and simply fun, maybe only because it makes our problems seem microscopic in comparison.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to write an essay

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How to write an essay. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How to write an essay paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How to write an essay, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How to write an essay paper at affordable prices!

Write An Essay The Writing Process

In this paper you will learn how to successfully write an essay by following the writing process. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell authors of Patterns for College Writing, introduce step-by-step instructions for successfully petting together an essay together. Prewriting is very important in writing an essay because it will help you brainstorm ideas. You can brainstorm by reading journals and diaries. After this it is best to group your ideas. Grouping your ideas helps you to organize your thoughts so the essay has a chronological sequence by either an outline or clustering. Then you have the outline. The outline is the key point in the body paragraphs of the essay. When the outline is completed it is transferred into paragraphs. You also have to know the different sections of an essay such as, the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion (paraphrasing).

The length, audience, and occasion of the topic in which you are writing should be a part of brainstorming and your prewriting (paraphrasing). The length of the essay should be considered. For example if your teacher tells you to write a two-page essay, you will want to limit the writing and stress mainly on the key factors of the topic. A purpose is how you are going to word what you want to say in the essay (paraphrasing). Do you want to influence the reader to believe your opinion on a particular subject? Is it directed towards customers and are you trying to get them to buy something? These are examples of questions to ask yourself to determine the purpose of the topic in the essay. Next is your audience. Decide what group you are writing the essay to. If you were to write the essay to an employer, you would want to put more emphasis on your work experience. Consider the age group and gender of the audience so your writing is consistent at a certain level (paraphrasing). For instance, if you are writing about high technology in computers, the paper should be directed towards a higher age group rather than children. Also consider the occasion for the writing. You can write about a specific behavioral problem for psychology, but it would not be suitable for an English class. It is also important to include your own thoughts and opinions, as well as your experiences. If you do not know something about the topic of your writing, learn about it so your writing is more accurate.

Brainstorming is a technique used by most writers. It is an excellent way to find more ideas about your topic. You can ask other people for their opinions and ideas, brainstorm in a group, or even by yourself (paraphrasing). Most journals consist of experiences and ideas, which create more information and allow you to explore more topics. Diaries are usually more about personal feelings, but like journals they provide a wider range of information to work with.

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It is very important to keep your information, thoughts, and ideas organized. This is done by creating an informal outline or clustering (paraphrasing). An informal outline is more of a list than clustering, consisting of few major key points and details to support the key points. Unlike clustering, it may also be the pattern of your essay. Clustering gives you a visual sense of direction (paraphrasing). To cluster your ideas, you first write your topic, leaving room around it for your information. Then branch off the topic and write your major points. When you jot down the details, branching off your major points, you can determine what order you want to put your information in. Some writers create a cluster and an informal outline.

There are three parts to an essay. The first is the introduction, which is usually one paragraph (paraphrasing). You can start the introduction with a phrase, question, or even a definition. Some writers also start out by stating background information. Your introductory paragraph should always lead to your thesis. The thesis is created to state the main idea. It holds the structure of an essay together and gives your readers a concept with the details you provide for it (paraphrasing). The next thing that needs to be done is writing the body paragraphs of the essay. Each sentence should relate to one another, which is called unity. Each paragraph should relate to the topic sentence and thesis statement (paraphrasing). Like the thesis statement, a topic sentence is the main point of the essay. The sentences in the paragraphs should flow smoothly; this helps the reader to comprehend the essay with greater ease. Echoing main points and important definitions can do this (paraphrasing). A transition is a word that shows expression, unifies a sentence to show an order of events, and is very significant in your paragraph structure. Your body paragraphs should be organized, clearly understandable, and at least three paragraphs in length. The body of your essay should also relate to your thesis statement. The third part to an essay is the conclusion. This paragraph closes your essay with a summary of what you discussed. It is this paragraph that ties the ends, and shows commitment in what you have expressed in your writing (paraphrasing).

In short, essays can be difficult to put together, but you will have to write them throughout your life. You will have to write them for employers, to governors, and so on. Learning the writing process will help guide you to an organized, clearly written essay. Choose an audience, then the topic, explore your topic, and organize your information. Even though these steps seem simple, many writers, even professionals, have trouble and run into problems. Time, information, and the knowledge of essay structure are the main points to completing an essay.

Please note that this sample paper on How to write an essay is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How to write an essay, we are here to assist you. Your essay on How to write an essay will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

John Lennon and America

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on John Lennon and America. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality John Lennon and America paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in John Lennon and America, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your John Lennon and America paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

John Lennon had a profound affect on American society, young to old; 164 to present day; and his death now 0 years gone and solve still have controversies that neither his wife nor the FBI will admit. John Lennon's music, art and writings touched the world. Lennon was placed "as the leader of a revolution in which the center of creative conscious shifted to young people". Through this role he changed the way pop music was conceived, he made it something that mattered, could take a stand, and "insinuated rock and roll into the realm of art."

John Lennon was born on October th, 140 at 60am in the middle of a German air strike to Alfred, a ship dishwasher, and Julia, a movie usherette turned housewife. He and his parents live on Newcastle Road in the suburban district Penny Lane with his Grandfather until his parents divorced and he was given to his Aunt Mimi and Uncle George. John went to The Liverpool Art School, where he met Cynthia Powell and formed his first band, The Quarrymen. After a performance at a church gathering, he met Paul McCartney, who soon was invited to join the band because of his able to tune guitars, which until then none of The Quarrymen could. Soon Paul convinced John that George Harrison should be in the band. When John was seventeen, he mother was hit by an off duty police officer while she crossed the street. Although John did not express his feelings towards this, he felt a connection with Paul, whose mother had also died. In 160, the renamed Beatles were hired to play for a club in Hamburg, Germany. Here is where The Beatles got their first taste of drugs, using to stay awake during their grueling schedule of 8 hours a night, six days a week. The Beatles, with Ringo Starr replacing Pete Bass as drummer, were signed to Capitol/Parlophone Records. At about the same time they were gaining success, John's girlfriend Cynthia got pregnant, and they were married. On April 8, 16, Julian Lennon was born. After the legendary comment, "We're bigger than Jesus," the Beatles last tour was in 166. The Beatles manager, Brian Epstein, after being informed that The Beatles were not going to tour anymore, thought that he was loosing his management supremacy, overdosed on drugs later that year. In addition, in 166, John goes to an art gallery in London and meets Yoko Ono; they are later married on March 0th, 16. The Beatles form the Apple Corporation, a record company, hair salon, and Beatles merchandise firm, Apple Corps would later go bankrupt, only having one or two groups come out, such as Badfinger. On January 10th 16, after having all his songs and suggestions ignored, George Harrison quits the band; he rejoins on January 15th, 16. On April 10th, 170, after releasing twelve albums in seven years, The Beatles breakup. John second son, Sean, is born on October th 175, and John goes into seclusion to raise his son. On December 8th, 180, John Lennon was assassinationed.

In the early sixties, rock and roll music was on a decline; it in fact began to 'flatten out'. On the Billboard charts, rock and roll was no longer the mainstream of music. It was shared with country, rhythm and blues, folk music and crooners such as Frank Sinatra. Some began to call rock and roll pass. In February 16, the New York rock and roll radio station, WINS, played sixty-six straight hours of Frank Sinatra, as a death notice to rock and roll. "After the Kennedy assassination in November 16, Americans were longing for something that would make them feel alive again. That something would be The Beatles."

The Beatles' music has had a major impact on American music. They entirely changed the way music was made, and how it sounded. The Beatles brought back traditional rock and roll, but they made it their own. They were the first to use pronouns regularly in their songs, including "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "Please, Please Me". This is one of the reasons for their popularity everyone could not only sing the words but understand the words. This was another important factor to Beatle music; they made sure that people were listening to the words and not just the music. The Beatles additionally used repetition in their music, in not only the lyrics but also the music. The Beatle's 166 album, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" is still considered one of the greatest albums ever made nearly forty years after its release. Writer Langdon Winner said that "Sgt Pepper" was "The closest Western Civilization has come to unity since the Congress of Vienna in 1815…In every city in Europe and America the stereo systems and radios played, "What would you think if I sang out of tune…" and everyone listened. They were able to combine traditional rock and roll with pop, rhythm and blues, and Eastern influence.

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The Beatles also had a major impact on other bands, even before they were known worldwide. "The Hollies came to see us once and came back two weeks later looking like us. We were in black turtleneck sweaters and John had his harmonica and we were doing R&B. The next week the Hollies had turtleneck sweaters and a harmonica in their act." The success of The Beatles led way for many other British bands, many who were almost identical to The Beatles the same hair cuts, same set ups, and similar music. Some of these bands were the Searchers, the Kinks, the Who, Freddie and the Dreamers, Herman's Hermits, and the Rolling Stones. American bands were also getting into the act. According to Ringo Starr, "The Beatles were the influence on other bands in the sixties…We heard that producers were telling everyone to sound like The Beatles." ABC-TV Prime came out with the television show, The Monkees, and marketed them as the 'American version of The Beatles'. The show featured music similar to The Beatles and used the same techniques as Help! and A Hard Day's Night, two of The Beatle's music movies. The Beatles are still influencing many bands and musicians. Yesterday is the most covered song of all time, covered more than one thousand times and bands still try to have as many number one singles. There are also many tribute bands around for The Beatles, including the Chicago-based American English, who have even recorded in Abbey Road studios, the same recording studio that The Beatles did all their recordings.

The Beatles also helped to revolutionize many fashion trends. When they first came to America, The Beatles secured the mod look, which included collarless jackets and the mop-top hairstyles. Then in 166 the hippie style had started. The Beatles helped in this style with "Sgt Pepper" satin uniforms trimmed with braid, long and facial hair, and floral print. John Lennon also started to wear, as he called them, "granny" glasses, which he had refused from wearing ten years early.

John Lennon contributed in the music evolution of the late sixties. During this time, more sophisticated studio techniques came about. Music also began to experiment with instruments. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" used a forty-two-piece orchestra and a note only a dog could hear. The Beatles also used harmonicas, different guitar styles, including, electric and acoustic, and George began to play the sitar, an Indian guitar. In addition, recording methods became much more advanced.

In and out of The Beatles, John Lennon was always able to find controversies. March 166, John Lennon made a comment about Christianity in the Evening Standard "Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about it; I'm right and I will be proven right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first rock and roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them that ruins it for me." In the United Kingdom, this remark was passed unchallenged, in fact many people agreed with Lennon because it was true more people were going to see The Beatles in concert than going to church regularly. His comment, in a July issue of Datebook magazine, on the eve of The Beatles U.S. tour, was taken out of text and reprinted as "We're bigger than Jesus". This caused a nation-wide outrage, especially in the Southern Bible belt. Communities in Texas, Georgia, and Alabama held city wide record burnings. One community rented a tree-cutting machine to chop records, posters, and dolls. Beatle's music was banned on 5 radio stations. Another controversy that was born in America involved his song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. People began to realize that the main word's initials spelled out LSD, and was banned; in fact, many people still believe that it is about drugs. The real story is that John's son, Julian, inspired the song. According to Ringo Starr, "Julian came in with this little kid's painting, a crazy little painting, and John (as the dad) said, 'Oh, What's that?' and Julian said, "It's Lucy in the sky with diamonds." The Ballad of John and Yoko was banned because of the line "Christ you know it ain't easy". Lennon's music, particularly in America was banned, and "He appeared rather, to seek out controversy and conflict". For example, John and Yoko's honeymoon was spent in a Montreal hotel working on a "bed-in" for peace. Many people believed that either that Lennon had finally gone insane or Yoko was controlling him. Most musicians wanted to continually expand their audience and to have universal acceptance, but John openly challenged this goal, which many did not understand. An additional controversy that surrounded John was about his "Two Virgins" album, where he, "looking increasingly like the Western representation of Jesus", and Yoko appeared naked on the album cover. This was especially appalling because of the fact that Lennon and Ono were not married at the time and John was not even divorced. On January th 16, at the University of Hartford, 00 students and five faculty members held a 'standing room riot' to protest the dean's suspension of the campus newspaper for having reprinted the record cover sleeve.

Due to all the influence Lennon had on America's youth, the FBI was worried that he might begin a riot about the Vietnam War that he and Yoko openly opposed. Thus, he wound up being followed by the FBI. John and Yoko performed at the Free John Sinclair rally held in 17, and the FBI was there, writing transcripts of the concert. John Lennon had been asked to participate in a rally outside the Republican National Convention, and he had agreed as long as the rally was not destructive. "Julie Maynard, FBI agent, concludes her New York report with 'Lennon sent a message that he would only come to the demonstrations at the Republican National Convention in 17 in Miami if they are peaceful. However, the New York FBI offices suggested that it be emphasized to local Law Enforcement Agencies in Miami that Lennon should be "arrested if at all possible on possession of narcotics charge," because, "Local INS has a very loose case in New York for deporting subject…if Lennon were to be arrested…he would become more likely to be immediately deported". When the Freedom of Information Trial for these papers was going on, the FBI claimed that they "had been conducting a legitimate criminal investigation of Lennon because they had information that he intended to participate in violent, disruptive demonstrations in Miami. However, the letter, dated March 17, from Julie Maynard stated the exact opposite. J. Edgar Hoover sent a message to New York SAC on April 10th, 17 "Promptly initiate discreet efforts to locate subject and remain aware of his activities and movements. Careful attention should be given to reports that subject is a heavy narcotics user." Following John was anything but "discreet". John has said during that time "we knew we were being wire tapped…there was a helluva lot of guys coming in to fix the phone." Lennon also told a New York radio station deejay "if anything happens to me or Yoko it wasn't an accident." FBI agents also made sure that John new he was being followed, John would get in a car, the agents would get in a car and follow closely behind. "Any memoranda, including reports to the Department of Justice, which expand or summarize the portions of…logs or which demonstrate pertinent leads which may have come from the illegal electronic surveillance", a memo from the Assistant Attorney General, Henry E. Peterson, to the FBI director, Clarence Kelley about Lennon's phone being tapped. Peterson was saying that they knew Lennon's phones had been illegally tapped but Peterson does not care about that all he wants is to hear what Lennon said. On April , 170, John and Yoko along with George and Patti Harrison flew to Los Angeles on T.W.A. Flight 761 to start four months of primal therapy. A memo to FBI agencies in California from J. Edgar Hoover, states that "While Lennon and the Harrison's have shown no propensity to become involved in violent anti-war demonstrations, each recipient remain alert for any information of such activity on their part or for information indicating they are using narcotics. Submit any pertinent information obtained in form suitable for dissemination." All these files were taken in during Lennon's deportation trial, and as soon as Lennon won his green card, the reports discontinued, shortly after Lennon went into seclusion. The reports did not start again until Lennon came out with his new record, Double Fantasy, and shortly after coming out of retirement, Lennon was killed.

After a night of recording, Lennon and Ono returned to their residence at the Dakota. A scruffy looking young man approached them, asking Lennon to autograph the Double Fantasy CD he held in his hand. Lennon, tired after an extensive recording session, refused, at that moment, Mark David Chapman emptied his .8, consisting of five bullets, into his back. Lennon cried, "I'm shot, I'm shot," then he fell to the ground. The Dakota doorman screamed at Chapman, "Do you know what you've just done?" Chapman retorted, "I just shot John Lennon." He dropped his handgun and sat down to read Catcher in the Rye. John was rushed to near-by St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital, but after the bullets crushed his lung and he had lost eighty percent of his blood, he was pronounced dead on arrival. "Within an hour after the news of Lennon's death was broadcast, hundreds of mourners descended on East 7nd Street and Central Park West, lighting candles singing Lennon's songs and transforming the gates of the Dakota apartment building into an impromptu shrine." Lennon's death stunned the world and saddened the entire sixties generation. On December 14, 180, a ten-minute silence was held at two p.m. in Central Park where 100,000 people gathered and the world said good-bye to John.

Arthur O'Connor, the lieutenant in the twentieth precinct of the New York police that dealt with Lennon's assassination, thinks that Lennon's death is a conspiracy. He believes that if Chapman wanted to get away with it he could have, no one would have noticed if he left and there was a subway entry right across the street. Instead, when Chapman was done he waited for the police. He goes on to say that if the government had used a professional gunman than there would have been an investigation, because of Lennon's anti-government activities. However, by using an amateur and the 'lone nut' theory, few questions are asked. In addition, Chapman bought a ticket to New York and a ticket to Chicago, with departures on the same day. This points to the fact that someone else was behind Lennon's assassination, especially because Chapman had little money, working at a minimum wage job in Hawaii.

Another theory of who killed John Lennon is that his wife, Yoko Ono killed him. This theory might have some truth to it. In August 180, Yoko moved John things into another apartment in The Dakota, while he was in Bermuda, and started divorced proceedings; but for unknown reasons she moved his belongings back in. In addition, in 180, she had a serious relationship with another man. Yoko furthermore had taken out a one million dollar insurance policy on John, and had his will arranged so that she would get all his money. When John died, Julian was left nothing by his father and ended up fighting a legal battle with his stepmother and left with twenty million pounds.

In conclusion, John Lennon had an impact on American culture. He, with or without The Beatles, influenced music and how it is made, even today. The Lennon/McCartney partnership is still considered the standard of music making. Lennon and McCartney's songs were able to take people to other places, cure a sick society, and give hope to everyone, they, along with George Harrison and Ringo Starr, "defined the spirit of the time like no other group." John's death signified the end of the sixties and the end the utopia he had created and recreated. After all, John "was the only one who matter."

Please note that this sample paper on John Lennon and America is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on John Lennon and America, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on John Lennon and America will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Religious Interpretation

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Religious Interpretation. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Religious Interpretation paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Religious Interpretation, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Religious Interpretation paper at affordable prices!

One year ago four planes were hijacked on September 11th. This attack held examples of both the good and evil sides of religion in todays world. The militant fundementalists and their holy war against America killed thousands of people because of their religious beliefs. Thats is a prime example of the evil side of religion. On the other hand after the attacks Americans found support and assistance coping in their religious belifes, which displays the positive side of religion.

Militant fundamentalists such as Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist group, Al Qaeda, believe it is their duty to prepare as much force possible to terrorize the enemies of God. The September 11th attacks were not the first Al Qaeda attacks on the American people, but they were by far the worst. The terrorists that attacked reject the concept of modernism and they believe that Americans liberal values are not consistant with Gods values. The belifes of this radial group caused the death of thousands of people.

After the attacks American people joined together in a way that hasnt been seen since World War II. People from all types of religions came together to mourn and support eachother. These attacks caused a spiritual awakening in Americans. People sought support in prayer, meditation, and religious groups to cope with the loss of loved ones, or just the pure shock of the attacks. Having the support of religion helped people remember that even in times of huge tragedy, they are in fact significant, and they are not alone in their struggle. Many people view their religious belifes as a partner in life,they believe that regardless of how bad things get, they always have a place to go and let their emotions flow. Regardless if these emotions are love, happiness, hate or anger they can release themselves from emotional burdens. Religious groups lend support to anyone who reaches out for help. Religions have been saving people from emotional stress and suicide for years, not just after the September 11th attacks.

As you see religious beliefs can effect peoples attitude towards people and events. Both the cause of the attacks and the post attack emotional support were based on religion. These ideals come from all forms of religious writing. Not all religous people are bad, and not all religous people are good, the same goes for the ideals that are taught by religion. There is a fine line between the good and evil sides of religion that can be easily crossed. Religion is all up for interpretation, evil and good can be interpreted from the same part of The Bible, The Koran or other religious books. Bin Laden interpreted religion as a justification to kill thousands of people, while Americans intererpreted their religions in a way to give them support durring hard times.

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September 11th and the following months were based on religion. Evil in religion may have caused the attacks, but the good in religion helped people cope with the tragedy. Religious ideals effect people in both good and evil ways. Americans used religion to recover from a great tragedy, while osama bin laden used religion to justify killing thousands of people.

Please note that this sample paper on Religious Interpretation is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Religious Interpretation, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Religious Interpretation will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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