Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The League of Nations' Structures

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The League of Nations' Structures. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The League of Nations' Structures paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The League of Nations' Structures, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The League of Nations' Structures paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

In 10, the League of Nations had 48 members and in 1, it had 54. The League itself consisted of the Assembly, the Council, and the Secretariat. It also consisted of the Permanent Court of Justice, the Agencies, and The International Labor Organization. The Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Labor Organization were independent of the league, but coordinated their actions with it. This peacekeeping system was designed with the idea that member states would accept the legal settlement of their disputes and that those who failed to do so would suffer the sanctions levied by the rest of the league community.

The Council consisted of six permanent members--the six Great Powers (Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Japan and Germany) --and some temporary elected members. The Council was like the Executive Body; it supervised the general workings of the League, and convened both regular and special sessions of the Assembly. It could organize sanctions against an offending state, and all its decisions had to be unanimous.

The Assembly was like a Parliament or Legislature but it had no real power. The Assembly was used as a worldwide conference meeting to discuss any and all questions of international relations such as the arbitration of peace treaties, the problem of frontier adjustments, and any dispute that might endanger international peace. It met once a year, and each member state had one vote in the Assembly. It admitted new nations and controlled the budget, and it elected non-permanent members of the council. Although the Assembly decisions were technically required to be unanimous, it became customary for those who disagreed with the proposals of the majority to simply abstain from voting. Actual cases of veto or deadlock were very few; but as a result of this requirement, most resolutions passed by the Assembly tended toward compromise or delay rather than clear-cut decisions.

The Secretariat was a kind of Civil Service. It consisted of permanent officials paid by the League. The Secretariat carried out all administrative functions. It also prepared reports for the Council and Assembly. It was divided into sections, like finance, drugs, health, and disarmament. The Secretariat first Secretary-General, Sir Eric Drummond, aimed to develop a body of international civil servants loyal to the League of Nations. It was based at the League's headquarters in Geneva.Help with essay on The League of Nations' Structures

The Permanent Court of Justice could be access to non-members. It consisted of 15 judges, elected by the Assembly, representing the world's different legal systems. The court gave decisions on cases referred to it by countries by dispute. It advised the Assembly and Council if asked. The PCIJ is still based in The Hague, Holland.

The International Labor Organization could also be access to non-members. This Organization encouraged many countries to improve their ordinary workers rights. It is still in existence today. It was an association of all League members and it aimed to improve working conditions worldwide. It's ruling body consisted of representatives of governments, employers and workers.

Commissions and Special Committees were set up to carry out much of the League's work. The main Commissions were the disarmament, this Commission was meant to persuade member states to reduce armed forces and weapon stocks. Mandates a Mandate Commission was set up to supervise the transferring of land from Germany and Turkey, to the winning powers. Refugees this Commission tried to repatriate prisoners of war after the First World War and find homes for refugees, which it did, many hundreds of thousands of people and prisoners of war. Drugs, to stop the smuggling and misuse of dangerous drugs. This caused many states to improve controls, but it could not defeat determined drugs producers. Health, this Organization worked particularly in poorer countries, and managed to reduce many cases of leprosy. Other one includes military, naval and air, communications and transit, protection of women and children, economics and finance, slavery, and international cooperation.

Please note that this sample paper on The League of Nations' Structures is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The League of Nations' Structures, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on The League of Nations' Structures will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ullambana/Obon. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ullambana/Obon paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ullambana/Obon, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ullambana/Obon paper at affordable prices!

Ullambana simply means celebration of the ritual of saving the deceased from torments after death. The holiday originated in Buddhist legend when the protagonist Mulien (also known as Mahamaudgalyayana) used his deva-eye (unlimited vision) and saw that his mother had fallen into the hands of hungry ghosts. The ghosts tortured her by starving and hanging her. Using his powers, Mulien went on a difficult journey to the underworld to bring his mother a bowl of rice to ease her hunger. After receiving the bowl of rice the first thing his mother did was hide it behind her back, as she did not want to share with the other hungry ghosts. This is representative of the kind of selfish attitude that caused her to be condemned to hell to begin with. When she finally went to eat the rice, it had turned to coal.

Desperate to help his mother, Mulien begged the Buddha to show him a way to bring salvation to his mother. Buddha tells him, The past sins of your mother are too great for you alone to save her. You must find ten monks and pray together on the 15th day of the seventh moon. The Buddha also advised that he make offerings in a bowl containing rice, fruits and other delicacies. Following the Buddha's instructions, Mulien began a ritual of fasting and chanting until finally his mother was released. Mulien then asked the Buddha if future followers of his could also practice the Ullambana offerings. The Buddha, pleased by his question, replied that all followers should follow the practice. This legend has been passed down through the ages and today it is celebrated by Buddhists around the world, who hold ceremonies so that outcast and famished ghosts may cross over to salvation.

The Taoists version of this holiday is called the Ghost Festival (Festival of Hungry Ghosts) or "Chung Yuan" They believe that the gates of hell are flung open on this day to allow ghosts and spirits into the world of the living for a month. To pacify them, all kinds of extraordinary food offerings are made. These offerings include, vegetables, fruits, noodles, biscuits, rice, oil, etc. Others have been known to offer things such as Chinese opera; puppet shows or pop concerts as well. The holiday reaches its most significant aspect on the fifteenth day when chants and rituals are performed. More offerings are made of incense, paper money and sweets. Basically it is a big party since this is believed to be the day that the ghosts and spirits suffering ends and they are released into heaven.

Another similar version of this holiday celebrated by Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and Orthodox Christians is called All Souls Day. On this day they honor the souls of recently deceased who are waiting in purgatory to enter heaven. During the middle ages, people would walk from door to door offering prayers for the dead and in return they would receive soul cakes. According to the legend whenever a soul cake was eaten a soul was released into heaven. On this day churches hold services and prayers are said for the dead. Individuals also clean graves and decorate them with flowers, crosses and wreaths. Candles and lanterns are burned all night to help brighten the darkness for the souls.

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Yet another holiday that is similar to the Ullambana is The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) celebrated November 1st and nd in Mexico and in Mexican communities all over the world. The Day of the Dead is celebrated as a time when the souls return to their homes in order to check that everything is going well and make sure that they have not been forgotten. In some areas of Mexico the celebration is during the time of the migration of the Monarch butterfly. It is believed that the butterflies carry the spirits of the dead.

To prepare for the day, families prepare alters in their home to welcome the dead back into their lives. The altars are decorated with flowers, candles and colorful pictures. Sometimes the altars can include items that are familiar to the dead person, such as photographs, articles of clothing or a favorite keepsake. Incense made of sage and copal (a sap from a Mexican tree) is burned. Offerings are left on the altar such as platters of rice, beans, chicken or red meat. A washbasin and towel are also included so that the spirit can wash up before the meal.

The main part of the holiday is the family trip to the cemetery. There families tend to the graves by pulling weeds and raking up around them. People also decorate the graves with flowers, wreathes and ribbons. People often bring picnics and leave part of the food behind as an offering. At times a mariachi band has been know to play in the cemetery as celebrants sing along.

In the United States where some may not be able to attend family celebrations back home, many Mexican-Americans hold a special ceremony. They pay tribute in four directions, each of which pays tribute to a different group of people that has died the north honors the elderly and all ancestors; the west honors women; the south honors infants and children; and the east honors men. As people remember family members and friends who have died, they say their names, rattle instruments and set down a marigold blossom wreath. Children celebrate by running through the street where people give them fruit, candy and money. They especially enjoy receiving special candy such as chocolate shaped like skulls and sugar coffins.

Although there are many holidays that emulate Ullambana, the Japanese version of this national holiday called the Obon is my favorite. It begins July 1th and lasts for three-days. On this day businesses close, some even hand out bonuses, and people travel home to be with their families. Before the holiday, families clean their homes from top to bottom. They buy evergreen branches, flowers, incense, fruits, and vegetables.

When the festival begins, the family lights sticks of incense. The family places fruit and vegetables before a small family alter as an offering to the spirits and then the family goes to the cemetery. There they clean their ancestors' tombs, place flowers and rice cakes on them and pour water over them. At night lanterns or torches are placed along the path connecting the cemetery to the family house to invite their ancestors to join them. Another popular ritual is the Chankoko Matsuri, which is when groups of Chankoko dancers go around town dancing. People who have lost relatives during the year will invite the Chankoko to dance in their garden or by their family graves.

The festival is highlighted on the third night with the Toro Nagashi (Lantern Floating). During the festival, participants can decorate purchased lanterns and place messages to deceased loved ones; the lanterns will be set afloat on the water as the sun sets. This ritual symbolizes the journey of the spirits back to the other world. Families who have experienced death in the past year may float elaborately decorated boats to transport their recently deceased to the other side for the first time.

Last summer I visited the Obon festival in Concord. The festival featured taiko drumming, bonsai exhibits and martial arts demonstrations. Because there is no river or sea close by in Concord on the third day when traditional lanterns are floated, the festival was closed with the bon-odori. During the bon-odori dancers move in a circle to the beat of the taiko drum. Dancers will wear traditional kimonos or yujkatas, which are made of thinner cotton and are shorter than a kimono. The dance, which consists of four or five repeated movements, often tells traditional stories and legends. Sometimes the dancers perform with fans and kachi-kachi, pieces of bamboo that they click together to the beat of the taiko. Although it was fun to watch the other demonstrations, the dance was the part of the festival that I enjoyed the most.

Whatever your religious or personal experiences may be, perhaps there is meaning to be found in this festival. Looked at in the right light, the Festival celebrates filial piety. Moreover, it is a ritual of compassion where we extend love and kindness to all beings. By observing such a tradition in the mindful way that the Buddhists do, we can start to develop our own spiritual practice. We may not create our own holiday, but we can certainly find our own way to honor our past.

Please note that this sample paper on Ullambana/Obon is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ullambana/Obon, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Ullambana/Obon will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, December 21, 2020

The Great war

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Great war. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Great war paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Great war, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Great war paper at affordable prices!

"Identify and present evidence for three natural mechanisms of climate change, any of which might have caused all or part of the long-term global warming trend observed since the late 1th century".

It is often assumed that the main reasons for an increase in global temperatures since the 1th century are due to the impact of man. However further scientific research has proven that this is not always the case and we often under-estimate the power of many natural processes.

1. Sun Activity.

The sun is the main factor that increases or decreases global temperatures, as its' output and distance from the earth changes. Sunspots occur on the surface of the sun over an eleven year cycle, when the sun is brighter during periods of high activity. When there is greater sunspot activity it has been found that there is greater ozone formation. This transfers heat to the lower atmosphere, so increasing global temperatures. Changes in the earths orbit occur, because the earth moves in elliptical orbits. The orbit will have reversed in 10,000 years time, so between these periods it is likely that the earth will have passed closer to the sun, hence changing global temperatures.

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. Ocean Circulation.

The ocean currents re-distribute heat energy. Because of the earth's tilt, unequal concentrations of energy reach the poles. The Gulf Stream warms the North Atlantic, evaporation occurs, making the water denser, so it sinks taking carbon dioxide with it from the atmosphere. This controls greenhouse gases concentrations, therefore greatly affecting the global climate.

. Volcanic Activity.

It is hypothesised that volcanic eruptions cause the earth to cool for up to several years, because large quantities of dust and gases are injected into the atmosphere, reflecting the incoming solar energy, and thus the energy to the earths' surface by 5-10%.

Throughout history man has had to adapt to cope with a climate that varies over time, and climatic change is not a new idea, it has occurred over the last millions of years.


Internet resources articles by Phillip Ball, and the BBC News website.

Exploring Ocean Science, by Keith Stowe.

Environmental Science for Environmental Management, edited by Timothy O'Riordan. Page 15.

The Role of the Sun in Climate Change, by D. Hoyt.

Please note that this sample paper on The Great war is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Great war, we are here to assist you. Your essay on The Great war will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Lady Macbeth

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Lady Macbeth. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Lady Macbeth paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Lady Macbeth, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Lady Macbeth paper at affordable prices with custom writing service!

In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth plays a very influential and controlling character. At the end of the play, Malcolm describes Lady Macbeth as Macbeth's "fiend-like" or devil-like queen, because of her involvement with Macbeth throughout his betrayal of Scotland. Lady Macbeth's "fiend-like" qualities are justified in many instances early throughout the play.

Lady Macbeth, since we first meet her in Act 1, Scene 5, was driven by ambition and power. In the beginning, she was the driving force behind Macbeth to murder King Duncan, as she believed Macbeth was morally not capable of committing the act. She believed that Macbeth "art not without ambition, but without the illness that should attend it" (Line 18), and so she dedicated herself to this action, so to gain acclaim and glory for her husband, promised by the witches previously. Her "unsex me" speech portrays her ambition for this goal. In this speech she wants to eliminate her conscience completely, to act out the murder. She wanted to remove all feminine aspects, like compassion, love, and remorse, to "make thick her blood" and to fill her "from crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty" (Line 41) so that she could deceit others and commit the sinful venture. In doing this, she turned from the natural to unnatural, as turning from God to Satan, making her a "fiend-like" queen.

To manipulate her husband into literally committing the murder of King Duncan, she also began to attack his manhood, Macbeth's evident weakness, shown in Act 1, Scene 7. Without the use of violence, she convinced Macbeth that her ideas and plots would work, and would lead them to power. Although Macbeth did strike back to her hurtful words, she would always retaliate to the defence Macbeth held. For example, when Macbeth said "I dare do all that may become a man; who dares do more, is none" (Line 46) trying to convince her that he should not go through with it, she strikes back telling Macbeth "what beast was't, then, that made you break this enterprise to me?" (Line 48), questioning that if he were the man he suggests he would not have even suggested the matter in the first place.

Her "fiend-like" qualities were only further expressed in Act , Scene , after Macbeth had killed King Duncan, and was in a state of extreme guilt and confusion. This was evident to Lady Macbeth when she said, "my hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart so white" (Line 64). Macbeth had walked into the courtyard carrying the stained dagger he used to kill King Duncan, and with his hands smeared with blood. He was in such a delusional state ("Methought I heard a voice cry…"-Line 5) that he neglected his bloody hands, and did not completely finish the plan intended by Lady Macbeth, as he did not yet frame the groomsmen for the crime. When Lady Macbeth discovered the plan was not finished, she made it her responsibility to complete the plan to save them both-"I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal; for it must seem their guilt" (Line 56). She took control of the situation and handled the mishaps, to succeed for her and her husband.

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Act , Scene 4, showed another example of Lady Macbeth's qualities. After the murder of Banquo, Macbeth began to see Banquo's "ghost" at Banquo's feast. Macbeth was acting suspicious and kept disturbing their guests. It was then that Lady Macbeth stepped in and excused Macbeth from the party, explaining it to the guests, ("the fit is momentary; upon a thought he will again be well"-Line 55) before speaking to Macbeth alone. Here Lady Macbeth questions and attacks his manhood again, as he was deemed unable to differentiate reality from imagination. Lady Macbeth suggests to Macbeth that he is weak and that the ghosts he is seeing is "the very painting of your (Macbeth) own fear", meaning that he is only seeing that of which he fears. She continually took care of the situation at hand, covering up for Macbeth's mistakes, and manipulating people their guests, and friends.

Throughout the entire play, Lady Macbeth had a very pivotal role and was involved with many of Macbeth's actions. She became the voice in Macbeth's head, his right hand, and his perfect queen. Considering the actions made in they play by her and her husband, Malcolm spoke truth when regarding Lady Macbeth as Macbeth's "fiend-like" queen.

Please note that this sample paper on Lady Macbeth is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Lady Macbeth, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Lady Macbeth will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Lise meitner

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on lise meitner. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality lise meitner paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in lise meitner, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your lise meitner paper at affordable prices!

Lise Meitner was born in Vienna, Austria in 1878 as the third among eight children of Hedwig and Philipp Meitner. Her family was Jewish although they later distanced themselves from their Jewish past. During her childhood, Lise was already curious about math and science and had rational skepticism. Her parents idealism, in which they wished for freedom, led the family toward an extraordinary intellectual atmosphere. All of the children, including five daughters, pursued an advanced education. Because women, by law, were excluded from Austrian universities as well as rigorous secondary schools until the end of 1th century, receiving an advanced education was extraordinary, especially for girls.

With her parents support, Lise entered the University of Vienna in 101, and she was awarded her doctorate degree in physics in 106 as the second woman to earn a doctorate in that field from the University of Vienna. Despite her doctorate, there were no prospects for women in physics. She taught at a girls school in the daytime and worked in the evening at the Institute of Ludwig Boltzmann, who gave her through his lectures the vision of physics as a battle for ultimate truth, a vision which she never lost.

Yet, her future appeared to hold nothing but teaching at the girls school. Hence, she decided to go to Berlin, Germany for a few terms of study in 107. She did not know at that time that she would stay there for more than thirty years. The University in Berlin was still a mans world in which she not only felt like a stranger but also an oddity. Before attending Max Plancks lectures she had to ask Max for permission to attend because she was a woman. While she attended his lectures, she realized that she preferred experimental physics as opposed to theoretical physics. She then got placed in the laboratory of Prof. Heinrich Rubens, who was the head of the Experimental Physics Institute. There she met Dr. Otto Hahn, who had the degree in Chemistry and would work with her for the next thirty-one years.

Even though she was allowed to investigate her research into radioactivity with Hahn in the chemistry institute where Hahn did his experiments, she still lacked a position within the field. She had a permanent double liability a woman who was a scientist, and a scientist who was female. Because the Institute was completely off limits to women, she was allowed to work only in a basement room, and in order to use the toilet she had to walk down the street a couple of blocks to a restaurant.

When Hahn was offered a position, with a decent annual salary, in a new independent research institute, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute (KWI) for chemistry, Lise was offered a position as well, but as an unpaid guest. She had published more than twenty articles, and established her reputation as a scientist since she started working with Hahn. Nevertheless, she still had no position, no income, and no prospects for the future.

After Lise and Hahn moved into the new institute, late in 11, her situation was dramatically changed. Max Planck appointed her as his assistant, which was her first paying position. Soon after, Emil Fischer, chairman of KWI for chemistry, who had followed her work kindly, assigned her for the same position as Hahns although her salary was still considerably lower.

In spite of World War I as well as the long absence by Hahn, she managed to keep their radioactivity laboratory. In 117, she was assigned to establish a physics department in KWI for chemistry. In 11, she was promoted to Professor in the Institute. As the first woman professor in Germany, this achievement helped Lise to attract people around her, obtain larger grants and work with important officials. The partnership between Hahn and Lise had been very successful, and she was the leader of their experiments in many respects; nonetheless, others saw a woman working with a man as nothing but his subordinate.

In 10s, she continued to scale the academic ladder; her title qualified her for university teaching. Besides, her work spanned almost all of experimental nuclear physics; she had the equipment, resources and co-workers, and published intellectual articles about new findings throughout this period when the nucleus was still very much a newcomer to the atomic scene, and radioactivity remained the prime source of nuclear data.

Under the Third Reich, Lise despite being Jewish tried to stay and to continue her research as long as she could, refusing many friends offers to get out of Germany. However, the situation was getting worse, which forced her to flee to Stockholm, Sweden in 18.

Lise went to Stockholm without any possessions, money, adequate clothing, or the language skills to start out successfully. However, she was accepted to Manne Siegbahns Institute sponsored by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Yet, her salary was not as high as what she expected. There were no resources left in which she could perform her experiments in her new laboratory, no support was provided by her colleagues or organizations. Lises unhappiness was the product of two factors the hardships of the Third Reich and dissatisfaction at work. She continued to keep in touch with Hahn; they often exchanged letters; moreover, they sometimes met secretly. Hahn, who was still in Berlin, had continued to investigate their research with their assistant, Fritz Strassmann. Hahn reported every result to Lise, and she gave him advice and suggestions in return. Strassmann knew that the direction of their experiments had come from her ideas although he did not know that Hahn had met her.

These experiments led directly to the discovery of nuclear fission. When Lise spent Christmas holidays in 18 with her nephew, Otto Robert Frisch, and her friends, Lise received a letter from Hahn stating that he had found a theoretical interpretation for a property of the nucleus. Although Lise and Hahn continued to correspond about further researches, the same racial policies that had forced her out of Germany made it impossible for Hahn and Strassmann to include her in the discovery of fission. She knew that it had nothing to do with science and everything to do with race. Lise submitted a small, independent article about the interpretation with Frisch, which would receive worldwide attention later. On the other hand, Hahn himself suppressed and denied not only their ongoing collaboration but also the value of nearly everything she had done, just as the political situations deprived her of her proper recognition.

Even after her fission interpretation with her nephew gained an acceptance throughout the world, her status in Siegbahns Institute did not improve. At that time in Sweden, there was no sympathy for refugees from Germany. The Swedish academic culture had always been supporters of Germany. Groups from within Siegbahns Institute considered Lise as an outcast. Moreover, having been forced into immigration and being excluded from the discovery of fission formed an unforgettable hardship that she would undoubtingly remember for the last twenty years of her life.

If fission had been found in a world at peace, its energy might first have been used to provide light and heat for peoples homes. Unfortunately, the discovery led to the development of the nuclear bomb because of World War II, which made her really sorrowful. If fission had been discovered in a world that was free of racial persecution and gender bias, her contribution to nuclear fission could have received much worthier rewards. In fact, Hahn received the Nobel Prize in 146; she did not. Although she was not honored with the Nobel Prize, she received many honors after World War II. She continued to work on her research, yet she never fully established herself in physics again. In 160, she retired and moved to Cambridge, England in order to be closer to her nephew, Frisch, who was a professor of physics at that time. Even though she retired, she was still trying to learn the new aspects of physics in every way possible, relying on Frisch to explain the new developments within the field. In 168, after numerous contributions to the scientific world, Lise Meitner died right before her ninetieth birthday. Frisch selected the inscription of her headstone to contain the following phrase, which best describes her attributes Lise Meitner a physicist who never lost her humanity.

Please note that this sample paper on lise meitner is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on lise meitner, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on lise meitner will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Sacre bleu: Lawsuit affirms Selig's status as baseball's biggest jackass

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Sacre bleu: Lawsuit affirms Selig's status as baseball's biggest jackass. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Sacre bleu: Lawsuit affirms Selig's status as baseball's biggest jackass paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Sacre bleu: Lawsuit affirms Selig's status as baseball's biggest jackass, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Sacre bleu: Lawsuit affirms Selig's status as baseball's biggest jackass paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


In a bittersweet act of vengeance, 14 former minority shareholders in the Montreal Expos have kicked up a shit storm the stench of which has settled in Major League Baseball's front office.

Commissioner Bud Selig is among the small band of parasites named in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit filed in Miami last summer. The limited partners, citing the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, claim Major League Baseball and former Expos owner Jeffery Loria fraudulently conspired to ransack, dismantle and ultimately eliminate the long-floundering Canadian franchise. Drafted more than 0 years ago, the RICO Act was designed as an instrument with which the U.S. government could combat organized crime. Fittingly, one Montreal columnist has declared the ordeal "Baseball meets the Sopranos."

The severity of the partners' claim, which includes accusations of mail and wire tapping, undoubtedly had a hand in crippling Selig's plan to contract the Expos at the end of the 00 season. The shareholders are seeking $100 million in damages a sum that would be tripled under the legalese mumbo jumbo defined in the RICO Act and an injunction against MLB that would prohibit any attempt to fold or move the ball club until the case is resolved.

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With the resolution reached between owners and the players union during September's strike-averting labor negotiations, the Expos are all but assured of another season in Montreal with, perhaps, a 0-game homestand in San Juan, Puerto Rico. For the team's few-remaining faithful, there is now some contentious fodder to sling around the Web. Look no further than http// Seriously. No further. The truly optimistic, though maniacal by common standards, actually smell a new stadium.

On the surface, the former partners' lawsuit may appear to be a clever but desperate ploy of 14 embittered Canucks who want to recoup some dignity and boost local morale by bullying a financially trampled industry that is currently rife with sleaze and stupidity. Critics will brush it off as just another setback in a seemingly endless string of letdowns like the labor issue and the disappointment after the 00 half-ass All-Star game. It'd be easy to perceive this thing simply as another reason to distrust a dishonest institution, and the fans have a right to be disgusted with the current state of the game. It's deplorable.

But be careful not to overlook one of the lawsuit's principle undertones. This extends beyond the saber rattling and hard-sought financial retribution it's egg on the face of baseball's #1 spoiler. Selig received an old-fashioned Canadian pantsing and the great feeling of satisfaction needn't be restricted to baseball-retardant Montreal. The lawsuit is a fortuitous yet long-owed spew of swear words on behalf of baseball fans en masse who believe Selig is nothing but a sycophant who has displayed gross incompetence while trying rather feebly to run the big show. You'd be hard pressed to find a better candidate for such public embarrassment.

Though fostered north of the border, rest assured American jurisprudence will prevail. That the shareholders, all Canadian, filed the lawsuit in a U.S. court is a perhaps a testament to their astuteness and great comprehension of our fine legal system. Or maybe it's just their desire to walk away with a shit-load of American money. Regardless, the affair promises to be educational and will undoubtedly impact all fans' perception of the game over the next five years. But just incase this nasty mess brings about a positive and profound revolution for the industry at large, remember where you read the following slogan Montreal Expos America's team.

00 by Andrew deGrandpr freewheeling freelance journalist

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

To Kill a Mockingbird

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on To Kill a Mockingbird. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality To Kill a Mockingbird paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in To Kill a Mockingbird, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your To Kill a Mockingbird paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

To Kill a Mockingbird, which takes place in a small town in Alabama, is about life and the lessons everyday people obtained from it. By reading this classic novel, one can learn a lot about things such as kindness, hatred, racism, and humor. It also gave examples of the differences between the many different kinds of people. This novel also describes what it takes to be a better person in life.

One quote that stood out in this book was one that was said by Atticus. He said, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb in his skin and walk around in it" (Lee ). I believe this quote gives a good lesson about life. What it is saying is that you can think you know a lot about someone by just looking at them, but you have to expirence being them to really feel what its like to be that person.

Another quote that gave a good lesson about life was one that took place between Scout and Atticus. It read "Atticus, he was really nice… Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them" (Lee 81). What this has to say about life is that rumors and things alike go around about many people, but if you really get to know them, you will find that most people are nice. You will also find that moat rumors about people are not true.

Another quote that seemed to sum up the book well was one that took place between Atticus and Maudie, which said "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens…that's why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird" (Lee ). What this quote says about life is that if things don't do anything to harm you, then you shouldn't harm them. This quote was a good part of what the book was about.

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In this book, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley were examples of 'mockingbirds' for the people in Maycomb County. In the book, mockingbirds are described as creatures that didn't harm anybody and just minded their own business. This is how these two characters were portrayed in the book. They didn't cause any harm or damage to anyone, and that is why they are looked at as 'mockinbirds.'

Please note that this sample paper on To Kill a Mockingbird is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on To Kill a Mockingbird, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on To Kill a Mockingbird will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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