Friday, September 25, 2020

The enemy outside and within

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on the enemy outside and within. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality the enemy outside and within paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in the enemy outside and within, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your the enemy outside and within paper at affordable prices!

In the old English epic, Beowulf, a pattern is begun of making monsters out to be outsiders, witnessed through the descriptions, attitudes, and actions of the fiend Grendel and his horrific Mother. In this and many other stories throughout ancient times, the antagonistic monsters have been the focus for the problems within society, causing any number of woes for the people. However, although the troubles the monsters cause occur within Human society, the monsters themselves, especially within Beowulf, are quite often distanced and set apart in numerous ways from the peoples whom they plague, including physically, mentally, emotionally, symbolically, and oftentimes ideologically as well. There exists, however, a paradoxical symbolism within the epic's framework concerning this beast and his mother in which they serve as examples of the negative aspects of the Germanic society in which the story originated. Therefore, while they are still placed outside of the boundaries of Human civilization, they are, at the same time, a part of it as they represent the evils of the culture whose imagination spawned them.

From the moment he appears in the story, Grendel is an outcast in every conceivable manner. He is described as a monster, a powerful demon (ln. 86), and a fiend out of hell (ln.100). His form, although vaguely humanoid, is hideous and deformed with fiery eyes where "flame, more then light, flared from" (ln. 727). Grendel has swift, hard, and "open claws" (ln. 747), and enormous teeth that snatch the life out of his victims, which are numerous. This "shadow stalker, stealthy and swift" (ln. 703) doesn't stop at killing, but also eats of the flesh and drinks the blood of his prey. "He bit into his bone-lappings, bolted down his blood/and gorged on him in lumps" (ln741-742). Not only is Grendel set apart from humanity by his grotesque appearance and monstrous actions, but by his bestial mindset which renders him "malignant by nature" (ln.137). His mind is filled with an omnipresent rage and bloodlust which seem to permeate his every thought, being "flushed up and inflamed from the raids" (ln. 124) and "his rage boiled over…ever maddening for blood" (ln. 723-724). At the same time he lacks all the decencies and compassion which one would believe crucial to defining humanity itself, being described as "insensible to pain/ and human sorrow" (ln.119-120). Yet another vital way in which this creature is alienated from the society is through his ancestral ties. He is a descendant of Cain, having been,"...spawned in that slime, conceived of Cain/ murderous creatures banished By God..." (106-107), and therefore, by definition, is an outcast of society, doomed to roam in the shadows, always from the outside looking in. His whole existence, coming from one of the original sins, is grounded in the moral perversion to hate good simply because it is good. "Because the Almighty had made him anathema/and out of the curse of his (Cain's) exile there sprang ogres and elves and evil phantoms…who strove with God time and time again until he gave them his reward" (ln. 110-114). Unlike the rest of humanity, Grendel is an enemy of God and can therefore not know God's great love. As it states of Grendel, "he was the Lord's outcast" (ln. 169) he was ever "God-cursed" (ln. 121).

In addition, Grendel's Mother, like her damned progeny if not even more so, is portrayed as alien to all which is familiar and decent in the world of man. Since she is also a spawn of the line of Cain, "she had been forced down into fearful wasters/the cold depths, after Cain had killed his father's son" (ln. 1260-1262), she shares his dark roots and abandonment from the light of both God and humanity, as well as his vicious nature. She, however, is not even given a name or a proper description, an identifier of any kind by which to know her. She remains an amorphous phantom, "that female horror/monstrous hell-bride" (ln.1259-1260), a shape outside of human comprehension. Furthermore, whereas Grendel lived just on the outskirts of civilization in the fens, his mother dwelled in a land of almost surrealistic horror, estranged from anything recognizable as even remotely natural, a cold murky lake in a desolate landscape which is populated by strange beasts and "where the water burns" (ln.1366). For Grendel's Mother, even the natural laws of Human reproduction and love hold no sway, for Grendel is fatherless and has been created abnormally by his mother alone.

Despite all of their apparent separation from the Human race, however, Grendel and his Mother serve as a deeper metaphor for the evils of the very society which they plague. Below the surface, the two beasts actually have several important factors in common with the people, both in the text and in the actual Germanic society as it is known by historians. First, in Grendel's actions and ever-present blood rage, one finds a symbol for the ever-present violence of mankind, his rage and wrath, which raged particularly strong during the Medieval and pre-Medieval ages as evidenced in the tale by the many stories of death, murder, and war which are shared by both the narration and partakers of the feasts of Heorot . Grendel therefore, although hulking, brutish, and bestial, carries the general shape of a humanoid, of man. Although he comes "greedily loping" (ln. 711) from the moors, he also strides on two legs into Heorot where he fights Beowulf. Though he is almost always monstrous and full of killing intent, he also experiences very human emotions and sensations which serve to heighten his connection to the human culture and illustrate his position as a symbol of its violent dark half, much in the same way that Hyde served as the dark representation of the cultured Jeckyll. He is usually angry, finds enjoyment in what he does, experiences fear near the instant of his defeat, and, perhaps most of all, he endures a blinding jealousy of the Danes, their happiness, and their love and connection to the God who has exiled him from his ways. "It harrowed him to hear the din of the loud banquet every day in the hall, the harp being struck and the clear song of a skilled poet telling with mastery of man's beginnings" (ln. 87-91). This indicates that behind his jealousy and rage was the urge to be accepted into both the joy of the society of men and into the grace of God, for it is these things of which he envious. These longings, for cultural and religious acceptance, were echoed by the people of the time, and were the backbone of the society, causing, by chance and purpose the great amounts of violence and war which were prevalent in Germanic society. Perhaps most important of all is the fact that Grendel is defeated in battle as a result of a human trait, hubris. Since he is so proud and sure of his magical protection from weapons, as well as his own strength, he continues to battle without protection or aid of fighting implements and thus believes himself to be invincible. Thus Beowulf, reading this human in Grendel, is able to defeat the fiend with the one trait which the monster shares with this champion of humanity: great brute strength. This is yet one more connection, since both the best of humans and the worst of monsters have their most powerful aspects in common. Grendel's Mother serves as a symbol of the Germanic society's and people's policies of never-ending vengeance and brutal repercussion which resulted in numerous feuds between different peoples and families. Her ties to humanity spring from her representation of one of mankind's most cherished of figures, the Mother. It is her apparent caring and perhaps even love for her son, hatred of those who have slain him, and a desire for revenge, all human traits, which personify her behavior. Taking it a step further, one finds ironically that her actions of vengeance upon Hrothgar's aide, Aeschere, not only aren't considered evil by the Germanic society as historians and the text are understood, but are looked upon as morally just and right in her cause. Therefore, even a monster is able to abide by the tenets of the human system, showing, through symbolism, its inherent weakness and faults.

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And so, as one can see from analyzing the two antagonists from Beowulf, monsters can be both outside threats to the societies which they torment, and inner representations of those society's evils or faults. Whether these failings are physical, metaphysical, behavioral, ideological, or theological in nature depends on the monster in question, as many such beasts have existed throughout the annals of written and spoken literature in many shapes and forms. However, just as there are always monsters which plague society, there are also great heroes which arise to conquer them and their foul deeds. Following the symbolic example set by Beowulf, one can come to understand that, as civilization perseveres, its demons, or faults, can be overcome and defeated, leading to a better world and society in the days to come.

Please note that this sample paper on the enemy outside and within is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the enemy outside and within, we are here to assist you. Your essay on the enemy outside and within will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Antigone. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Antigone paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Antigone, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Antigone paper at affordable prices!

The Greek Tragedy of "Antigone"

"Antigone," by Sophocles, is seen as a tragedy because neither of the tragic heroes are good or bad, and both Creon and Antigone could be heroes. Both their fortunes change from good to bad, their suffering and misfortunes result from their wrong doings, and their tragic flaws arouse pity from the reader. In the play "Antigone," the reader can see a struggle between two forces. One is god's law and the other is man's law. Antigone was a woman who strongly believed in god's law and opposed the king, Creon, who believed in man's law. Antigone disobeyed Creon's law, about burying Polynices, because she felt it to be her duty to the gods to burry the dead. This is a greek tragedy where a protagonists tragic flaw leads to the suffering of people, and the change of fortunes from good to bad.

Although both Creon and Antigone suffer in the play, Creon is the tragic hero. Creon was a king with a flaw. He made the mistake of not listening to other people. One of Creon's main weaknesses was his pride. He always believed that he was right and everyone around him was wrong. When Creon's son, Haemon, came to him and asked him to listen to other people, Creon only looked at him and said, "...Am I supposed to learn from a boy ?...". Creon was like a stubborn tree unwilling to bend during the flood. And just like a stubborn tree he paid the price for his pride. Creon felt that if he would allow a woman to go unpunished for disobeying his laws, people would think of him as a wimp and a poor ruler. Being either afraid or obediant to the gods, Creon decided not to kill Antigone himself. He ordered his guards to lock her in a cave.

Creon's fortune changes from good to bad. He was good because he was king and everything seemed to be going well until Creon gets lost in his pride, which is when everything takes a turn for the worse. In the beginning of the play Creon decided not to bury the body of his dead nephew Polynices. He proclaimed throughout his city that whoever buries Polyneices will be stoned to death. Creon hoped that by making such a threat he would stop any disagreements and would establish peace in Thebes, but he was wrong. Antigone decided to bury Polynices, because she felt that Polynices' soul didn't deserve an eternity of suffering and the gods want the body to rest in peace. Unfortunately she was caught while performing the burial for her brother and brought to the king. Creon, even though Antigone was part of his family, sentenced her to death. He thought that then it would be the decision of the gods whether she dies or lives and that is when he sent Antigone to die in the cave. Creon did not realize that he had already angered the gods by not burying Polynices' body. Soon after that, a blind prophet, named Teiresias, came to the Creon's palace to warn him about the danger that awaits Creon. Teiresias told him that the gods were angry at Creon, and he should not fight with a dead corpse. Teiresias also told Creon that the only crime is pride, but Creon still refused to yield to his pride. Later in the play he realized that Teiresias might have been right. Creon said to Choragos, "Oh it is hard to give in! But it is worse to risk everything for stubborn pride."

It was too late for Creon to save himself before all the suffering occurs. By the time Creon buried Polynices, Antigone hanged herself. Later Haemon, Creon's son, stabbed himself in his grief for Antigone. When Creon came back to his palace broken hearted, he found out that his wife, Euridice, also had killed herself. So Creon ended up a very unhappy man. Creon was not extremely good or bad, but he maintained a tragic flaw or pride; in most cases, pride would not be considered a horrible trait, but Creon had too much pride, which is why it is called a tragic flaw. Even though Creon did not physically die in the play, he died spiritually and mentally. Almost all of his family members died, and he was responsible for their deaths. Creon said, "Lead me away. I have been rash and foolish. I have killed my son and my wife. I look for comfort; my comfort lies here dead. Whatever my hands have touched has come to nothing. Fate has brought all my pride to a thought of dust." Creon had nothing to live for anymore, and he had no one else to blame for it but himself. Had he not been so proud and power hungry none of the above would have happened. This is when the audience pities Creon the most because most of his family is now dead, and he has to live with that until his death. This tragedy includes a protagonists tragic flaw leads to the suffering of people, and the change of fortunes from good to bad.

Please note that this sample paper on Antigone is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Antigone, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Antigone will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wedding Anniversary

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Wedding Anniversary. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Wedding Anniversary paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Wedding Anniversary, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Wedding Anniversary paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

I would like to say thank you to everyone for coming out this afternoon to celebrate my parent's, Dianne and Gord's, 18th wedding anniversary.

When I look back through the years, I can recall all of the times that you both were there for me, and for all these individuals around you today.

I remember when I was very little and I was in the hospital. Mom, you stayed with me the whole time, even sleeping over night so that I would not be alone. This is just one of the countless examples of when you were there, when I needed you. I would like to say thank you, for never giving up on me, and for always believing in me.

I met Gord twenty-three years ago when he and Mom were dating. My mom was a happy person, but when Gord came into her life I remember thinking she seems happier than she's ever been. On their wedding day I cried, because I knew that this was true. I want to say thank you, to you Gord, for I know you love my mom, you've made life an achievable dream, you are made for each other, and we all know you truly are a team.

Write my Essay on Wedding Anniversary for me

I have many memories of our life together as a family trips we've taken, homes we've had, things we've done. I feel very lucky to have you as my step-dad Gord, and I love Angel very much. One of my most memorable moments was on our first trip to Florida when Angel fell asleep on my lap. I still have the picture Mom took of us together.

I just wanted to say congratulations on your 18th Anniversary and to thank you both for your love, guidance, and role modeling. For the thousands of lessons that you have taught me. I can only show you my extreme appreciation for your support, by being true to all the ideas and values that you tried to teach me.

Thank you forever, for standing by me through so many different and difficult stages, changing ideas and goals while searching for the right kind of life for me.

Thank you for always being there to help me, to laugh with me, to cry with me, but most importantly thank you, for always being there to love me, and I want to assure you both, that I am always here to love you and to appreciate all that you have done for me throughout these years. Thank you, for the eighteen years we became a family on the day you were married.

And last but not least, I want to say to you today that you my parents are simply the best!

With love and appreciation,

Please note that this sample paper on Wedding Anniversary is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Wedding Anniversary, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Wedding Anniversary will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Peter Browning and Continental White Cap

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Peter Browning and Continental White Cap. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Peter Browning and Continental White Cap paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Peter Browning and Continental White Cap, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Peter Browning and Continental White Cap paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Question #1 What was Browning's predicament at White Cap?

From the very start, Browning recognized two major obstacles that he would have to address. First, three were only a few people at White Cap that would acknowledge the need for change because business results had been quite impressive for last 50 years and slumps were perceived as cyclical and transient. Second, there was a family-style culture well known for long-term loyalty from the employees, long-standing traditions of job security, liberal benefits, and paternalistic management. Browning had almost a feeling that attempts to alter these traditions would not be welcome. Browning's assignment was to revitalize and reposition the division to remain market leader in the face of changes in the competitive environment. There were by then five significant manufacturers in the national marketplace and 70 worldwide. The advantage White Cap had maintained in the market made it difficult to effectively stay competitive with drastic price-cutting of its main competitors (National Can Company) . Browning realized that without production of a plastic cap closure, White Cap would continue to lose customers. Senior management at White Cap, however, had been reluctant to allow R&D to commercialize plastics developments because such plastic threats in the past had never materialized.

Question # What should his change objectives and time frame be?

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Browning received his reassignment orders from the executive officers of the Continental Group who thought White Cap had been stagnating and not responding to new market challenges. They supposed Browning would certainly be a person to bring fresh energy and stamina and make necessary changes.

In my opinion, Browning should set three main change objectives at White Cap. First of all he should try to rejuvenate the company by implementing new strategy which would emphasize open communication with his subordinates in order to respond to the changed market conditions (need for plastic cap closure). It is certainly feasible to implement this objective immediately or in very short time after his appointment. Second, he should attempt to change the division's culture. This objective is definitely very hard to achieve in the short run. To change the corporate culture can sometimes take years, however, even the fact that something new is happening can positively affect the performance of the company. Third thing he was aiming to change was the company's performance. Long-time success, coupled with benevolent paternalism of the White family management, had led to inflated administrative staff. Browning's task should be to communicate a sense of impending crisis and reduce redundant administrative staff without threatening White Cap's image as soon as possible.

However, Browning was also aware of some obstacles he had to overcome if he wanted to be successful in implementation of his strategy. Firstly, it seemed inevitable to make some gesture with regard to Bob White (retired head and owner of White Cap) because he was still alive in the hearts and minds of White Cap employees. The majority of White Cap's managers and employees were used to Bob White's formal and restrained management style, which inhibited cross-communication and lacked confrontation. Although White represented many of the values and the style Browning hoped to change, he was also a key to pride and morale that Browning wanted to preserve.

The second problem Browning was facing was White Cap's marketing department. Browning found that marketing and sales departments were simply administering existing programs. They were not spending time with customers who had built the business nor were they aggressively addressing new competitive issues.

Finally, Browning faced problem, which related to human resources department. This department seemed to be very inflexible since it was offering few surprises to employees and helped maintain all the traditional and popular benefit policies, which led to a lack of motivation of White Cap employees. At White Cap the majority of managers had been with the firm for over 5 years and most of them had very little intention to change things or move beyond their current positions.

Question # What should he do specifically in dealing with White and Lawson; Stark and Green?

Bob White ¡V a problem with Bob White was that even though he retired he had large influence on White Cap and its employees. He was remembered by the people due to his friendly and employee-oriented management style. Contrary to that Bob White liked to make decisions on his own, which meant that whoever was coming with different strategy and management style had to count on negative response from within the company. In dealing with Bob White's legacy, Browning should, on one hand, underline his past achievements to make himself well accepted from the current employees. On the other hand Browning should explain that the situation in the market changed (new competitors, new technologies used, etc.) and for that reason he needed to implement changes.

Art Lawson ¡V succeeded Bob White in his managerial position and was simply a caretaker manager, maintaining things as they had always been. Browning knew he had to give some strong messages about new directions if he was to shake up the comfortable division, but he had to do it from below Lawson. I think the best way how to deal with Lawson is to approach him directly with new ideas for change. It is nor really possible to try to circumvent Lawson since he is Browning's direct superior. They had known each other for 0 years so I think it is very probable Lawson would trust Browning enough to accept his proposals for change.

Jim Stark ¡V had been director of marketing for previous 5 years and a regional sales manager for another 5 years at White Cap. He had a fine track record with White Cap customers and maintained strong relationships in the field. In his prior position, Stark's strength had clearly been his ability to deal with customers as opposed to his people managing skills. Despite his strong outside presentation and selling ability, his internal relationships with his marketing staff were not ideal. Team spirit was not in evidence. Even though Stark's boss, the general manager for sales and marketing, urged Browning to avoid any sudden personnel changes and ¡§to give Stark a chance¡¨ I would suggest that Start should definitely be moved from his position (most likely back to sales department). I also believe Browning should keep him in the company (instead of firing him) because of his valuable client relationships.

Tom Green ¡V had been a manager of human resources for 5 years and 0 years at White Cap. Browning found Green had very few constructive ideas to offer. Browning even found himself involved in decisions that Green should have been taking care of himself. In contrast with a lack of management skills, Green was a valuable information source and potential middleman between Browning and White Cap employees. In my opinion, in dealing with him Browning should not hesitate to fire him and replace him with the human resources manager from Bondware division (where he worked before coming to White Cap) who had helped him with the changes he had made there. Browning would also not need any middleman to facilitate contact with employees since was going to directly approach employees and openly communicate with them.

Question #4 What qualities are most needed to become a successful change agent?

In my opinion the successful change agents must have the following qualities

„h Good at Diagnosing Problems (Analytical skills) ¡V Understanding both the business drivers and the organization well enough to identify performance issues and analyze their impact on short and long term business results.

„h Having Vision ¡V Predicting future developments of the company, competitors and markets, which enables to identify what exactly needs to be changed.

„h Leadership Skills ¡V Defining the role of leaders, such as communications, role modeling, reinforcement of desired behaviors etc.

„h Excellent Problem Solver ¡V Recommending solutions, possessing the insight to recognize the problem.

„h Good at Implementation of Plans to Achieve Change Goals ¡V Successful organizational change can be attributed to the right strategy and appropriate change in organization culture.

„h Superb Communication Skills ¡V Every change must be clearly communicated and explained to everybody involved.

„h Knowledge of the Business, Products and Services

„h Planning and Project Management Skills

„h Risk Taker ¡V Implementing change means taking some level of risk.

„h Good at Conflict Management ¡V Changes very often create conflicts that can be positive for the company in case they are managed well.

Please note that this sample paper on Peter Browning and Continental White Cap is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Peter Browning and Continental White Cap, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Peter Browning and Continental White Cap will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, September 21, 2020

The crucible

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on the crucible. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality the crucible paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in the crucible, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your the crucible paper at affordable prices!

The deterioration of Salems social structure precipitated the murders of many

innocent people. Arthur Millers depiction of the Salem witch trials, The Crucible, deals

with a community that starts out looking like it is tightly knit and church loving. It turns

out that once Tituba starts pointing her finger at the witches, the community starts

Custom Essays on the crucible

pointing their fingers at each other. Hysteria and hidden agendas break down the social

structure and then everyone must protect themselves from the people that they thought

were their friends. The church, legal system and the togetherness of the community died

so that children could protect their families social status.

Being isolated from any other group of people with different beliefs created a

church led Puritan society that was not able to accept a lot of change. The church was

against the devil, at the same time it was against such things as dancing and other

premature acts. The reputation of the family was very important to the members of the

community. When the girls were caught dancing in the woods, they lied to protect not just themselves but the reputation of their families. They claimed that the devil took them over and influenced them to dance. The girls also said that they saw members of the town

standing with the devil. A community living in a puritan society like Salem could easily go into a chaotic state and have a difficult time dealing with what they consider to be the largest form of evil.

Salems hysteria made the community lose faith in the spiritual beliefs that they

were trying to strictly enforce. The church lost many of its parishioners because the

interest of the town was now on Abigail because people wanted to know who was going

to be named next. When the church was trying to excommunicate John Proctor, there

were not enough people at church to do it. The people were getting misled so far as to

leave a dagger stuck in the door of their ministers house Tonight, when I open my door

to leave my house--a dagger clattered to the ground...There is danger for me. were

Parris exact words. With the conveyer of God fearing for his life there was no longer

anyone but Abigail to lead the community.

The justice system is designed to protect the people that it serves but during the

trials the accused witch had two choices, death or imprisonment. The punishment of death was given to all people that pleaded not guilty; the other punishment was to plead guilty and go to jail. John Proctor gave his view of the justice system when he said I like not the smell of this authority . And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature? said Danforth, describing the number of people that were in jail on charges of witchcraft. There were so many people executed that Hale commented there are orphans wandering from house to house; abandoned cattle bellow on the highroads, the stink of rotting crops hangs

everywhere... Salem was turning into a ghost town. With Abigail controlling the

community, the church no longer getting the whole town to prayer, and an unjust legal

system, it is natural that the people were in a state of total chaos.

The unexplained was caused by the devil, so some members of Salem used the

unexplained to their advantage. Mrs. Putnam told the truth when she said, There are

wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires! Mrs. Putnam did her share of spreading rumors after she heard that the girls were flying, so she asked Parris How high did she (Abigail) fly, how high? These rumors happened because people did not want any blame put on to themselves. This passing the buck made people start fighting with one another such as Corey charging Putnam of having his daughter accuse a resident of witchcraft in order to get Coreys land. Abigail used her power of getting people to listen to her to her advantage when she charged Proctors spouse with being a witch so Abigail could live with John. This again proves that Abigail had control of the town and the unexplained turned neighbor against neighbor.

The social breakdown in Salem was the major factor in the tragedy that took the lives of many innocent people. There was more than one tragedy in The Crucible. The first was the murdering of many innocent people, and the second was that a community that was once very close had been broken apart. It appeared that the people of Salem were like a family but isolation actually made them unable to adapt to a troublesome situation. If the community could have had a greater influence from another group of people then the social structure would have been able to adapt.

Please note that this sample paper on the crucible is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the crucible, we are here to assist you. Your essay on the crucible will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, September 18, 2020

"Who Moved My Cheese?" ...

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "Who Moved My Cheese?" .... What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "Who Moved My Cheese?" ... paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "Who Moved My Cheese?" ..., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "Who Moved My Cheese?" ... paper at affordable prices!

How many times have we felt so comfortable and secure the way we are, just before everything falls into pieces, without even knowing the reasons ?, How many times have we stayed just thinking about the past instead of taking control of a new situation we have in front ? and How many times have our beliefs and attitudes stopped us from taking a challenge ?

The book "Who moved my cheese ?" talks about those situations that happen when we face unexpected changes that force us to fight against our fears and change our way of thinking in order to survive with the contingencies of today's life.

"Who moved my cheese ?" is a story about changes, where 4 characters are looking for the "cheese", which would be consider for me as a metaphor of what you want to achieve in life - whether is something simple or superficial as a job or money, or freedom or happiness itself - in order to be complete. The problem is that it may be hard to look for the "cheese" that makes us happy, but is even harder when we have it and this is taken away from us or just disappear.

Life is full of options, opportunities and, of course, threads, (than in the book are represented for the maze where our characters are looking for the cheese), and we spend time in the search of what we want.

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In this challenging and competitive world where we live, we have to be ready to adapt to sudden changes that can affect our regular ways of working and thinking, be ready to take decisions and develop brand new ways for doing things changing old-fashioned methods and paradigms.

We have to get rid of all those strings that keep us in the past, and become change agents, we should not be complacent and be waiting for everything to be the same, but be leaders in changing process and get out of our Comfort Zone, that warm and secure place that provides us with what we needed cause sooner or later it will be over.

I personally liked this book because I think this story allow us to contemplate ourselves and reflect, in our personal life and professional as well, encouraging us to take risks, to be brave and confront our fears, and yes, we know is not easy but is the only way of staying alive in this aggressive world, we have to go for it !, to take the challenge of the unknown or uncertain and find our own cheese !

Who Moved My Cheese? a book by Spencer Johnson, M.D.

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Charles Manson

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Charles Manson. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Charles Manson paper right on time.

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What more could someone say about Charles Manson? Every time someone hears his name, they probably associate his name with evil. How could someone be so cold, heartless, and cowardly? He is the most demented person that people have heard of. The murders he had his followers commit are horrible.

Although Manson is murderer who has had no less than people killed by his followers, we can not blame it on him. He was not the one who exactly committed the crimes himself. He did not put a gun to their heads and tell them to follow him. They chose to do that on their own free will. People can also blame his parents also. He never knew his family because they were always in jail and he did not live with them. He lived with his foster parents and relatives.

Charles Manson was known as one of the most sinister and evil criminals in American history. He was born on November 1,16, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Manson's childhood was one of no parents and many trips to jail. He spent part of his childhood in jail because his mother was arrested for armed robbery. She was sixteen at this time and Manson had just been born (Manson NP). The young Manson lived with relatives and in foster homes, but began getting into various kinds of trouble early on and was sent to a number of reformatories (Manson NP). After he was released in 155, he got married and moved to California. When he got to California, he was arrested on auto theft charges because the car he and his wife traveled in was stolen. While he was imprisoned in California, his wife left him, taking their son, Charles Manson Jr., with her. "Records show that he married again and had a second son, Charles Luther Manson, before divorcing his second wife in 16"(Manson NP). In 167 at the age of Charles Manson was released from prison for the last time. He said, Oh, no, I cant go outside...I couldnt adjust to that world. Those words proved to be true.

After being released, Manson moved to the San Francisco area. There he collected his followers or "family" as everyone else would say. Now Manson is the leader of a psychotic family, and was the organizer of one of the most horrific mass murders in American history.

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Charles Manson is best known for the murder of Sharon Tate. Actually it would be more accurate to say Charles Manson and his family murdered Sharon Tate, actress and wife of director Roman Polanski (Bardsley NP). The victims of the Manson family included Sharon Tate and her unborn baby Paul Richard Polanski, as well as her guests that evening, Abigail Folger, and her boyfriend Voytek Frykowski, and an internationally known hair stylist Jay Sebring (Fillmer NP). The day after those murders Manson and his family killed Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Before either of these murders took place part of the family murdered Gary Hinman. A man named Donald Shea was also killed. The Manson Family also eventually killed defense attorney for one of the Manson Family members, Ronald Hughes, during the course of the trial (Fillmer NP). The killing of Sahron Tate was horrible because she was eight months pregnant.

Sharon Tate was an actress born on January 4, 14 in Dallas Texas.

She started out acting in television shows such as Beverly Hillbillies, and in

bit parts in movies, like The Americanization of Emily in 164 and The Sandpiper in 165 (Tate NP). She landed her first major acting role in 165

appearing in Eye of the Devil, starring David Niven and Deborah Kerr (Tate

NP). During the filming of the movie, she met her soon to be husband,

Roman Polanski. The couple began a romantic relationship, and were

married in January 168. All of this came to a halt when she was found dead.

It was August , 16 when it all happened. The 6-year-old was brutally murdered in her home, along with three houseguests and a teenage delivery boy, by Charles Manson and the "Manson family." Some bodies were found across estate, but Sharon Tate, was hung and laid dead on the living room floor. Graffiti found written in blood at the murder scene said, Death to Pigs. She was eight months pregnant. Her husband was away in Europe working on a film (Bardsley NP).

After the last murder, Manson and his followers, Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten and Patricia Krenwinkel went through a ten month trial. This trial got all the attention of the public. Although Manson was not physically present at the murders and his devotees attempted to assume full responsibility, he was seen as the "malevolent power who directed their actions. " Below is the direct testimony of Charles Manson. "There has been a lot of charges and a lot of things said about me and brought against the co-defendants in this case, of which a lot could be cleared up and clarified.

I never went to school, so I never growed up to read and write too good, so I have stayed in jail and I have stayed stupid, and I have stayed a child while I have watched your world grow up, and then I look at the things that you do and I dont understand. You eat meat and you kill things that are better than you are, and then you say how bad, and even killers, your children

are. You made your children what they are. These children that come at you with knives. they are your children. You taught them. I didnt teach them. I just tried to help them stand up. Most of the people at the ranch that you call the Family were just people that you did not want, people that were alongside the road, that their parents had kicked out, that did not want to go to Juvenile Hall. So I did the best I could and I took them up on my garbage dump and I told them this that in love there is no wrong. I told them that anything they do for their brothers and sisters is good if they do it with a good thought. . . .

I was working at cleaning up my house, something that Nixon should have been doing. He should have been on the side of the road, picking up his children, but he wasnt. He was in the White House, sending them off to war.

I dont understand you, but I do not try. I dont try to judge nobody. I know that the only person I can judge is me. But I know this that in your hearts and your own souls, you are as much responsible for the Vietnam war as I am for killing these people. I cant judge any of you. I have no malice against you and no ribbons for you. But I think that it is high time that you all start looking at yourselves, and judging the lie that you live in. I cant dislike you, but I will say this to you you havent got long before you are all going to kill yourselves, because you are all crazy. And you can project it back at me . . . but I am only what lives inside each and everyone of you. My father is the jailhouse. My father is your system. I am only what you made me. I am only a reflection of you. I have ate out of your garbage cans to stay out of jail. I have wore your second-hand clothes. . . I have done my best to get along in your world and now you want to kill me, and I look at you, and then I say to myself, You want to kill me? Ha! Im already dead, have been all my life. Ive spent twenty-three years in tombs that you built. Sometimes I think about giving it back to you; sometimes I think about just jumping on you and letting you shoot me. If I could, I would jerk this microphone off and beat your brains out with it, because that is what you deserve, that is what

you deserve. If I could get angry at you, I would try to kill everyone of you. If thats guilt, I accept it. These children, everything they done, they done for the love of their brother. If I showed them that I would do anything for my brother--including giving my life for my brother on the battlefield--and

then they pick up their banner, and they go off and do what they do, that is not my responsibility. I dont tell people what to do. These children were finding themselves. What they did, if they did whatever they did, is

up to them. They will have to explain that to you. Its all your fear. You look for something to project it on, and you pick out a little old scroungy nobody that eats out of a garbage can, and that nobody wants, that was kicked out of the penitentiary, that has been dragged through every hellhole that you can think of, and you drag him and put him in a courtroom. You expect to break me? Impossible! You broke me years ago. You killed me years ago." When he was asked by the judge if he had anything else to say, Manson told him, "I have killed no one and I have ordered no one to be killed. I may have implied on several different occasions to several different people that I may have been Jesus Christ, but I havent decided yet what I am or who I am. Some called him Christ, Manson said. In prison his name was a number. Some now want a sadistic fiend, and so they see him as that. So be it. Guilty. Not guilty. They are only words. You can do anything you want with me, but you cannot touch me because I am only my love. If you put me in the penitentiary, that means nothing because you kicked me out of the last one. I didnt ask to get released. I liked it in there because I like myself."("Testimony of Manson" NP). The testimony goes on to another three pages, but given above is the first two pages of his testimony.

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