Monday, October 28, 2019


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on purpose. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality purpose paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in purpose, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your purpose paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

What makes one life rich in poverty and another unfulfilling in abundance? Why do some organizations thrive in difficult times, while others languish in prosperity? One may also ask What turns an average student into an outstanding success and a gifted student into a failure?

The answer may be found in the seriousness of purpose. In spite of its appearance as a simple and hackneyed concept, purpose has the potential to affect everything that really matters in life and death. In fact, our survival, both individually and collectively, depends on it.

I can tell you dozens of success stories of mediocre students that became high achievers. In most cases, this transformation occurs when someone ignites a spark in their soul and awakens a sense of purpose.

My research on student retention tells a similar story Students attending university because of parental pressure or school social life tend to underachieve, whereas students with a clear sense of purpose tend to excel.

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Purpose also plays a vital role in career attainment. It is difficult to get excited about going to work when there is a mismatch between ones life purpose and the job. On the other hand, one cannot help but become highly motivated when passionate about what work represents.

Such passion seldom comes from a pay raise or promotion; it can only stem from a deep sense of calling and commitment to serve someone or some cause much larger than oneself. This is perhaps the best-kept secret in motivational psychology.

Perhaps, a good starting point for a purposeful life is a personal mission statement. For example, the Apostle Paul said, To me to live is Christ. What a simple statement! And yet, what an abundance of energy followed from this conviction!

Paul declared But one thing I do Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead (Phil.1). Nothing, not even death, could stop Paul from achieving his mission.

The same principle applies to organizations as well. In the highly competitive global market, organizations that have the best chance of survival are driven by a clear sense of purpose beyond the bottom line. Recent corporate scandals have taught us that a high-sounding mission statement by itself is not sufficient; every aspect of the corporation needs to be driven by a higher purpose.

Biologists and psychologists have long recognized that purposiveness is hardwired in all animal species - the survival instinct. A major part of animal activities are directed to the goal of pursuing lifes necessities in order to survive.

For humans, their brain is designed for purposeful living beyond mere survival. Happiness and health depend on our capacity to project into the future and anticipate success in achieving cherished life goals. Such a purposeful future orientation provides direction, energy, and satisfaction, even when survival becomes too painful to endure.

Dr. Viktor Fankl, the founder of logotherapy, demonstrated the power of purpose in surviving Nazi death camps. Similarly, many victims of trauma and the chronically disabled would not have survived without a strong sense of meaning and purpose, which gives them certain measures of hope and joy in spite of suffering.

According to Dr. Frankl, a greater threat to Western civilization is not the terror of physical suffering, but the epidemic of existential neurosis. When there is an absence of purpose, when ones life is basically aimless and meaningless, the brain begins to deteriorate, and life becomes unbearable because of boredom. An existential vacuum leads to depression, violence and addiction. Just witness the prevalence of depression among children of the super-rich, or the high incidents of drug addiction among celebrities!

Of course, the complexity of purpose cannot be adequately addressed in a short essay. Suffice to say that levels of purpose affect both our present life and our destiny.

What is the purpose of your life? The choice is entirely yours. A moments pausing to reflect on this fundamental question may yield blessings that last more than a lifetime.

When it comes to planning their futures, many people drift aimlessly from day to day, year to year, with little focus or long-term direction. Other people¡ªa small minority¡ªmeticulously set goals and ruthlessly conform to a never-ending regimen of daily planners, color-coded to-do lists, sticky notes on the bathroom mirror, and time-management seminars.

Most of us fall somewhere in-between. We certainly do look ahead and contemplate the future. We either set specific goals or we have some notion of what wed like to do, even if we havent written down exactly how we intend to do it. For major decisions, we think things through carefully. Small decisions, such as how to spend each hour, are largely guided by an intuitive sense of whats important at that moment, meaning our daily decisions are not completely random. Nor are they always planned and executed with the precision of a military mission.

If you fall into this category of being goal-oriented but not goal-obsessed, then here are a few tips to help you accomplish more without becoming a slave to the process

1. Choose the Right Goal (or Goals)

Setting difficult goals improves overall performance, even if the goals are only partially obtained. That said, it is crucial that you believe your goal is attainable, otherwise you wont even try. Most importantly, spend time clarifying why you want the goal, what you may have to give up in the process, and whether the tradeoff is true to your deepest values.

. Make Your Goals Official

Its fine to have wide-ranging ideas about what youd like to do, but it takes a personal commitment¡ªa decision¡ªto make a true goal. It need not be a blood oath, but the more ceremonious, the better. At a minimum, write it down or enter it into your account. Also consider personally committing to one or more people whom you trust.

. Create a Plan

Most people who set goals fail because they never make a plan. Often, people simply dont know where to begin. There are many good books on the subject. For best results, use the online goal-setting tool here at, which walks you through a clever, step-by-step process that makes it very easy to create a solid plan of attack.

4. Keep to the Plan...

Once you have a plan, the biggest challenge is to stick with it. Its easy to procrastinate or get distracted by the responsibilities of daily life. Daily planners can help, but goes a step further by sending you automatic reminders via email. Sometimes the difference between success and failure is just a periodic nudge from an external source.

5. ... But Stay Flexible

Life throws surprises at us, so any good plan allows for contingencies. The need to make periodic adjustments is another good reason to manage your goals using the computer, as opposed to paper-based systems. Most of all, periodically review each goal to make sure its still something you really want.

Many of you may have heard about this before. If so, forgive me, but it still gets me excited!

Back in the 150s, a study was done with a group of recent Yale graduates. Each was asked whether or not they had goals for their futures -- and specifically if they had written them down. Only % of these grads had specific, written goals. Well, guess what?

Years later, when a follow-up was done, the researchers found that the % that had written their goals down not only achieved much of what they originally wanted, but their net worth was as much as the other 7% of their class combined!

Write down your goals. If you want an easy way to do this and track them, sign up for MyMotivator.coms free goal setting system. Or just use a notebook specifically used for your goals.

So, why set goals? It keeps you focused. When a fork in the road appears before you, you are helped in your choice of direction because youll ask yourself, Which way best helps me achieve my goals? The daily, weekly and monthly tasks you must do to achieve sometimes can be stressful.

If youre using our goal setting system, you probably receive many action items per day in your email. If you are, then you are most likely taking action -- but it can get stressful! Make sure the goals you set are what you really want. That helps take the stress out of taking action.

I am not going to try to define success. I think a precise definition is impossible. Is it winning a Gold Medal at the Olympic Games or winning Wimbledon, or being awarded a Nobel prize? What else? I believe personal success could be anything at all - it does not have to involve public recognition. Who is more successful? A millionaire who is unhappy, or an unnoticed person who has led a simple, happy life? The simplest definition of success I think is to set out to do something and to succeed in doing it. It really doesnt matter what, or how humble the undertaking is...

Believe you can succeed and you will. Achieving success in whatever endeavor you choose may be the goal of life. Because it gives you freedom from worry. Could that be?

Success means different things to every one of us. Some people believe it is measured in financial terms, ie.. having wealth; others believe it is helping others rather than helping themselves. A bit of both perhaps! Or it could be simply achieving for achievements sake. Success is such a personal thing. To many people it is the very root of their being - the reason for existing is to achieve something worthwhile in our lives. To the vast majority of the population it doesnt matter much whether they want to be successful or not; thats OK by me, as long as that is what you really want and you are happy with life. However, most people want and are motivated to a great extent by public recognition and a relentless pursuit of achievement. How many people too are really happy? How many people are really doing what they want to with their lives? ( Incidentally, the ability to imagine, makes us different from animals).

No matter what motivates you personally...whatever you choose to do with your life, dont expect instant success. The years of struggle, commitment and learning in excelling at whatever endeavor or trade you choose, is no easy task. I would wholeheartedly agree with that statement. It takes a lot of courage, character and discipline to achieve success in any field. Nearly all successful people have doubted themselves at some point and wanted to give up. Yet they carried on. So many people give up within an inch or two away from the gold in the seam down the mine - a ?whisker? away from success. One thing is for sure success breeds SUCCESS, as it gathers a momentum of its own and you get on a ?winning streak?, when everything seems to fit into place..

I like all of the following quotations. They all stand for what success means to me personally. So Ill share them with you...

Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worthwhile goals.

- Tom Hopkins, American Motivator

To live your life in your own way To reach the goals youve set for yourself To be the person you want to be - that is success.

- author anon.

and another one on a similar theme...

There is one only one success to be able to spend your life in your own way

- Christopher Morley

Most of all, I believe success is a matter of personal growth. If every day you are developing or growing just a millimeter (or acquiring a teeny weenie bit of knowledge for improving yourself that you didnt have before), I believe one is successful. So dwarfs can be very successful people too.

Just being a slightly better person each day for me is success. Ive got a very long way to go then!

How To Achieve Success

I believe the first step towards achieving success is to define what it represents to you. A key factor is understanding yourself and what makes you tick. What is your DEFINITE PURPOSE in life? If you know where you want to head, itll be far easier to set in place a plan to get you there. What motivates you?. I think the most important step on the road to SUCCESS is first ACKNOWLEDGING yourself for what you are your faults, strengths, warts and all. Your HOPES and DREAMS for your life are vitally important.

The key ingredients in the formula to success, I believe, are as follows




and most importantly,


Some others which you can throw into the recipe are




and a SINGLED-MINDED PURSUIT of your objective.

So what else helps?

A strong belief in yourself and what you are doing (or trying to achieve)

Your ultimate goals and dreams should conform to your values. So if youre an honest sort of bloke (nice Kiwi/Aussie word for a solid down-to-earth type of person), who wants to make a lot of money, dont think of robbing a bank. The riches wont bring you happiness...and youre not likely to be too successful as a bank-robber if you are a regular church-goer!

Whatever you are, I believe the key ingredient to achieving success is PERSISTENCE.

The following words mean a lot to me personally ...

Just because you failed doesnt mean you are a failure.

Im not a failure if I dont make it...Im a success because I tried

- anon



All of the above character traits give us our strength in the face of adversity. EMPOWERMENT this is the ability to take control over your life and learn from your experiences. We can all learn so much from the roller coaster that is life each and every day. Or is it swings and roundabouts?

What can you do about your life...other than breathe and stay alive?

Dont just stand there - do something.

JUST HAVE A GO at life.


Successful people have always had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness.

It took Thomas Edison thousands of attempts and thousands of failures over many years to invent the electric light bulb, but he new exactly what he wanted, and his goal kept him going until he achieved it The rest, as they say, is history.

Michelle Kwan had a goal to be the best skater in the world. Oprah Winfrey was an abused child who determined to make a better life for herself.

Successful people always have clear goals. Great musicians, great athletes, successful salespeople and inspiring leaders know what they want in life, and they go after it. Great parents work at it. No one becomes an astronaut by accident!

And yet the great bulk of people continue to drift through life with no goals at all, or with only vague dreams, hopes and wishes. No wonder we achieve so much less than we could!

For those who have not yet experienced the joy of setting and achieving magnificent goals, here is a powerful set of principles that have worked for thousands of my clients. They will work for you, too. I call them The 4 Steps to Successful Goal-Setting

1. Decide what you want. Decide if you would rather have money in the bank, or that new car. Choose the life you prefer! You cant have everything in life; but you can have anything you choose, if you will focus, pay the price, and pursue it with all your heart.

. Clarify your values. Too often, people choose goals that are inconsistent with their priorities and daily behaviors. Do you value health, or comfort? Is financial independence a priority, or merely a wish? In a clash between your values and your wishes, your values will win every time. Be certain your goals are consistent with your most important values.

. Write them down! Have the courage to put your intentions on paper, in your own words. Be specific and describe your goals in detail. When will you achieve them? What will success look like? Write down the details and read your goals every day, even take a moment to summarize them every morning. Stay focused.

4. Take ACTION! To run a marathon, you must jog every day. Building a business requires that you make sales, every day. A loving marriage or happy kids require your time, your attention and your love, every day. Your daily actions need not be profound or heroic, but they must be consistent and persistent. Every day!

Success does not just happen. It is built like a work of art. First, it is imagined, then the skills, tools and materials are gathered, and the artist sets about creating a thing of beauty. It takes time. It requires skill, determination, persistence and faith.

Just as an artist will make preliminary sketches and work out the details in her mind, so your success requires written goals, careful choices, clear commitments and daily persistence. You can do this. Make something magnificent of your life!

Yet, but what did we use to do before there was television? How often we hear statements like this! Television hasn¡¯t been with us all that long, but we are already beginning to forget what the world was like without it. Before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our homes, we never found it difficult to occupy our spare time. We used to enjoy civilized pleasures. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them, we used to go outside for our amusements to theatres, cinema, restaurants and sporting events. We even used to read books and listen to music and broadcast talks occasionally. All that belongs to the past. Now all our free time is regulated by the goggle box. We rush home or gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that programme. We have even given up sitting at table and having a leisurely evening meal, exchanging the news of the day. A sandwich and a glass of beer will do ¨C anything, providing it doesn¡¯t interfere with the programme. The monster demands and obtains absolute silence and attention. If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a programme, he is quickly silenced.

Please note that this sample paper on purpose is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on purpose, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on purpose will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Macbeth Essay ~ Guilt and Conscience

"Macbeth", one of the great Shakespearean tragedies, is arguably Shakespeare's most profound and disturbing vision of the human conscience, guilt and their workings. This theme of the guilt and conscience is explored throughout the play as the result of the consequences of bad deeds which weigh heavily on the conscience as it was believed in the Elizabethan times that the repercussions of evil acts affected the whole universe. This theme of guilt, conscience and their workings is developed in the play through its principle characters, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, as well as through the vivid use of imagery and the mood and atmosphere which is created through illusions in the play.

Shakespeare uses the title character of Macbeth to effectively develop the theme of guilt and conscience. This is shown evidently through the development of his character as Macbeth begins as a good, strong, valiant and loyal subject of the king but as the play progresses, his character weakens as his conscience is infested by the guilt of his evil deeds. The guilt and tortures of Macbeth's conscience manifests itself immediately after he murders King Duncan, the commencement of his evil acts. Upon Duncan's death, Macbeth is too deeply plagued by the guilt of this deed to utter the words "Amen" as he distressingly cries, "But wherefore could not I pronounce, Amen".

Lady Macbeth, likewise, begins with a strong character but this strength crumbles as the play progresses due to the workings of her conscience. Despite the fact that she does not seem to be as outwardly affected by the murder of Duncan as Macbeth, Lady Macbeth nevertheless suffers the consequences of her guilt. As her conscience continues to replay her past evil deeds through many sleepless nights, she eventually becomes so eaten up by having to live with such a disturbed, guilty conscience, as her doctor observes, "what a sigh is there! the heart is sorely charged." that she commits suicide which is her only means of escaping such a troubled and scarred conscience. In the end, it was the workings of Lady Macbeth's own guilty conscience which lead to her death.

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As well as through characters, Shakespeare has also used imagery to develop the theme of guilt and conscience. The image of blood is used most vividly in the play to symbolise guilt as it is blood which stains both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's hands following the murder of Duncan. Macbeth connects his hands with the evil deed of which he is guilty of and while he frantically tries to clean his hands of blood, he realises that he cannot ever wipe the guilt of the act from his conscience, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?". Similarly, Lady Macbeth also finds her hands stained with the guilt of her evil deeds long after they have been committed. Although initially, she easily dismisses her own guilt by claiming that, "A little water clears us of this deed how easy is it then!" but eventually she, too, suffers from her guilty conscience as in her dreams, she tries to clean her hands in an attempt to wash murder from her conscience but she never manages to clear them of blood, "Here's the smell of blood still all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand." Like her husband, Lady Macbeth also uses an imagery of blood as a token of the everlasting guilt which plagues both their conscience.

Another vivid imagery which is effectively used throughout the play to develop the theme of guilt and conscience is the reoccurring image of troubled sleep. The image of sleep or the inability of do so illustrates the workings of one's conscience in the play as Macbeth "murders sleep" immediately after he murders king Duncan which symbolises the immediate guilt he suffers from his evil deed. After this murder, his conscience ceaselessly invades his sleep as he observes, "Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse the curtain'd sleep." This troubled sleep and "wicked dreams" also tortures Lady Macbeth as she can no longer sleep in peace but replay's the events that are eating away at her conscience through sleepwalking. By this inability to sleep in peace, it directly indicates that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's conscience are not at peace but troubled and in turmoil like their dreams.

A further technique which the development of guilt and conscience is expressed in the play is through the mood and atmosphere which are created through the use of illusions. Conscience and the guilt which a character suffers from presents themselves in the seeing of ghosts and imaginary objects. Macbeth, who perceives an imaginary dagger prior to the killing of Duncan, view this "fatal vision" as a cause to kill the King and hence, create a nightmarish atmosphere of the guilt and distress which Macbeth will suffer at the hands of this ill deed. Macbeth's guilty conscience also manifests itself in the form of Banquo's ghost directly after the murder of Banquo. Since the ghost, who is accusing Macbeth of murder, is a creation of Macbeth's own imagination, the ghost symbolises his troubled conscience which threatens to reveal his guilt and which portrays "the very painting of your fear" as referred to by Lady Macbeth. These ghostly illusions justly create the dark, guilt-ridden mood of both the theme of conscience throughout the play.

As a result of the combination of character portrayals, use of illustrative imagery and illusions which create the mood of the play, a comprehensive exploration of guilt and conscience is developed throughout "Macbeth". This exploration of one of the most profound themes of human nature within the play shows that bad deeds and guilt do indeed weigh heavily on the conscience.

Please note that this sample paper on Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Macbeth: Guilt and Conscience will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Got Tint?

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Got Tint?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Got Tint? paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Got Tint?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Got Tint? paper at affordable prices!

Got Tint?

Unfortunately, in the U.S. it has become commonplace to hear people of color associated with crime, gangs, and poverty. Bitterly, such tittle-tattle gives rise to narrow-mindedness and bigotry. In both Robyn Meredith's "DWB Driving While Black" and Leslie Marmon Silko's "The Border Patrol State," the reader clearly gains insightful information about the presence of discrimination and unnecessary treatment toward people of color in our existing law enforcement.

First, both Meredith and Silko present incidences in which colored drivers felt, for no particular reason, they were stopped by law enforcement and treated unfairly due to the color of their skin. Giving an unmistakable example of stopping a driver because he is colored, Meredith describes how Detroit's Mayor was pulled over by police officers

'They had pulled guns and put me in the back seat,' the Mayor said. They went

Buy Got Tint? term paper

through his Cadillac Seville, looking for evidence that he was the drug dealer they

were looking for, he said. But when the police rifled through his briefcase, they

learned he was president of the State Bar Association. (17)

Silko recalls he too felt certain law enforcement was selectively stopping drivers based on race when he and a friend were pulled aside by the border patrol. The two felt wrongly treated as they were ordered to step out of the car without any explanation for the nature of the stop. The officers brought out a search dog, evidently presuming Silko and his friend had drugs. Reinforcing his notion that color will get one pulled over Silko notes, "While we were stopped, we watched as other vehicles whose occupants were white were waved through the checkpoint" (1).

Meredith and Silko then provide their reader with another compelling sign of bias treatment. Meredith points out that blacks, regardless of their financial class, "still tell of being followed by the police when they drive into primarily white suburbs or of being harassed when they encounter suburban police" (18). With this in mind she proceeds to tell of an occurrence when a black male went to shop in his rich uncle's high class neighborhood. Little did the nephew know the police would later visit "his house to investigate whether the youngster had stolen a can of vegetables" (18). Similarly, Silko remarks how a friend mentioned to him an episode where his old, half Chinese father had missed a turn off two times when on his third attempt the "Border Patrol agents stopped him and forced him to open his trunk After they satisfied themselves that he was not smuggling Chinese immigrants, they sent him on his way" (1).

Sadly, Meredith admits one will never happen upon an African-American who at some time in their life felt either faintly or precisely victimized by their race. In parallel, Silko states you will find no person or citizen "is free to travel without the scrutiny of the Border Patrol" (1). Both these authors push the argument that law enforcement has amounted to the establishment of deeply rooted stereotypical and prejudicial views of those with colored skin.

Even though Meredith and Silko come from two distant regions, one from the north and the from the south, it is plain to see, as they happened to expose, our law enforcement is plagued with racial discrimination. And with the power given to them these officers are permissible to oppress all of whom they feel unequal.

Please note that this sample paper on Got Tint? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Got Tint?, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Got Tint? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Home Security

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Home Security. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Home Security paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Home Security, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Home Security paper at affordable prices!

Over the last several decades, home security has become a common service that is being provided to homes and companies. However, during the early 0th century home security was rarely used. Sometime during the 40s 60s it was when people started became more aware of securing property. In rural areas during the early 100s, burglary was common, but not that common (Anonymous, personal family stories). Thefts occurred mainly in big cities. Homes were not locked as they are today. Everyone knew who their neighbors were. Material items in the home were not considered as valuable, except perhaps some jewels and maybe silverware, to a burglar as they were to the owner. While the very rich had what was considered valuable such as paintings and jewels. Those who had money were ones who actually used home security services.

With inventions like radio and TVs, burglars were willing to take the risk and enter someone's home and steal the radio, TV, jewels, or whatever was considered of value. Now thieves have items that could be easily fenced. Now, as we have entered into the computer age, personal property needs to be kept safe. More and more burglaries are happening today because of the personal computer in homes as well as TV, CD players, stereo equipment, digital cameras, jewelry and anything else of value.

Another cause for increase in the need for home security has been the terrorist attacks on the US during 001 such as the World Trade Center attack. Since then people are not taking the planned trips overseas they are remodeling their homes. The remodeling done in homes also includes making the home safer. Sales have taken off as people have eschewed luxury purchases and travel in favor of addressing needs and concerns within the home (Thomaselli p. 1). Improvements in the home have risen in the early part of 00 with resulting in a net income of $ billion for home improvement stores, up 18% from the year before (Thomaselli p. 1). This, of course, increased the revenue of home security significantly. And with all that is occurring in the world today such as terrorism, the increase of sales for home security should continue in order for people to have that safe feeling.

ADT Security Services, Inc., a unit of Tyco Fire and Security Services, is one of the largest single providers of home security and are currently serving approximately 5 million commercial, federal and residential customers throughout North American and Europe in 00 (Anonymous, 00). ADT offers a wide range of security systems all anyone has to do is to decide what their needs are or the type of security that they are looking for and ADT will provide the right system. One of services that ADT provides is higher-end systems that include motion detectors that are not tripped by pets and window screen alarms which can detect a break-in giving the homeowners the ability have their windows open when desired (Silverman p. J5). Another service provided by ADT for families who are more concerning about their children is the ability have cameras installed outside the home in order to keep an eye on their children as well as the property. Other homeowners have installed these cameras both inside and outside. The newest service provided was at the 00 International Consumer Electronics Show, where the OnStar at home pilot program was presented by Alliance (Anonymous, 00). OnStar is an owned subsidiary of the following companies, Alliance; they are General Motors, Invensys, Panasonic, Hewlett-Packard Company and ADT Security Services, Inc. (Anonymous, 00). This OnStar system will enable consumers to check their home security system. Homeowner's have the ability to access and control pretty much everything from lighting to security. The OnStar system will definitely give homeowners the safety they are looking for with the latest technology.

One of the major problems in obtaining the security system is the cost; what do you want and whether this system will fit your budget. However, with vigilance on the increase the current low cost of security systems such as ADT, has increased the sales market. Due to /11 there has been even more interest in security. Advances in technology and the decrease of costs for equipment have increased the sales of home security systems (Silverman p. J6). Security systems can cost anywhere from $00 to over $100,000, depending on the type of system someone purchases. Mark Fleming, a homeowner advocate for, said "You have to ask yourself how much you have that is valuable to justify the expense." (Silverman p. J6). According to Silverman, "Security experts say homeowners do not have to spend thousands of dollars on professional security equipment to make their homes safe" (p. J7). Then Silverman gives a list of several steps anyone can take to better protect their homes post spotlights near entranceways; organize a neighborhood watch program; use deadbolt locks with 1-inch throw bolts and strike plate screws that are inches long on all doors, to list but a few (p. J7).

There are a lot of problems going on in the world today. So many things are going on; that people are becoming more aware of what is going around them. Building a safe in your home has been the way to go for many. However, if one looks at it, everyone wants to feel safe and what better place is there to feel that safety than in your own home. With this in mind there will continue to be a demand for home security as well as potential for improving upon that security as long as people are looking for the safe feeling they once had before terrorists the attack in 001.

Internet Home Alliance Unveils OnStar at Home Pilot Program at the 00 International Consumer Electronics Show. (00) PR Newswire, 1-4.

Silverman, F. (00) Domestic Vigilance on the Increase Anxiety, Low Cost Spur Sales of Security Systems. Harford Courant, J5-J7.

Thomaselli, R. and Chura, H. (00) Home Becomes Priority Post /11. Advertising Age, 7(10) 1.

Please note that this sample paper on Home Security is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Home Security, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Home Security will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Ballroom Dancing in Eugene

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ballroom Dancing in Eugene. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ballroom Dancing in Eugene paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ballroom Dancing in Eugene, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ballroom Dancing in Eugene paper at affordable prices!

This paper focuses on the aspects of ballroom dancing. I chose this site because of a few reasons. The main factor is that I live on campus and I did not have a way to get to any of the other sites. Another reason that I chose to study ballroom dancing is because I got a little taste of it a few years ago. When I was in seventh grade there was a cotillion class offered. My mom singed me up for it against my will. At first I didn't want to go to the class, but after a couple of classes I was having fun. It was a great way to get to meet some girls and get to dance with them. This is almost the only dancing that I ever did.

There were a few things that were very surprising to me. First, there are many different dances that are considered to be part of ballroom dancing. I thought that ballroom dancing only included waltz and cha-cha. Later I found out that there were other dances such as tango and salsa that are also considered ballroom dancing. I believe traditionally these dances were not part of ballroom dancing, but when tango and salsa became popular dances around the world, ballroom styles of these dances were formed. Although the dances are not the same as the traditional dance performed by indigenous people of the area they still have some of the same basic steps. When these dances made it to Europe the social aspect of dancing changed the style and mood of the dances.

The venue that I went to was in Gerlinger Hall on Friday nights. The dance was held in a huge room about thirty feet by sixty. There wasn't anything in the room. There weren't any chairs for people to sin on. The DJ was set up in the back of the room on a table. There was a table at the door were people would take the five dollars as you entered. In the lobby there were a few couches and chairs for people to sit on and rest their feet when they got tired. There was also a coat rack in the dance room. If you came early to the dance there was a class that was offered.

The teacher was very nice and was very clear when giving instructions. When someone was doing something wrong she would nicely tell them how to do it better. First of all I went to the dances. I like the lesson because you learn all general facts about the dance that you are learning. When teaching the dance the teacher was forced to give a little background about the dance so we could understand the feeling of the dance. This is what I believe to be a very important resource

I grew up in a small suburb of San Francisco. Dancing was never a big part of my life. As I mentioned before I took a cotillion class when I was in Jr. High. When I was in eighth grade I started to swing dance. My girlfriend did it every week and she started to drag me along with her. I admit that I had a good time but I wasn't really good.. My school put on a lot of dances, about one dance every other month. I was never a big fan of the music that was played and I never was any good at dancing the way people do at dances and clubs. I myself am a musician. I play the cello and the bass. I love music. It is one of the only things in this world that truly makes me happy. I say that I'm not good at dancing and that I don't like it that much but there is another truth behind that. I have just recently realized that I do dance. When I am listening to music that I get funky to, I dance. When I go to a concert I am dancing all the time, most likely for two hours straight. It was not until I began playing in my band and taking this class that I realized that I dance all the time. There is this one lick in a song that my band plays and every time it comes up I just go wild; Feet flailing in ever direction, bouncing around the room, never stopping until the lick is over.

It was not until my drummer, Rick, said that I was a funky dancer that I realized I dance more than I know it. So to recap I had many opportunities to go to dances but didn't take most of them up. I like to dance when I'm feeling the music and the energy just starts to flow through my body, the music must be right.

Being able to talk to people who are regulars at the venue helped a lot. Like before I felt very awkward dancing so I was turned off a little, but I know that I had to be unbiased so I spent a lot of time watching. I'm sure that if I was more into it I could have had a better time. The best way to gather information was to talk to the lady who taught the class. She was very helpful. Secondly I think that I got the best information the night that I just sat back and watched. This allowed me to take notes on the spot and rally focus on what is going on, on the dance floor. I wish there was a wider variety of people who were accessible to talk to about ballroom dancing. Most of the girls that I danced with were of about my age and they were either there because of fun or because of their ballroom dancing class. The people who are taking the class offered by the university were the best people to talk to. They informed me of many facts about how to behave and some background on the dancing it's self. If I were doing this next year I would have gotten more information on each specific dance that is part of ballroom dancing.

The cultural values of the group I studied were different than I expected. I have seen many movies and T.V shows set in the1800's and dancing the waltz. The woman wore big puffy hoop dresses and the men wore frilly suites. The men asked the woman to dance and it was a very formal atmosphere.

The group I studied at Gerlinger hall was very much different from the picture I had in my head. The feel that I got when I was in the dance hall is the same one I got when I was at school dances. There were a lot of younger people there. The girls were dressed up way more than the guys who attended. Some of the dances that are danced in ballroom have grouping our where people dance.

["The different groups that are part of ballroom dancing are categorized by skill level. There are beginners, intermediate dancers and advance dancers. During the lesson there is also the teacher and her helper"] (Fn 11-) during open dance time one must hear the music and know what kind of dance is acceptable to be dancing and so they know where to go on the floor. The teacher was very helpful during the lessons because she would tell us if there was some where we were supposed to be dance or some where we shouldn't be dancing during a certain style of dancing. The groups are divided on the dance floor by skill. The beginners are to stay in the middle of the dance floor. The more advanced people dance around the outside of the floor. This is because the advanced step is a more movement involved and the step forms a big circle. The beginning step is simple and you don't move around the floor too much. When a more advanced person is dancing with a beginner the should stay in the center. Although the skill is in the couple the less advanced person is what needs to become the level in which the couple dances.

This venue seemed to me to be based around having fun and getting meet new people. There was a very informal atmosphere at Gerlinger. Everyone is very nice and friendly. The first time that I was at the dance I ended dancing with this really old woman during the lesson. For some reason I ended up with out a partner and the teacher asked her to dance with me. The teacher know the woman because it turns out that she is a regular at this dance. Her name was Fae and she was a rally nice lady. She even offered me some help and answered a few questions I had about ballroom dancing. The feeling here is like this because everyone needs to feel comfortable about being there and dancing. This is a place for people to meet and have fun and the majority of the people were there to do so. There needs to be a tensionless atmosphere of the dance would not do as planned and people would just be hang out around the outside of the dance floor.

. The basic idea behind the waltz and cha-cha is that the man is able to lead the woman's body but only using two points of contact at all times to move around the dance floor. -Box step This is the step used for the waltz. It is a square stepping pattern. The man first steps forward with his left foot followed by a quick side step to the right with the right foot. The woman follows in an opposite pattern. When the box step is properly learned that the couple adds a ¼ turn to every other step. This allows movement around the floor and not just in a square all the time. I was told there were much more advanced steps. The feel for the step is in a circular three. (Fn1 1-) This is the step of the waltz and during all this movement the only place that is contacting the body of the other partner is at the hand and hip/shoulder.

I learned this trust thing from one of India's friends whom I met while have lunch one day. She is in ballroom dancing class and I asker her to give me some information about ballroom. She said that the trust of the woman and the ability to guide by the man were the single most important things about ballroom dancing.

When dancing during the open dance it is rare to see the same sexes dancing together. Even during the lesson when the teacher had us line up and there were more women then men she had the women dance by themselves with an imaginary partner. The dance gives a sense that men danced with woman and that was that. However I did see a couple of girls dancing in the smaller room next to the main dance floor. The night I went when they were dancing tango and samba I noticed a lot of girls dancing together. I'm not sure if it was because they were friends or wanted to dance with a girl but I noticed that it did happen a lot more. This is most likely because the formal aspects of waltz and cha-cha are not there so it is ok to dance with the same sex.

The last night I went to the dance they were teaching salsa and Samba. This was a huge surprise to me because I didn't know that they were part of ballroom dancing. By talking to some people I found out that only in more recent days have these dances become part of ballroom dancing. Although the dances are influenced by the traditional dances they are extremely different from the samba and salsa of Central and South America. ["This time we didn't go to the lesson. This was a mistake because they taught samba and salsa. This was a huge surprise because I didn't know that these dances were considered to be part of ballroom dancing. When they played the salsa type songs I couldn't dance because I didn't really know how. Everyone is so nice here. They are willing to teach you how to dance. It was not as easy to pick up when the teacher teaches the class."] (Fn 11-5) During the night I noticed a few things that were different than before. There were a lot of girls dancing with each other. There were a lot of girls practicing with one another in the small room to the side. I also saw a lot of the same people that I have seen before. There is this one couple who I have seen every time plus I saw then at the west coast swing venue I went to at the beginning of the term. This dance is a place for regulars most likely because it is in a good central location and it happens every week for people to enjoy.

Manners are a big thing that I noticed between the people at this dance. Everyone is very nice and I was never turned down for a dance. Traditionally it was considered rude to turn down a dance even if you didn't want to. It is still like that to this day. Another part of etiquette is that after a dance one must thank the other person for the dance. One more thing that was part of politeness it the position of the hands. During the dance you are never supposed to touch your partner in a sexual way especially when you are waltzing. This goes for boyfriend/girlfriend couples, it is just not polite. ["The most important thing to fit into the group is to have manners. When asking someone to dance one should always ask politely and say please. When the song is over always thank the other person. The goal of the dance is to have fun. Something that would be inappropriate would be to touch our partner in a sexual manner (Grabbing butt or waist…) Behavior differs from the groups.

Not everyone has the same reasons for coming to Gerlinger. The beginners and intermediate dancers are most likely try to meet new people. They are being polite and trying to get names and other info about the other person. I noticed that a lot of the advanced people danced with the same people. They came as couples and probably are dance partners. I think that it is good to dance with other people. It's like playing music. When you play with other people it allows you to develop style and technique. (Fn 1 5-4)

When attending the dance at Gerlinger there was a very unique atmosphere. IT almost felt as if I was back at a high school dance. There we a lot of younger kids there, but I don't think that is the reason. The reason is because this is a venue for people to come and meet new people and have a good time. When looking back to the past this is the same reason that peopled danced ballroom. At parties people would be dancing and the same gender roles were apparent. This shows that even though the styles of dance have changed the values which started this culture have remained even for a social event such as this one. The way that people behave is very typical of what you would expect from watch old movie depicting ballroom dancing. Everyone is very polite, and although the dance is informal the tension in the air gives it a formal feeling. This behavior shows that the culture from which this dance came was formal as well. Ballroom dancing was for the elegant and rich white folk of Europe. They were the "proper" people. Although there are all kinds of people at this venue there is still a sense of arrogance and upper-classmanship.

This venue is much different from some of the others one could find in Eugene. Because of the type and history of the dance things stay pretty calm. There are many younger people who attend this dance and that might be for a few reasons. The kind of dance done here is very calm and mellow. There is no drinking involved and that is because it is on campus but more importantly it does not reflect the culture. In other dances such as salsa at Sr. Froggs drinking is a big part of the culture. The drinking allows people to let loose and go wild. They stop thinking about how poorly they are dancing and focus on having fun. When looking at the venue in Gerlinger, there are much more conservative values through out the culture. Another dance to compare to is contact improv. I'm making a bold claim here, but I feel that a dance like contact improv would be more difficult as a beginner to learn and harder for one to become part of the group. The steps for ballroom dances have been set in stone for hundreds of years, but now times are changing and more creativity is being put into the art world. Some dances do not even follow a set pattern and that would make it very difficult to learn what to do. The people that I would se doing improve dances are people who are very creative and open minded to anything. The people I saw at Gerlinger were more on the conservative side.

In the world and country we live in today there is such a huge variety of people. I try to define American Culture and it is one of the hardest things to do because we live in such a cultural melting pot. From the upper-middle class town that I come from ballroom dancing seems like it would be a popular dance. Many of the parents in the area are conservative and like to believe in traditional values. Politeness and respect for everyone are things that my mom has taught me since the day I could understand. This is the same way that ballroom dancing has been shown to me. Manners are everything and respect for the person you are dancing with and everyone around you are very important aspects of ballroom dancing. When I came to Eugene everyone was a little more laid back. This is one reason why I think that there are much more opportunities to experience other kinds of dancing. People are more open with their bodies and minds and it can be seen in the types of dances and the people dancing around the area.

Although in Ballroom it was mostly men dancing with woman there are many dances where members of the same sex dance together. In society today it has become much more acceptable to dance with people of the same sex. Peoples minds have opened up and many people have come to terms with their sexuality and feel comfortable dancing with people of the same sex. There are a couple of reasons why this would take place. First of all the couple might be homosexual. In society today there are a lot of gay people and it has become ok for gays to express their feelings and emotions though dance by dancing with each other. Another reason whey people of the same sex are dancing together is because of practice. If I, as a man, were trying to learn the fallow part of a dance it would not be too much help if you were dancing with a girl. For one they might know how to lead and a woman has a much different feel in your hands so things might not feel right. If a man was teaching me to follow I think that I would be able to catch on much quicker. Modernly speaking there are no political aspects behind ballroom dancing. It was formed as a form of entertainment for the upper class. However some of the dances that became part of ballroom dancing had huge political aspects when looking at where the dance came from. Take samba for example. Samba was a dance done by the poor people of Brazil. This was a way for then to unite and stand strong when they were being oppressed. When samba made it to Europe that aspect of the dance was no longer relevant which caused changes in the dance.

When looking back upon doing this project I learned a few things about ballroom dancing. For starters there are a variety of different dances that are considered a part of ballroom dancing. I also learned that even though there is a very formal history about the dance, today it is still a way for people to go have fun and meet new people. Although all the traditional roots are still holding together the venue there are a lot of open minded aspects that have snuck in through the changing of out society.

Please note that this sample paper on Ballroom Dancing in Eugene is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ballroom Dancing in Eugene, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Ballroom Dancing in Eugene will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, October 18, 2019

"Symbolism of the Fire Escape"

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "Symbolism of the Fire Escape". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "Symbolism of the Fire Escape" paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "Symbolism of the Fire Escape", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "Symbolism of the Fire Escape" paper at affordable prices!

"Symbolism of the Fire Escape"

In Tennessee Williams play, "The Glass Menagerie", Williams uses symbols in order to try to indicate some form of escape or, difference between reality and illusion. The fire Escape in the first scene represents the bridge between the illusory world of the Wingfields and the world of reality. Even though this bridge seems to be a one way excursion, the direction varies for each character. For Tom, the fire escape is the way out of the world of Amanda and Laura and an entrance into a world of new dimensions. For Laura, the fire escape is a way into her own world, or a way to escape from her reality. Amanda perceives the fire escape as a way for gentlemen callers to enter their lives, while simultaneously trying to escape her own vacant life. Everyone in the play seeks haven from their lives, attempting to escape into an imaginary fallacy world. In The Glass Menagerie, Williams fire escape portrays each of the characters need to use the fire escape as a literal exit from their own reality.

None of the Wingfield family members enjoy living in a cramped apartment, which is one of many in St. Louis. The only reason that traps them in their submissive dwelling is their poverty. The concept of escaping their own lives and retreating into an illusion world has entered each of the characters minds. Escaping from this lifestyle, this apartment, and these relationships is a significant theme throughout the play. These escapes are linked with the symbolic fire escape as well as the absent Mr. Wingfield.

Mr. Wingfield left his family for a life on the road, He worked for the telephone company and fell in love with long distances (656). This action left Tom with all of the responsibilities in the family including taking care of his half-mad, overbearing mother, Amanda, and a disabled sister, Laura. With all of the responsibilities on Toms shoulders, he is forced to take a job at a warehouse in order to take care of the family and pay rent. Tom is unsatisfied with his life, and is always seeking for a way to escape his misery. In Toms eyes, the fire escape serves as a transit between truth and illusion. It detaches reality of the outside world, which in this case, the city of St. Louis, from the world of the Wingfields. Toms way of dealing with his misery is to remove himself from his surroundings and go to the movies, or a bar. He claims that since he lacks adventure at work he seeks it at the movies. I--go to the movies because - I like a lot of adventure" (668).

Custom Essays on "Symbolism of the Fire Escape"

Amanda also seeks for an escape from her own empty life. She had high hopes of marrying a wealthy man but instead, she settled for a telephone man who eventually abandons her and the kids. This incident made Amanda live her life in bitterness and paranoia. The future becomes the present, the present the past, and the past turns into everlasting regret if you dont plan for it (67). She constantly nags at Toms habits and tries to contour Laura into the girl that she wasnt. Amanda repeatedly lectures and corrects her children on how to present themselves, how to live life, and how to act. She tries to take control of her childrens lives as if she is trying to fit them in a mold of perfection. Try and you will SUCCEED! Why, you - youre just full of natural endowments! Both of my children - theyre unusual children! Dont you think I know it? Im so proud! Happy and - I feel Ive - so much to be thankful for (667). One of Amanda's two worst fears is having Tom grow up to be his father. Promise, son, youll - never be a drunkard! (667). When I see you taking after his ways! Staying out late - and - well, you had been drinking the night you were in that - terrifying condition (668). Amandas other fear in life is having Laura grow old without a gentleman caller. We have to be making plans and provisions for her. She just drifts along doing nothing. It frightens me terribly how she just drifts along (66). Tom suggested to Amanda that Laura just might be what people call home girls, but Amanda refuses to believe it. Theres no such type, and if there is, its a pity! That is unless the home is hers, with a husband (66). Therefore, Amanda sees the fire escape as a way to escape her own problems and invite gentlemen callers into their lives for Laura.

Laura has issues of her own and she also finds the need to escape them. Laura leads a life of simplicity and has a difficult time dealing with the outside world. I put her in business college - a dismal failure! Frightened her so it made her sick to her stomach. I took her over to the Young Peoples League at the church. Another fiasco. She spoke to nobody, nobody spoke to her (66). Even though Laura sees the fire escape as a literal exit from her reality, her way of escaping differs from that of her mother's and brothers. For her, escape is hiding inside the apartment. At a young age, Laura suffered from an illness called pluerosis that forced her to be slightly crippled. The illness made Laura become anti-social and insecure about herself. I- I never had much luck at making friends (686). She dropped out of high school due to being ill, and for the next six years she has done nothing but start a glass collection in which she calls it her glass menagerie. For her, escape is hiding inside the apartment. The fire escape sets apart the unfamiliar life outside of her shielded life.

The Glass Menagerie, exhibited an array of symbolism. Williams fire escape represents the bridge between truth and illusion. The use of the fire escape is altered for each character depending on their own issues. William's fire escape portrayed each of the characters need to utilize the fire escape as a literal exit from their reality. Everyone in the play searches for a refuge from their lives, entering into a fantasy world.

Please note that this sample paper on "Symbolism of the Fire Escape" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "Symbolism of the Fire Escape", we are here to assist you. Your essay on "Symbolism of the Fire Escape" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Outer Jovian Planets

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Outer Jovian Planets. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Outer Jovian Planets paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Outer Jovian Planets, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Outer Jovian Planets paper at affordable prices!

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and

the first of the five outer planets or Jovians

(gas planets) in our Solar System. Jupiter is

the largest planet of them all, with a diameter

Order College Papers on The Outer Jovian Planets

of 14 000 km, it can fit 11 Earths across it's

diameter, and about 1,000 inside it. Jupiter is

so big that it can be seen from Earth without a

telescope, and it is one of the brighter

objects in the sky.

Jupiter's swirling, ever changing clouds of red,

yellow and orange gases have long been one of

the most intriguing mysteries of space. Only

recently, through the findings of several American space probes, have astronomers begun to

fully unravel the secrets of the clouds.

Jupiter orbits the Sun at a comfortable distance of at least 778,000,000 km (480,000,000

mi.), making one full rotation of the Sun every 1 (11.870) years.

Every ten hours on Earth, Jupiter completes another turn on its axis, spinning more than

twice as fast as Earth and making its days less than half as long as ours. This is the reason

why Jupiter's clouds are ever changing; the rapid rotation causes the winds here to whirl at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, at a hostile temperature of 50C. Jupiter's actual surface remains somewhat of a mystery. Astronomers believe that it is composed first of a deep liquid hydrogen ocean, that covers the entire surface of the planetprobably at a depth of 10,000 miles or more. There probably is no surface until the planet's rocky, iron core. The temperature here is believed to be a sweltering 50,000F, a lot hotter than the outer regions!

Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei first discovered Jupiter's Great Red Spot in the 17th century with his new invention, the telescope. This massive hurricane itself is three times the size of the Earth. Though the Great Red Spot does not move or change shape, it will be faint at times, and at other times it will be significantly brighter.

On July 18, 14, twenty-one pieces of the comet Shoemaker-Levy- collided with Jupiter, creating large red splotches in Jupiter's atmosphereeach one the size of Earth. The enormous explosion was estimated to have the power of 6 million megatons or 6 trillion tons of TNT. "That's six hundred times the explosive power of every nuclear weapon stockpiled on Earth," said astronomer Eugene Shoemaker, one of the co-discoverers of the comet. These explosions stirred up persistent storms in Jupiter's atmosphere that could induce long lasting changes.

Jupiter's 4 Largest Moons

Jupiter has 16 known natural satellites, 1 of which are of small diameter. The four largest moons, known as the Galilean moons, were named for their discovererGalileo, who spotted them with a low-power "spy-glass" telescope in 1610. Our first close-up look at the moons came from the Voyager 1 space probe, which was launched in 177.

Ganymede is two and one half times the size of Earth's moon and has a dark, heavily cratered surface of rocky soil, splotched with white patches of ice. It is also the second most distant of the four moons and the largest satellite in the solar system (it is also larger than Mercury and Pluto!), with a diameter of 576 kilometres, or ,7 miles.

Callisto is covered with craters made by giant meteors that hurtled into the moon, smashing into and melting the ice on the surface. The water formed ripples around the craters as the waves froze. Callisto is second largest of the 4 moons with a diameter of 4,80 km (,5 miles) and the farthest moon from Jupiter; it is also the least geologically active.

Europa is just a bit smaller than our own moon (,16 km/1,4 mi.) and looks smooth and white from afar, covered by one large ocean of ice, 40 to 60 miles thick. Despite certain dark valleys several hundred kilometres to several thousand long, filled with material from the inside of the moon-- Europa could possibly be the smoothest object of any in the Solar System.

Io is the only moon in the solar system with active volcanoes, which erupt a liquid sulphur that changes colour when it cools. With each eruption, Io spews clouds of gas and dust into space. It is believed that these volcanoes are energized by the tidal effects of Jupiter's enormous mass.


Saturn, the second largest planet in the solar system, is the least dense.

Its mass is 5 times the mass of the Earth and its density is 0.70 gram per cubic centimeter, so that it would float in an ocean if there were one big enough to hold it.

Saturn radiates more energy than it receives from the Sun, about 80% more. However, the excess thermal energy cannot be primarily attributed to Saturns primordial heat loss, as is speculated for Jupiter.

Saturn's diameter is 10,660 kilometers (74,78 miles) but 10% less at the poles, a consequence of its rapid rotation. Its axis of rotation is tilted by 7 degrees and the length of its day is 10 hours, minutes, and 4 seconds.

Saturn is composed primarily of liquid metallic hydrogen (about 80%) and the second most common element is believed to be helium.

Saturns atmospheric appearance is very similar to Jupiters with dark and light cloud markings and swirls, eddies, and curling ribbons; the belts and zones are more numerous and a thick haze mutes the markings. The temperature ranges from 80°K to 0°K (176°F to -0°F).

Winds blow at extremely high speeds on Saturn. Near the equator, the Voyagers measured winds of about 500 meters per second (1,100 miles per hour). The winds blow primarily in an eastward direction.

Saturn's Rings

Saturn's spectacular ring system is unique in the solar system, with uncountable billions of tiny particles of water ice (with traces of other material) in orbit around the planet. The ring particles range in size from smaller than grains of sugar to as large as a house. The main rings stretch out from about 7,000 kilometers (4,50 miles) to above the atmosphere of the planet out to the F ring, a total span of 74,000 kilometers (45,84 miles). Saturn's rings can be likened to a phonograph, rings within rings numbering in the hundreds, and spokes in the B rings, and shepherding satellites controlling the F ring.

The main rings are called the A, B, and C rings moving from outside to inside. The gap between the A and B rings is called the Cassini Division and is named for the Italian-French astronomer, Gian Domenico Cassini, who discovered four of Saturns major moons and the dark, narrow gap, "Cassinis Division," splitting the planets rings.

Saturn's magnetic field has well-defined north and south magnetic poles, and is aligned with Saturns axis of rotation to within one degree.

Saturn's Moons

Saturn has 18 recognized moons and there is evidence for several more. The five largest moons, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, and Iapetus, range from 1060 to 5150 kilometers (650 to ,00 miles) in diameter. The planets outstanding satellite is Titan, first discovered by the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens in 1656.


Titan is remarkable because it is the only known moon in the solar system that has a substantial atmospherelargely nitrogen with a minor amount of methane and a rich variety of other hydrocarbons. Its surface is completely hidden from view (except at infrared and radio wavelengths) by a dense, hazy atmosphere.

The diameter of Titan is 5,150 kilometers (,00 miles) and it is the second largest satellite in the solar system after Jupiters Ganymede. Titan is larger than the planet Mercury.

Titans surface temperature is about -175°C (-80°F) and its surface pressure is about 50% greater than the surface pressure of the Earth. After the Voyager I flyby in 180, scientists hypothesized that Titan may have an ocean of liquid hydrogen covering its surface. However, in 10 it was shown that Titans surface reflects and scatters radio waves, suggesting that the satellite has a solid surface with the possibility of small hydrocarbon lakes or ponds on the surface.


Uranus, the first planet discovered in modern times by Sir William Herschel in 1781, is the seventh planet from the Sun, twice as far out as Saturn. Its mean distance from the Sun is ,86 million kilometers (1,78 million miles). Uranus's equatorial diameter is 51,810 kilometers (,00 miles). The axis of Uranus is tilted at 7 degrees, so it orbits around the Sun nearly on its side.

Due to Uranus' unusual inclination, the polar regions receive more sunlight during a Uranus year of 84 Earth years. Scientists had thought that the temperature of its poles would be warmer than that at its equator, but Voyager discovered that the equatorial temperatures were similar to the temperatures at the poles, -0°C (-44°F), implying that some redistribution of heat toward the equatorial region must occur within the atmosphere. The wind patterns are much like Saturns, flowing parallel to the equator in the direction of the planets rotation.

Ninety-eight percent of the upper atmosphere is composed of hydrogen and helium; the remaining two percent is methane. Scientists speculate that the bulk of the lower atmosphere is composed of water (perhaps as much as 50%), methane, and ammonia. Methane is responsible for Uranus blue-green color because it selectively absorbs red sunlight and condenses to form clouds of ice crystals in the cooler, higher regions of Uranus' atmosphere.

It was also discovered that the planets magnetic field was 60 degrees tilted from the planets axis of rotation and offset from the planets center by one-third of Uranus' radius. It may be generated at a depth where water is under sufficient pressure to be electrically conductive.

The Uranian Rings

Voyager also expanded the body of information pertaining to the rings and moons of Uranus. Voyager's cameras obtained the first images of nine previously known narrow rings and discovered at least two new rings, one narrow and one broadly diffused, bringing the total known rings to eleven. It was found that a highly structured distribution of fine dust exists throughout the ring system.

The outermost (epsilon) ring contains nothing smaller than fist-sized particles. It is flanked by two small moons discovered interior to the orbit of the Uranian moon Miranda. The moons exert a shepherding influence on the epsilon ring and on the outer edges of the gamma and delta rings.

All of the rings lie within one planetary radius of Uranus' cloud tops. Most of Uranus' rings are narrow, ranging in width from 1 to kilometers (0.6 to 58 miles) and are only a few kilometers thick. The Uranian rings are colorless and extremely dark. The dark material may be either irradiated methane ice or organic-rich minerals mixed with water-impregnated, silicon-based compounds. There is evidence that incomplete rings, or "ring arcs," exist at Uranus.


Little was known about Neptune until August 18, when NASA's Voyager became the first spacecraft to observe the planet. Passing about 4,50 kilometers (,000 miles) above Neptune's north pole, Voyager made its closest approach to any planet since leaving Earth twelve years prior. The spacecraft passed about 40,000 kilometers (5,000 miles) from Neptunes largest moon, Triton, the last solid body

that Voyager will have studied.

Nearly 4.5 billion kilometers ( billion miles) from the Sun, Neptune orbits the Sun once in 165 years, and therefore has made not quite a full circle around the Sun since it was discovered.

With an equatorial diameter of 4,58 kilometers (0,775 miles), Neptune is the smallest of our solar system's four gas giants. Even so, its volume could hold nearly 60 Earths. Neptune is also denser than the other gas giantsJupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, about 64% heavier than if it were composed entirely of water.

Neptune has a blue color as a result of methane in its atmosphere. Methane preferentially absorbs the longer wavelengths of sunlight (those near the red end of the spectrum) what are left to be reflected are colors at the blue end of the spectrum.

The atmosphere of Neptune is mainly composed of hydrogen, with helium and traces of methane and ammonia.

Neptune is a dynamic planet even though it receives only three percent as much sunlight as Jupiter does. Several large, dark spots are prominent features on the planet. The largest spot is about the size of the Earth and was designated the "Great Dark Spot" by its discoverers. It appears to be an anticyclone similar to Jupiters Great Red Spot. While Neptunes Great Dark Spot is comparable in size, relative to the planet, and at the same latitude (° south latitude) as Jupiters Great Red Spot, it is far more variable in size and shape than its Jovian counterpart. Bright, wispy "cirrus-type" clouds overlay the Great Dark Spot at its southern and northeastern boundaries.

Another spot, designated "D," is located far to the south of the Great Dark Spot at 55° S latitude. It is almond-shaped, with a bright central core, and moves eastward around the planet in about 16 hours.

The atmosphere above Neptunes clouds is hotter near the equator, cooler in the mid-latitudes, and warm again at the South Pole. Temperatures in the stratosphere were measured to be 750K (00°F), while at the 100 millibar pressure level, they were measured to be 55°K (-60°F).

Long, bright clouds, reminiscent of cirrus clouds on Earth, were seen high in Neptunes atmosphere. They appear to form above most of the methane, and consequently are not blue.

At northern low latitudes (7° N), Voyager captured images of cloud streaks casting their shadows on cloud decks estimated to be about 50 to 100 kilometers (0 to 60 miles) below. The widths of these cloud streaks range from 50 to 00 kilometers (0 to 15 miles). Cloud streaks were also seen in the southern polar regions (71°S) where the cloud heights were about 50 kilometers (0 miles).

Most of the winds on Neptune blow in a westward direction, which is retrograde, or opposite to the rotation of the planet. Near the Great Dark Spot, there are retrograde winds blowing up to 1,500 miles an hourthe strongest winds measured on any planet.


Pluto, the outermost and smallest

planet in the solar system, is the only

planet not visited by an exploring

spacecraft. So little is known about it,

that it is difficult to classify. Its distance

is so great that the Hubble Space

Telescope cannot reveal its surface

features. Appropriately named for the

Roman god of the underworld, it must

be frozen, dark, and dead. Plutos mean

distance from the Sun is 5,00 million

kilometers (,666 million miles).

In 178, light curve studies gave evidence of a moon revolving around Pluto with the same period as Plutos rotation. Therefore, it stays over the same point on Plutos surface. In addition, it keeps the same face toward the planet. The satellite was later named Charon and is estimated to be about 1,84 kilometers (78 miles) in diameter. Recent estimates indicate Plutos diameter is about ,0 kilometers (1,4 miles), making the pair more like a double planet than any other in the solar system. Previously, the Earth-Moon system held this distinction. The density of Pluto is slightly greater than that of water.

There is evidence that Pluto has an atmosphere containing methane and polar ice caps that increase and decrease in size with the planets seasons. It is not known to have water.

Pluto was predicted by calculation when Percival Lowell (1855-116) noticed irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. Clyde Tombaugh (106) discovered the planet in 10, precisely where Lowell predicted it would be. The name Pluto was chosen because the first two letters represent the initials of Percival Lowell.

Pluto has the most eccentric orbit in the solar system, bringing it at times closer to the Sun than Neptune. Pluto approached the perihelion of its orbit on Sept. 5, 18, and for the rest of this century will be closer to the Sun than Neptune. Even then, it can be seen only with a large telescope.


A comet is mostly a gaseous body of small mass and enormous volume that can be seen from earth for periods ranging from a few days to several months. A comet head, on the average is about 80,000 mi. (10,000 km) in diameter, contains a small, bright nucleus (ice and frozen gases interspersed with particles of heavier substances) surrounded by a coma, or nebulous envelope of luminous gases. As the comet nears the Sun, the particles and gases are vaporized, forming a tail as long as 100 million mi. (160 million km) The point where the comet is closest to the Sun is called the perihelion. Pushed by the solar wind, the tail streams out away from the Sun. When the comet is farthest away from the Sun, it is called the aphelion.

Dutch astronomer J.H. Oort hypothesized in 150 that a shell of more than 100 billion comets surrounding the solar system and moving very slowly at a distance of as much as 150,000 astronomical units (AU); a passing star, however, may cause a few to be launched closer to the Sun. In 151, G.P. Kuiper proposed a region of minor planets just outside Neptunes orbit as a source of comets with short orbital periods.

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