Tuesday, November 19, 2019


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on costco. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality costco paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in costco, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your costco paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!



Costco products have one of the highest values for the dollar spent. As long as Costco can deliver a very strong value to its shoppers, people will continue to shop at Costco. Creating an association with quality is why Costco has been so successful. For example, consumers associate Costco with quality, which has in turn made Costco an established brand.

Costco's customers have a wide array of demographics with the common denominator being that people are looking for value. However, saving people money over the course of a year isnt the entire part of a value equation, as value is the intersection between product satisfaction, which includes the service components at Costco, product utility, and price. Costco's customers have confidence that they will find high quality at a good value.

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Costco has several advantages over its competitors. First, Costco has very large sales volumes that allow the company to make higher volume purchases than most. Considering the size of Costco's stores, it's interesting to note that they only stock a very limited number of products. That's very few compared to the large variety of products Costco presents because Costco only focuses on a few products in each category. Overhead is minimal with no advertising, and limited service, as Costco's number one goal is keeping cost low. Indeed, Costco is able to deliver a low cost yet high value to its customers. This allows Costco to achieve very high product turnover, i.e., 14 times per year.


Costco utilizes a high volume, low margin, high value product approach. This approach appears to give Costco an advantage over the lowest cost retail competition. By stocking only a few branded goods in each product category, Costco is in essence doing the customers comparison shopping and demanding the best terms from the vendor. Even when it comes to the companys private mark, Kirkland Signature, the company is very serious about the brand equity it is building. For instance, its private label products, Kirkland Signature, compare themselves to the best and Costco is particularly careful not to abuse its customers trust by using the signature label on something second-rate.

To achieve its most important goal of keeping cost down - - so that Costco adheres to its iron-clad rule that margins would stay between 1% and 14% - - Costco works in a simple building usually in a warehouse location. Costcos average store has about 4,000 SKUs, in contrast to 0,000 in a typical supermarket, 40,000 to 60,000 in a discounter like Kmart, and 00,000 in a supercenter, in a 1,000 square foot store warehouse. Fewer SKU's means less duplication and less variety, more efficient use of shelf space, faster turns, and lower carrying costs for inventory.

Reducing choice has made life simple for everyone. Large packages, even at a low per-serving cost, have allowed Costco to leverage its expense for labor and overhead across a higher average transaction value. Other ways in which Costco creates value is by having a great inventory control system, which basically tracks all inventories when products either enter or leave the building all of which facilitates cross-docking. "Cross-docketing occurs when a distribution center does not store the merchandise but immediately re-ships it to the stores."

In all, the more Costco sells, and creates efficiencies, the stronger Costco grows its bargaining position with its suppliers. This process creates value, which is passed on to Costco's customers.


As noted generally above, Costco is a wholesale provider of products and services to a group of clientele who purchase an annual membership to be part of the wholesale club. The underlying objective of Costco is to save its members money on purchases by negotiating with retailers to procure bulk items at the lowest possible price. Costco, in turn, passes the savings to its members. Typically Costco can get bottom line prices by focusing not on many products that many supermarkets do, but by focusing on individual products.

A. Costco's Profit Formula is Profit=Price (No greater than 14% Cost of Goods) Cost of Goods

Costco's profit formula is very simplistic. Its profit is derived by the price that it obtains the product, plus a markup on that product of no more than fourteen percent. In other words, Profit=Price (No greater than 14% Cost of Goods) Cost of Goods. This formula has enabled Costco to keep its member base, offer them the best savings, and keep a high inventory turnover rate.

B. The Value of Costco's Public Customer is $000/year and the Value of its Business Customer is $15/year

Costco can also measure the value of its customer in dollars annually. This is computed by taking their average sales ($4 every and half weeks) and adding it to the annual membership fee ($5 per business account and $40 per public membership). Using this formula the value of a public customer is $,000 annually and the value of a business member is $1,5 annually. In 17, there were a total of ,57 business members and 7,845 public members. Using these figures, we see that on average Costco's members spend $,746,615.

C. Costco's Business Model is somewhat Risky as it is Based on Maintaining Various Critical Relationships

Costco relies on its bargaining power to procure merchandise at below most cost by purchasing the merchandise in bulk. The company also offers a limited number of products to its members in hopes that they will purchase those items only. At any point several things may happen that might cause Costco to loose business. First, Costco may loose some of its bargaining power with its distributors. This would cause Costco to have to offer some products at a higher price than it would charge normally and this would in turn lead its member to see less value. Secondly, consumer buying habits may change. Although presently people see that buying in bulk is a cost savings, sometime in the future they might not see it so. This would force the warehouse to loose its member base and loose profits.

It is still undetermined whether Costco's business can be seen as a fad or a great new way to shop. While Costco certainly has a very innovative and disciplined business model, it is clearly conditioned upon elements that are beyond Costco's control, to wit, an economic downturn, consumer buying habits, and its ability to negotiate with manufacturers to keep product costs down. Therefore, just because Costco has been successful in the past and is currently successful, it is somewhat risky to assume that Costco will continue to be successful in the future, as its business model is conditioned upon maintaining strong relationships with its customers and suppliers.


Costco's operating philosophy is based on the principals of organizational buying. It acts as a "buying agent for its members," focusing on high-volume, bulk packaged goods. Therefore, Costco is able to consolidate consumer demand for popular products and work closely with their vendors to achieve the best possible cost. This in turn translates into lower prices for Costco members and increased membership for Costco.

Consumers actively seek out membership to these efficient, no-frills, industrial warehouses. Shoppers are required to verify membership upon entry and once again upon exit, contributing to the "serious shopping, serious bargains" allure. In 17, Costco finally realized the power behind their membership approach. The market research Costco gathered with each and every member's trip to a Costco facility was priceless. This information details consumer preferences, buying behavior, and demographics, all of which can be used to target market new products. "Costco realized that its list of loyal members was a natural market for anything that required the purchaser to trust the supplier."

In 18, Costco introduced Executive Membership at the request of its members. For a $100 annual fee, "a portfolio of services including auto insurance, mortgage and real estate services, long distance telephone plans, credit card processing, check and business form printing," became available at a 0% to 40% savings. Business members identified these services as desirable in the annual Costco survey.

The logic behind Executive Membership is directed towards the "committed, high-value Costco member." With its higher membership fee, Costco knew that the added cost must be offset by greater savings in each of the aforementioned services, without compromising value and efficiency. Executive memberships are often used to increase revenues by appealing to a select group of individuals. It is not geared at the masses, hence the high cost to entry. This enables the supplier to provide exceptional service to those that are interested since there is a smaller group of consumers to which they have to cater. In addition, members receive special privileges, discounts, services, and bragging rights.

In Costco's Executive Membership plan, Costco simply acts as the liaison between the consumer and the service provider. Costco once again has to negotiate the best possible price with reputable, high quality suppliers, on behalf of its members. The members are then able to pick and chose which services they would like to use. The savings are significantly lower then what is readily available in the marketplace (ie 0% to 40% less). This is much more difficult to achieve on services as compared to food products. Costco was able to attain these savings due to its strong reputation and loyal consumer following. The real concern, however, is can Costco provide these savings on an ongoing basis?

A. Services are a Good Idea for Costco so long as it Remains Focused on its Core Mission to Provide Value to its Customers

Costco has always had a strong corporate philosophy. "If we can't do it better, we won't do it at all." Therefore services initially seem like a good idea for Costco. They are able to offer significant savings in areas that affect consumers' daily lives. With a proven track record in providing the lowest cost on large volume food products, as well as peripheral services such as optics, pharmacy, and photo processing, the addition of auto insurance, mortgage and real estate services, long distance telephone plans, credit card processing, and check and business form printing, services are definitely feasible. Costco has built its success by continually analyzing their relationships with key suppliers in pursuit of the lowest price on high-volume, quality merchandise. If an offering does not prove to be beneficial to their members or sustainable in the long run, Costco looks to exit the product or find an alternate. So long as Costco continues to remain focused on its core mission to provide value to its customers and constantly evaluate its business portfolio, then Costco should be able to provide services via an Executive Membership program successfully. If not, then Costco will terminate this offering and ensure that the consumer is made whole (ie refund their membership fee). Costco must keep an eye on the costs and the quality of service that is provided by their affiliates. This is difficult task since both aspects are out of their direct control. However Costco is aware that this onus ultimately lies with them. Therefore they must be prepared to face the consequences whether good or bad.


Costco's expansion was planned through offering different products such as auto & home insurance, mortgage services, real estate services, phone service, check and forms printing, credit card processing, and health insurance through its executive member services. Costco used a "try before you buy" approach, and used a method for the members to experience the benefits of the membership before they had to pay for it.

Table seven illustrates the marketing effort of Costco towards its executive membership program. A majority of the marketing effort was concentrated by direct mail and also several small kiosks were set up in some warehouses staffed by associates who encouraged shoppers to sign up for the new executive membership. There were several problems with these marketing efforts. First, using direct mail yielded a very poor response for Costco at 1%, when its expected response rate was 0%. Costco's offerings in its new membership did not rise above the sea of junk mail people received on a daily basis. Second, problems arose when associates were unable to explain the benefits of more complex financial products. This method only yielded a response rate of 10% to 1%.

The direct marketing had been successful in the past due to the nature of the products and services the company was offering. It was easier to convey the benefits and cost savings of Costco's household products through direct mail than it was for the services offered under the executive membership program. As exhibits 6, 6A, and 6C illustrate Costco has a comparative price advantage in the industries of credit card processing, auto and home insurance, and real estate. There are several ways Costco can market these new services and to prevent the prospective consumer from feeling that Costco's cost savings are too good to be true.

1. In order to make existing customers aware of the new executive membership Costco could continue with the direct marketing campaign. Costco could also increase the awareness of its new executive membership through its web site. In order to keep existing customers informed and to handle any inquiries regarding any complicated questions the customers may have, Costco should hire experienced consultants. These consultants are more knowledgeable than a regular Costco employee and can handle customer inquiries with more detail. This would lead to more credibility for the new services and offer a focus group like approach that could be met with ways to improve the new services.

. In order to reach customers that are not existing members, Costco can take several cost effective approaches. First would be to advertise in local newspapers which are flexible, timely, have broad acceptance, have good local coverage, and high credibility. Second Costco can market its new services in trade magazines. Since Costco has access to information of its small business customers it can target non-existing customers in similar industries in trade magazines. This medium provides for high geographic and demographic selectivity, credibility, and prestige, high quality reproduction, long life, and good pass along leadership.

. Costco can also use incentive type approaches to attract new users of their services. This approach would also aim to reward loyal customers and to increase the repurchase rate of occasional users. Sales promotions should be aimed to attract brand switchers who are primarily looking for the lowest price, good values, and premiums. Proper use of sales promotions can increase consumer awareness and because of Costco's excellent reputation it can lead to an increase in market share.

The services that are offered under the new executive membership should first be slowly rolled out and targeted to Costco's existing customers in test markets across the United States. Costco has chosen to roll out its new services in smaller U.S. markets such as Washington, Arizona, Colorado, and Oregon. These markets should slowly be expanded to include mega markets such as New York, California, and Florida and eventually the international market.

Costco should continue to target its affluent, upscale, and thrifty market segment but also realize that there are other markets that could benefit from its new services under executive membership. Costco can continue to increase its customer base, which currently includes households and small businesses to include small and large corporations, which can also benefit from large cost savings in today's economical climate.

A. Costco must Roll out its Services Slowly so that Costco is certain that it Maintains its Core Mission of Creating Value for its Existing and Prospective Customers

Costco's new membership services should be rolled out slowly so that customer feedback could be analyzed and used to fine-tune the services before they are nationally launched. The launch of these new services should also target consumers that are not Costco customers. These include segments such as corporations and lower income consumers. Targeting these segments will benefit Costco in the long run because attracting new customers would increase Costco's bargaining power among suppliers and in turn enable the company to pass on additional cost savings to existing and prospective customers.

Please note that this sample paper on costco is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on costco, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on costco will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Life in Jamestown

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Life in Jamestown. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Life in Jamestown paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Life in Jamestown, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Life in Jamestown paper at affordable prices!

Though poverty was a common characteristic of many of the people who entered into contracts to serve in Jamestown, the founders of the colony were gentlemen and skilled laborers. There were many other factors that also significantly shaped the experiences of the men and women living in Jamestown during the seventeenth century. Throughout the century, life in Jamestown was greatly affected by a lack of labor. Also, the lives of the colonists were greatly affected by relations with the Native Americans. Finally, the regulations of the Virginia Company limited the rights of the indentured servants living in Jamestown.

The lack of labor was a problem that would plague the colony throughout the century. Jamestown was founded with one hundred and five men of whom only about forty would survive the first year in the colony. Of these remaining men most were Gentlemen and skilled laborers who had no knowledge of farming or hunting. Between 160 and 1610 a brutal winter caused a period known as "starving time" which killed many of the colonists because they did not know how to farm or hunt for food. During the early part of the century the colony was constantly trying to replace the laborers, who were dying rapidly due to epidemics and poisoned water, with slaves and indentured servants. Jamestown would be the destination of over one hundred thirty thousand emigrants during the seventeenth century. Eight percent of these people were indentured servants drawn to Jamestown by the promise of large plots of land in exchange for several years of service to the colony. By the end of the century though, these indentured servants were fulfilling their commitment and becoming freedmen, leaving the colony without the laborers it needed.

Within one month of arriving at Jamestown, the colonists are attacked by a group of Native Americans who kill one and wound eleven colonists. Battles such as this would persist throughout the first half of the century, taking a tremendous toll on the colonists. The natives attacked again in 16 killing nearly one third of the population of Jamestown. The following year Captain William Tucker retaliates by poisoning two-hundred natives and slaughtering fifty more. In 1644 the natives attacked again killing more than five-hundred English. Battles such as these played a very significant part in the lives of those living in Jamestown.

The Virginia Company setup a code of law that all members of the company had to abide by. Many of the laws stated pertained to the colonists' loyalty to the company. If members of the company were to leave the colony to live with the natives, or even to speak poorly of the company they could be executed. Indentured servants also did not have the right to marry without the consent of their master, and marriage in secret was punishable by one year of additional service.

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In conclusion, day to day life in Jamestown was affected greatly by several factors only one of which was poverty. The colonists were small in number, and threatened by epidemics and poisoned water. The colonists who survived long enough to begin their service were then threatened by attacks by the Native Americans and limited by strict laws enforced by the Virginia Company.

Please note that this sample paper on Life in Jamestown is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Life in Jamestown, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Life in Jamestown will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Marriott International

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Marriott International. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Marriott International paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Marriott International, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Marriott International paper at affordable prices!

Marriott International, Inc. is a leading worldwide hospitality company. Its legacy can be traced to a small root beer stand opened in 17 in Washington, D.C. by J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott. Today, Marriott International has nearly ,100 lodging properties located in 50 states and 5 countries and territories.

Marriott has continuously apprehended the needs of the consumer market and have changed their strategy to meet those needs. For example, Marriott entered the airport terminal hotel to meet the needs of business travelers. The convenience of a hotel property near a major airport is the key to its success. Business travelers often have layovers. Instead of having to travel a far distance to get a goodnight sleep or freshen up, airport terminal hotels are conveniently nearby, saving them time and money. Bad weather can bring in more customers, especially if the hotels are located near airports. Although storms are inconvenient to the traveler, Marriott increases sales and is provided with an opportunity to satisfy customers needs. This enables them to build a positive relationship with the customer if they had not established one already.

Marriott constantly examines the environment to check where they are positioned when compared to their competitors. Instead of waiting for something to happen, Marriott notices the change and quickly reacts to it. Due to the increase of customer demands, Marriott has increased their mix of products. As the demands become more complex due to factors such as technology, Marriott must constantly upgrade their product to maintain their competitive advantage. Their unmatched and industry-leading reservations system and Internet sales, led by Marriott.com, are the key positioning factors in keeping their advantage in the hospitality industry. Proxicom created and developed an online branding strategy for marriott.com to serve its customers with worldwide travel information and reservation capabilities. This service has increased sales and reduced booking costs through directo online reservation facilities for Marriotts properties worldwide. It has also positioned marriott.com as the premier e-travel resource, and it is a great driver for guest loyalty and adoption.

Marriotts current portfolio includes products and services at all levels. Their wide range of products and services are difficult to duplicate by their competitors. Consistency becomes an influential factor in managing multiple lines. In order to sustain their competitive advantage, they are continuing to expand and offer new products. Marriotts product mix is well balanced and constantly upgraded either in the depth of the particular line of products or as a new line of service. By doing so, Marriott can meet the needs of virtually all guests, even if their travel spending habits change. Marriotts competitive methods include their mix of product and service attributes that puts them at a competitive advantage. By merging with Ritz-Carlton, Marriott was able to broaden its portfolio of businesses. Before the merger, Marriott had a limited presence in the global luxury segment. They were able to see the need of having properties that attracted the luxury market and merged with Ritz-Carlton to include this product in their portfolio. Beside their hotel brands, Marriott has expanded its services to cover conference, vacation and specific business facilities.

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Another good strategy of Marriotts management is to manage, and not to own all of their brands. This strategy allows Marriott to have a healthy financial situation, and it is operating easier. Brand name, such as Renaissance hotels, is well-established brand in the hospitality industry. It is well known among the guests and to re-brand it as Marriott would not make much sense. So, Marriott is keeping those well established brand names while implementing procedures which are used in all Marriotts establishments, which then makes a pleasurable stay for a guest. Due to the increase of competitors, Marriott has had to constantly expand. For example, they saw the international market as a way to increase their market share and they went after it through franchising and management contracts. Therefore, most of the risk falls on the franchisee, which makes it safer for Marriott. The franchisee does benefit from the reservations system, the brand name, operating systems, and management services, but has to pay a royalty and other fees, such as management fees. Beside, Marriotts geographic spread of hotels within the different market segments is likely to reduce the impact of the weaker performing markets. They also built global distribution systems in as well as created cross-selling opportunities for its brands. Being able to meet the needs of customers worldwide gives Marriott an advantage above their competitors. Multiple sales channels are enabling Marriott to sell to customers the way they want to buy. This also creates a major competitive advantage for Marriott.

To be able to provide the ultimate satisfaction to the customers, Marriott is also nourishing its strong corporate culture. It invested into many programs to increase employees morale and motivation. This was also crucial in the time of Marriott expansion. They needed to retain their employees to be able to sustain brand consistency.

Hospitality industry has established its frequent guest programs as a mean of establishing competitive ratings among the industry subjects, and also to build client loyalty. Marriott Rewards program is a corporate rewards program, which enables customers to use their points earned in one establishment in another one. By applying the Marriott Rewards program, they exceeded client expectation and gained many loyal customers.

Please note that this sample paper on Marriott International is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Marriott International, we are here to assist you. Your essay on Marriott International will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on KFC. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality KFC paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in KFC, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your KFC paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Global Fast-Food Industry

KFC Corporation is based in Louisville, Kentucky and is the most popular chicken restaurant chain. It specializing in Original Recipe®, Extra Crispy™, Twister® and Colonels Crispy Strips® chicken with home-style sides.

Every day, nearly eight million customers are served around the world. KFCs menu includes Original Recipe® chicken -- made with the same great taste Colonel Harland Sanders created more than a half-century ago. Customers around the globe also enjoy more than 00 other products -- from a Chunky Chicken Pot Pie in the United States to a salmon sandwich in Japan.

KFC has more than 11,000 restaurants in more than 80 countries and territories around the world. And in quite a few U.S. cities, KFC is teaming up with sister restaurants, A&W, All-American Food™, Long John Silvers, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, selling products from the popular chains in one convenient location.

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Over fifty years ago, Colonel Sanders invented what is now called home meal replacement -- selling complete meals to busy, time-strapped families. He called it, Sunday Dinner, Seven Days a Week.

Today, the Colonels spirit and heritage are reflected in KFCs brand identity -- the logo features Colonel Harland Sanders, one of the most-recognized icons in the world.

KFC is part of Yum! Brands, Inc., which is the worlds largest restaurant system with over ,500 KFC, A&W All-American Food™,Taco Bell, Long John Silvers and Pizza Hut restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories.

By early 000 KFC has diversified to many locations worldwide, which include countries such as Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, china Korea, ECT; these countries all come under the high growth countries.

The two ways in which KFC expands its operations are through company based restaurants and franchises. In the overseas market KFC primarily grows through franchises. Latin America poses to be the most lucrative area for expansion of KFC operations due to many factors such as common language and culture and close proximity to the US.

Mexico is the most important country since its inclusion in the NAFTA in the year 14.


Global Fast Food Industry

MORE THAN 800,OO0 resturants and food outlets make up the U.S. resturant industry which employees 11 million people. Fast food sales are growing at a very low rate which is approximately azround 5 %.

The global fast food industry consists of the following segments, which are listed below. They consists of eight major segment

• Sandwich chains

• Pizza chains

• Family restaurants

• Grill buffet chains

• Dinner houses

• Chicken chains

• No dinner concepts

• Other chains

The leader in family chain restaurants is Mc Donald's followed by Burger King restaurants. These statistics are from the year 1;sandwhich chain restaurants make up the largest segment of the fast food industry. MacDonald's gains accents for 5% of the market share followed by burger king.

There has been a lower growth rate in the global fast food industry mainly because all the segments are chasing the same customers.incresed growth in any of the segments would mean a decline in the other interrelated segments.

Critical problems and major issues

Despite the dominance of kfc in the chicken segment of the fast food industry KFC's share of the chicken segment sales fell from 71% to less than 56% in 1cfast food in

Demographic trends

A number of demographic trends and social trends influenced the demand of food eaten.

With rising income higher divorce rates and busy lifestyles have influenced the increase in the sale of fast food indurty. Baby boomers constituted the largest chunk


They play a very impotant role for tboth kfc and the global fast food industry as the changes made by the government effect both businesses and industries

Economic factors

These factors play a mjor role in the success of business

Industry analysis

Industry analaysis tells us the main sources oif competiton and also how strong each competitive force is .there are five forces of competiton which are as follows this can be analysed by the five forces model of competion

• The rivalry among competing sellers in the industry

• The potential entry of new competitors

• The market attempts of companies in other industries to win over custonmers to their substitute productscto win

• The competitive pressures stemming from suppliers

• The competitive pressures stemming form seller buyer collabaration.

In the chicken segment kfc is the most dominant player.it has sales of worth 4.4 billion dollars in the year of 10. in the early 10's the closet competitor to kfc was popoeys

With extensive market share in the us market it has a moajor problem of expansion and hence has to look at other countirs and cities all over the world.

The Five Forces Model

Rivalry Among Existing Firms is intensified by several factors

Balance Among Firms No matter how many firms are in the industry, if they are about the same size, rivalry is likely to be more intense as they try to gain an advantage over one another. This intense rivalry is easiest to see at the local level, such as the competition among supermarkets or fast-food outlets in one city.

You usually see the least intense rivalry in an industry in which one or a few large firms dominate. For example, the soft drink industry enjoyed gentlemanly competition for many years. Everyone understood that Coca-Cola was the industry leader, and the other players occupied their subordinate positions and made their profits. But when Pepsi decided to make a run at Cokes leadership position, the industry turned to intense and bitter competition. Every player became threatened as Coke and Pepsi expanded into every niche of the market by adding new products.

Slow-Growth Markets These make for intense rivalry because the only way to grow is to take market share away from competitors. We can see this in the fast food and food processing industries. Since the U.S. population is only growing 1 or percent a year, food consumption is growing at about the same rate. You can see the results intense price and menu competition among fast-food chains and mergers and acquisitions in the food processing industry, such as Phillip Morris acquisition of both Kraft and General Foods.

High Fixed Costs High fixed costs may result in price cutting to get the turnover to cover these costs.

When a firm adds extra capacity, it may create short-term overcapacity that results in intense price competition to build the volume needed to use the new capacity. The overbuilding of motels in Orlando, Florida, in the 170s resulted in low room rates until the number of tourists grew to parity with the number of available rooms. Overbuilding in Branson, Missouri, in 14 created a similar problem.

A Commodity Market exists when none of the competing firms has any sort of differentiation advantage. In these situations there is little to keep customers from switching to a competitor, so competition to hold customers can become brutal. We see this condition in the personal computer hardware market, where brand identity is hard to establish and competition is mostly based on price.

High Exit Barriers create chronic overcapacity and the intense rivalry that accompanies that condition. Exit barriers can be high for three key reasons

High investment in fixed assets that have no other practical use. This makes it hard for competitors to leave the steel industry What can you do with a Bessemer Converter besides make steel?

The cost of layoffs. When the auto industry lays off workers, they must pay 5 percent of wages for some time, according to the union contracts.

Continuing to produce a product that loses money but which may be necessary to sell another product. Gillette must produce razors to sell blades. But the money is in the repeat sale of blades. Gillette must sell enough blades to justify producing the razors, some of which they may give away.

New Competitors can be repelled by several means

Brand Loyalty is established by continually advertising the brand and company name, patent protection, high product quality, after-sales service, and other means. Strong brand loyalty makes it hard for customers to change to a new, competing product. Example Notice how hard it is for new computer software products to compete against older, entrenched ones, even if the new product is superior to the old one. In this case there also are high switching costs to adopt the new product, such as training and some temporary productivity loss during the learning period. To overcome these costs, new-product vendors are offering very low-priced copies of their program to users of competing programs.

Absolute Cost Advantages It is hard to compete against a firm with lower costs if their product is of appropriate quality. That is one major reason we see U.S. jobs going to Mexico. But remember that labor is only one cost, and it is becoming a less important cost for many products. Low-cost advantage can be achieved in any of a companys operations better management, lower transportation costs, better purchasingyou name it.

Economies of Scale Is the market big enough for the company in question to serve it profitably? Small businesses thrive by serving market niches that are too small for larger firms to serve profitably.

The Capital Requirement For Entry Can you imagine the startup of another U.S. automaker? The capital requirements to compete in todays world market would be enormous. Smaller businesses, however, have no such protection against new competitors. Their protection must come from special service, high quality, or a focus on serving a market segment extremely well.

Legislation Or Other Government Action This can lower entry barriers quickly and significantly. Deregulation of airlines, trucking, and long-distance telephone service are good examples during the past two decades.

Differentiation This is the ultimate barrier to entry. Like lower costs discussed above, differentiation can be achieved in virtually any phase of a companys operations.

Expected Retaliation You must consider how a competitor will react to any competitive action you take. This means that you must try to understand the motivations of your key competitors, although that is hard. These motivations can change over time. The more you know about possible competitor reactions, the more able you are to choose a strategy that will not result in an unexpected or unwanted reaction. Example In the late 170s, Folgers coffee mounted a strong attack against Maxwell House coffee for supermarket shelf space. You only need to look at the coffee section of any supermarket today to see the outcome both brands dominate all others on the shelves. What you cannot see, though, is that by continuing this pitched marketing battle, neither brand is earning much money. You must choose carefully the battles you want to win and what it will cost to win them. Also, this is a good example of why a firm should not try to grow just for the sake of growing bigger. What good is increased market share if it results in lowered profitability?

Threat of Substitutes You need to consider both direct and indirect substitutes. Some products are direct substitutes for one another for example, calculators for slide rules or sugar substitutes for sugar. It is harder to see indirect substitutes for a product. For example, TV sets, VCRs, DVD players, and other consumer electronic products compete with furniture and home furnishings.

When analyzing a case, determine the direct and indirect substitutes for the products or services offered by the subject firm. Is there a way you can lessen these threats, perhaps by some form of differentiation or by lowering costs? Is there a way that the firm can find new markets by making its products or services a substitute for those of a competitor?

Close substitutes are a very potent competitive threat. Newly created substitutes can even cancel advantages a firm may have gained by speeding down the learning curve. But the absence of close substitutes may give a firm the chance to raise prices and profit margins. Always find some way to take advantage of a lack of close substitutes. But always be on the lookout for ways competitors may gain such advantages, and plan your firms countermoves.

Supplier Power is likely to be high when

There is a concentration of suppliers rather than a fragmented source of supply.

The switching costs of changing from one supplier to another are high. For example, the cost and long learning curve associated with a corporation changing from one software application to another.

It is possible for a supplier to integrate forward if they do not obtain the prices and margins they want in their present business.

The suppliers customers are not very important to the supplier. Such a supplier may not be willing to offer very favorable terms and service to customers. Many small businesses face this problem as they buy from their suppliers.

Buyer Power Remember that the buyer is the next person downstream in the channel of distribution. Thus the buyer for the subject firm in your case may be a manufacturer, wholesaler, or the final consumer. Your first question, then, is Who is the buyer in the case or situation I am analyzing?

The factors that increase a buyers power are the mirror image of those that increase a suppliers power. Thus buyers have enhanced power

When they are concentrated and buy in volume. These conditions give buyers power over small, fragmented suppliers. This gives the Big Three U.S. auto manufacturers tremendous power over the thousands of small businesses that supply them with parts.

When there are alternative sources of supply and it costs little to switch among them. This lets buyers play suppliers among each other to get the lowest price or best service.

If the component or material cost is a high percentage of total cost. Under these conditions, buyers will shop for the best price and squeeze suppliers.

When the buyer can integrate backward if suppliers cannot offer satisfactory prices. Examples Holiday Inn used to manufacture the furniture for the new rooms it built each year. Soft-drink maker 7-Up owns its own lemon tree orchards to produce the lemon extract used to make 7-Up.

General Environment

The general environment is composed of five sectors

1. Economic The macroeconomic data, current statistics, trends, and changes that are occurring.

. Demographic Current statistical data and trends in population characteristics. This information helps you understand your current customers and target potential customers.

. sociocultural Societys traditions, values, attitudes, beliefs, tastes, and patterns of behavior, and how they are changing.

4. Political/Legal Laws, regulations, judicial decisions, and political forces in effect at the federal, state, and local government. Keep track of changes that could affect your organization positively or negatively. If you are operating in another country, know and abide by its laws and regulations, and be aware of changes in them. KFC has been really srtuggling in markets like India Pakistan and other counties where the attitude the people have is completely anit American compared to some of the other markets in which it operates.

5. Technological More or less important depending upon whether the subject organizations products or services are affected by rapidly changing technology. The source of this information is usually industry specific. For example KFC has incorporated the use of computer terminals in their restaurants which not only enables them for faster sservice of meals but also to keep a track of stock at any given point in time.

Recommendations and implementation plans

• Penetrate the market not currently being served by adding more restaurants to their list. Establish a leading market position in foreign countries ahead of competitors

• Grant franchises only to highly motivated and talented entrepreneurs

• The location of the store is of utmost importance. Store locations must be at such sites where it is convenient for customers and there is also a profitable growth potential.

• Recent research done by major fast food companies have reached the conclusion that the decisions made by customers to eat at fast food restaurants are made at the spur of the moment.

• Reduce site costs and building costs by using standardized cost efficient store designs

• Offer a limited menu

• Expand product offerings , especially for health consicious customers.

• Enforce strict standards regarding food quality

• Offer attractive wage rates

• Teach job skills

• Reward both individual and team performance

• Provide proper training on delivering customer satisfaction and running a fast food business to franchises, restaurant managers and assistant managers .

• Lastly promote a global mindset by aggressively transferring best practices and new ideas developed in outlets in the other parts of the world.

Please note that this sample paper on KFC is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on KFC, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on KFC will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo?

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo? paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo? paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

E.B. White once said, "Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts." This statement is entirely true, and illustrated numerous times in To Kill a Mockingbird. Misunderstood, mistreated, ridiculed, and tormented are just a few words to describe how Tom Robinson and Boo Radley feel. It all boils down to the one idea- prejudice. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee takes her readers deep into human thought and behavior; describing the worst concept known to manprejudice. One of the books important themes involves the threat that hatred, prejudice, and misunderstanding pose to the innocent people such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are not prepared for the evil that they encounter, and, as a result, they are destroyed. She further explains how prejudice is not done upon only one group of people, nor is it only done based on race. Lee describes how prejudice truly weakens society. The question arises how can you have a tight knit community if everyone is judging everyone else based on past reputation? The whole idea that people are making such speculations about other people creates an eerie feeling of evil in society.

Throughout the book, Boo Radley is completely misunderstood and ridiculed. This is what leads to the prejudice that Boo has to face. The various rumors about Boo are described with such detail they seem to be real. They make Boo out to be a ferocious beast that wants to kill and hurt. "He dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that's why his hands were bloodstained" (1). No one knows if this is true. In fact, it probably isn't. Jem is giving a description of Boo even though he has never clearly seen him or talked to him. He is judging the book by its cover, or judging Boo before he has gotten to know him. This is an exact demonstration of how prejudice was employed by different characters in the book, onto other characters. Once again there is another example of how Boo is misunderstood. People assume that during the day, Boo sits in his house, and at night terrorizes the town. This is a seemingly large misconception, because in fact, Boo is truly a caring person. 'Someday, maybe Scout can thank him for covering her up… Thank who?… Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn't know it when he put the blanket around you' (7). Everyone in the community thinks he is a bad person. In actuality, he is a kind, gentle person that just tries to do the right thing but is misunderstood. No one would ever expect Boo Radley to help someone with something. Through this example and others found in the book, Harper Lee tries to prove the point that prejudice really is a pre-judgment. She is trying to reveal the fact that everyone thinks Boo is a bad person, but in fact, his negative persona is nothing more than a human creation of being that has had to endure a strange and nasty childhood.

Tom Robinson is a man who spends his life working. As a Negro, he must suffer though much racial bigotry, and as a consequence is totally misunderstood and mistreated. People believe that all Negroes are mischievous, and a threat to the well-being of the community, certainly a pre-judgment. The characters make a stereotypical generalization about Tom and his race, and assume Tom is identical to all others of the race. They never get to know Tom Robinson well enough to place a "label" on him or judge him as a person.

'Typical of a nigger to cut and run. Typical of a nigger's mentality to have no plan, no thought for the future, just run blind first chance he saw. Funny thing, Atticus Finch might've got him free, but wait--? Hell no. You know how they are. Easy come, easy go. Just shows you...they say he kept himself clean… Nigger always comes out in 'em.' (40).Help with essay on Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo?

This is a description of Tom Robinson by two people that have probably never even met or spoken to him. In this situation, Harper Lee is commenting on the fact that people look at a group of people and decide everyone in that group must have the same traits. In addition to being misunderstood and mistreated, his actions were misconstrued by members of the Maycomb community. People think his life consists solely of picking cotton and taking care of his family. There is one facet of his life, though, that not many people knew about. As he would walk home from work he would help out Mayella Ewell. This is just another attempt by Harper Lee to try to exhibit the good side of Tom Robinson. He has been shown to be a horrible, nasty Negro, but it is apparent that he is an honest hardworking individual.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Hcarper Lee thoroughly describes the horrible prejudice occurring during the time period that she wrote the book. She brings the readers deep into the human mind through her characters Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, and demonstrates how Boo and Tom are misunderstood, mistreated, and tormented. She illustrates how people take the quick and easy way out by judging others before they actually get to know them. Lee tries to prove to her readers that prejudice does not only affect Negroes, but also influences other people and other races. It can be very devastating to a person's physical and emotional well-being. At any given time, there can be a close, devoted community, and with the onset of prejudice, it can all fall apart. Tom and Boo are both innocent people, whose reputation has been corrupted by fictitious stories created by prejudice. The result of this is the physical death of Tom, and the emotional death of Boo.

Please note that this sample paper on Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Prejudice:How Did it Affect Tom & Boo? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, November 8, 2019

Immigration to the united states

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on immigration to the united states. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality immigration to the united states paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in immigration to the united states, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your immigration to the united states paper at affordable prices with custom writing service!

Although the hardship was seemingly hard to bear, the struggles and tragedies were worth it. America was known as the country of opportunity and hope, it was a chance to be part of a new society. Men and women, young and old, Frenchmen, Germans, Irishmen, Englishmen, Russians, and Jews, every one of them packed up their few belongings and set out for America, the land of freedom. All of these people were together, and not separated by the thick headed minds of kings Queens, Presidents, Polititions, or Dukes. Immigration to America was a big thing and changed our history. Thousands and thousands of foreigners came to America in search of what they could not find in their countries. Many immigrants came to America in search for more money, new jobs, freedom, better place to live, and many other reasons. Coming to America was a good and bad thing because many found things they wanted and some didn't.

Coming to America, for some, was a good thing. If they were in good medical condition, could read, and write, they most likely were able to move on and become a citizen of The United States. Immigrants came to America because they wanted the same as others, jobs, opportunities, and freedom. Another factor of immigrating to America was that their country was overpopulated. The boat ride to America was horrible, really poor conditions. After you got through Ellis Island, it was pretty much okay. Some people didn't like the fact of immigrants coming to their country so there were many conflicts involved. Some places had really smelly towns and didn't have enough money to pay for the repairs.

Many people came to America in order to provide their family a better future. If you look at our society today it is made of all different cultures. We are the offspring's of the immigrants, and they are our ancestors. If those thousands of Europeans hadn't risked their lives we might be living in fear. We would be living in fear of racist men turning against our religions or beliefs and putting us into concentration camps of some sort. We are incredibly better of here than another country.

In many ways, immigrants were better off in the United States. Here some could find better jobs, higher paying jobs, homes, and better education for their children. Taking the boat to Ellis Island was a major risk. Many died on the way to America of diseases spread on the boat. You also had to have enough money to get a boat from Ellis Island to New York. Some couldn't find jobs or a home and they didn't get paid enough money, they got diseases or lived in terrible and crowded living conditions. Before coming to America you must know the risks and challenges you might face. The journey was worth every penny. You could find jobs, there were many different kinds of jobs, it wasn't over populated, and you got your freedom and opportunities. Coming to America for some was like a dream come true. Like in the movie, American Tale, some pictured America as the perfect place to live, but when you got here, America might not have lived up to its expectations.

Custom Essays on immigration to the united states

Please note that this sample paper on immigration to the united states is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on immigration to the united states, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on immigration to the united states will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, November 7, 2019


If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on MODELS OF CAPITALISM. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality MODELS OF CAPITALISM paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in MODELS OF CAPITALISM, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your MODELS OF CAPITALISM paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


United States, German and Japan have developed to be the most significant economic powers of the world. This document will discuss the key similarities and differences of these three systems as well as the strengths and weaknesses. Their power to adapt successfully to change is without a doubt an important measure when considering the chance of their survival. At the same time, we have to keep in mind the very basis of what provides capitalism is its essence, as Raymond Aron tells us (Dahrendorf, 167)

A capitalist system requires […] that the means of production are the object of individual appropriation; […] that the steering of the economy is decentralized and occurs on the market, [but also] that wage labour [be present] […] the predominant motive [being] the profit motive



US and German models share a broad acceptance of free trade, market determined product pricing and independent monetary policy. But, whereas the US model largely relies on market co-ordination of economic agents and seeks to address market failures by providing additional market elements where they are missing (e.g., tradable pollution permits, patents, etc.), the German model relies in many areas on non-market coordination, supplemented by a generous system of welfare protection. So, for example, Germany has a widespread and successful vocational training system that is strengthened by cooperation between firms in the setting of standards and the avoidance of free-riding; between firms and employees, through collective wage bargaining and co-determination through a largely mandatory system of works councils and worker participation on supervisory boards, and between these social partners and the education system. There is also substantial inter-firm collaboration in research and development (in conjunction with state-sponsored research institutions) (Hutton, W. 15).

Employees and companies alike are willing to make substantial relationship, specific investments and technology transfers on the basis of the trust provoked by co-determination, formal business organisations and the long-term provision of capital from "hausbanks" and committed cross-shareholdings. All this contrasts markedly with the US model with its "residual" welfare state, and its emphasis on competitive relations between companies, flexible labour markets, management autonomy, general education, market-determined technological standards and capital market financing. US companies have often succeeded in inspiring commitment from staff by creating a united internal corporate "culture", and their focus on shareholder value can demand an impressive compensation with the desires of the marketplace. Extensive legal liability, shareholder activism and, in some cases, "social audits", can also align the interests of the US corporate sector with broader social goals.

In Germany, as in many other European countries, a high degree of employment protection appears to have interacted with other labour inflexibility and with demand shocks to create an "insider-outsider" problem in the labour market preventing the wages of those still in work being offered low enough to price the unemployed back to work. Moreover, extensive cross-shareholdings, long-term bank finance, and co-determination (the very features that have helped underpin a long-term approach to investment and innovation) may have also prevented reallocation of capital and resources to radically new technologies with the scale and rapidity that we have seen in the US. By contrast, flexibility is built into the heart of the Anglo-Saxon model, in particular by the rigours of the capital markets on which it relies for finance. Given the emphasis on tangible short-term returns (outside the area of hi-tech start-ups), companies need a high degree of flexibility to react quickly to product-market and technological developments. They therefore place a high premium on management autonomy and the ability to hire and fire. The market for corporate control in particular increases the need for flexibility.

Industries in Germany and the US are principally internally financed with small or negative contributions from market sources.


The Japanese model is almost an opposite of the US model. The Japanese people are trained from the beginning to live as a community, to act as a team, at a very young age. It is a way of reducing the probability of opportunistic behaviour that would otherwise be a limit to the model's overall stability, equal pressure being a social regulator thereby forcing agreement among teams. This represents quite a contrast with the US individualistic model. Strangely enough, this team effort is an effective basis to compete on the cost cutting field that is privileged by US industrial corporations, probably because of the use of technology to supplement human work rather than replacing it as in the U.S., and achieving better quality this way. In the same way, the firm is traditionally regarded as a social organ internalising a lot of the aspects of the employees' welfare, by constantly training them and assuring them of a future within the firm, eliminating the need for the welfare state in the form commonly witnessed in Western Europe (W. Hutton pg. 48).

Unlike the U.S. firms, Japanese firms are not alone (i.e. fiercely independent) on their own markets, they are part of a bigger collection, which provides them a wide and very efficient network of relations (financial or of another nature) the kereitsu (W. Hutton pg.48-4). It entails them to an impressive source of internal investment capital, the centre of it being a financial institution fuelling the system's complex collection of elements. Economic agents, who consume from one another within the same kereitsu, encourage the stability of the system. In turn this stability allows for efficient cooperation as well as planning that reduces both uncertainty and transaction costs in the same network of alliances. This also lengthens the product life cycle management process and the profitability of each individual product. This is probably a factor explaining the rapid growth experienced by Japan. However, the fact remains that the ability to adapt as opposed to adopt imported goods or concepts is a great asset for the Japanese ever since the Tokugawa regime which provided spectacularly rapid economic development to the point where it may have seemed like a concept to copy.

The ratio of retention to investment is higher in the US than in Japan as a result of different investment behaviour rather than different retention policies. Indeed, the ratio is generally low for high investment countries like Japan.

Japanese industry is more externally financed with both banks and markets contributing larger shares. In the 180s, a period of financial liberalization, all countries, except Japan, have seen more internally and less market financed industry whereas the US are principally internally financed with small or negative contributions from market sources.


We can define the German and Japanese model as a group of institutions (including political institutions, intermediate associations, financial systems, labour relations systems, inter-firm networks, etc.) linked together into distinct national systems of economic governance. Organized market economies (OMEs) such as Germany and Japan differ from liberal market economies (LMEs) in that they look after more long-term cooperative relationships between firms and labour, between firms and banks, and between different firms. And the state and intermediary associations play a critical role in establishing and maintaining the framework for this private-sector coordination. Although there is considerable variation across sectors and across firms within individual countries, the OMEs remain sufficiently different from LMEs to make this a useful distinction. These governance structures affect everything from corporate strategy to public policy and economic performance.

The German and Japanese variants of the OME model also differ from each other. German firms, banks, and unions are more inclined to coordinate their activities at the sector level, whereas the Japanese coordinate through intersect groups. Japan has solid interfirm networks, including horizontal industrial groups as well as supply and distribution chains. The German government merely facilitates private-sector coordination, while Japanese government organizes and guides the private sector more directly (Hutton, 15 pg.46). The German government has programmed its economic model into law, whereas the Japanese model relies more on informal custom and standard practices.

The German and Japanese labour relations systems combine broad agreements on wage moderation in exchange for employment security with firm level agreement that encourage labour management cooperation. In Germany, sector employers associations and unions negotiate collective bargains on wages and benefits. In Japan, a few leading firms negotiate settlements with their enterprise-based unions during the annual spring wage offensive (shunt), and other firms then follow within a fairly narrow range of the leaders. These labour relations systems can benefit both sides, employers win control in wage demands, workers gain employment security, and both benefit from fewer labour disputes. In addition, firms avoid competing in wages or undermine labour-management cooperation through hot negotiations at the firm level.

Both systems also feature systematic labour representation in the management process. German firms are legally required to represent labour through a system of "code termination," whereas Japanese companies naturally incorporate labour despite the lack of a legal requirement. Labour participation at the firm and plant level; help labour-management cooperation on the shop floor, a critical element in German and Japanese firms' ability to continuously raise efficiency. Long-term cooperative relations between labour and management also gives firms the incentive to invest in human resources. German firms typically do this through a distinctive dual (firm and school) vocational training system, whereas Japanese firms train their workers directly. In the political realm, German employers' associations and unions are both represented in most important decision-making bodies, whereas Japanese business enjoys better access than labour to central ministries and the ruling party.

Germany and Japan both have credit-based financial systems in which banks have dominated the long-term financing of industry. The Japanese government has actively directed the allocation of credit through government financial institutions and private banks, whereas the German government has left the banks with greater freedom.

In the German constitution, the method for government is clearly defined within the constructs of a social state. On the contrary, as Japans economic growth demonstrates, Japan has put priority on its economy and its industries, an emphasis that for many approaches the extreme.

In both countries, however, firms have developed long-term relationships with their primary banks, known as Hausbanken in Germany and main banks in Japan. The banks monitor firm performance and assist firms in trouble. The firms, in turn, remain loyal clients they conduct a large and stable share of their borrowing and transaction business with their lead bank.



These models, like any other, experiences a few problems


The models' challenging nature is reflected in almost every area of the society. For example, this affects corporate governance through the struggle between managers and shareholders, between those who run a firm and those who legally own it. Laws are also clearly in favour of shareholders without much concern for the stakeholders. This causes investment to be oriented in the short term increasing risk and uncertainty in the external capital market that might eventually provoke such things as under investment therefore creating a favourable climate for hostile takeovers and over indebtment (with the abusive use of LBOs for instance). A company's stock too often serves as a benchmark for its performance although they are the basic limits of this approach.

The minimal state and the corporate system altogether are putting a lot of pressure onto individuals because of the uncertainty on the job market, the relative absence of social assistance to the unemployed, and the fact that it is one's own responsibility to get adequate training rather than the firm's (W. Hutton pg.41). This in turn leads to a bipolarised distribution of wealth in society; the richer being able to train and hope for a better income while the poorer see their skills becoming less valuable (W. Hutton pg.41). It could be considered as the toll to pay for more flexible labour markets.


This model, similarly to the Japanese, relies heavily on insider trading that might eventually cause over investment because of satisfaction and lack of transparency. German capitalism, despite its commitment to quality, shows its inability to compete on a cost effectiveness basis with the Japanese (the lean producers) and more the Americans; this leads inevitably to a slide in German international market share for consumer goods.

The cartels and the Mittelstand (the important base of small and medium corporations) then become unable to compete on a cost cutting basis because the system can't allow them to. This rigidity is in part due to the peculiarly important place of the welfare state which puts a lot of pressure on the economy at the same time it fuels it by providing the unemployed access to the same quality of life than the employed allowing the former to maintain their level of consumption. It proves to be a downside in an environment of harsh competition leading to higher levels of unemployment; the state having to raise its spending with lowering revenues, and having trouble to keep up with its enabling role. Thereby raising the spectrum of rising social inequalities.


This model's weaknesses are probably an unintended consequence of its strengths. For instance, the insider trading reduces transparency of the Japanese public corporation causing equity markets to be more volatile and less reliable to determine what a firm really is worth; this could be seen as a by-product of a system which is founded on trust and implicit contracting, unlike the U.S. model providing very explicit and clearly codified modes of contracting. Another problem concerning the Japanese system is its tendency to over invest given the incentives to do so exist and no really efficient safeguard prevents it. An answer might be a cycle of internal capital markets showing how mutual dependence between firms is built into the system thereby implying that if a firm experiences problems, its partners from the same kereitsu will do everything necessary (i.e. invest, lend managerial and technical expertise, etc.) to bail it out.

In this peculiar model, growth is very much internally generated, the system fuelling itself into a good circle of self-protectionism that in effect sustains consumption in encouraging economic actors not to buy from outsiders and be willing to pay a supplement for it, leading the way to a self- sustain. In that regard, this model is very Keynesian in its economic system's organization and Galbraithian considering its pattern of industrial organization. It works very well in periods of prosperity, but is a major weakness when the tides are turning firms cannot face up to the enormous costs of internalising social functions like some frictional unemployment. There also are implications in bargaining power for the workforce, Japan being historically a small country with few resources, the workforce feels it does not have the influence to behave too aggressively in their expectations for negotiating better work conditions because of a zero sum perception regarding potential gains of a given group.


Hutton, W. (000) 'The diversity of capitalisms' in Understanding Business Markets, Routeledge, London, pp.-54

Gray, J. (000) 'Capitalism and global free markets' in Understanding Business Markets, Routeledge, London, pp.56-6

Singh, A. (000) 'Why did East Asia grow so Fast' in Understanding Business Markets, Routeledge, London, pp. 64-80

Brown, V. (000) 'competition and power in markets' in Understanding Business Markets, Routeledge, London, pp.117-14

www.google.com - Douglas N. Ross 'Communitarian capitalism A Market Model For China?

www.google.com - OECD Observer 'Which model of capitalism?'

www.google.com - Wolfgang Streeck 'German capitalism Does it exist?, Can it survive'

www.askjeeves.com - Socio-economic Systems After World War II German Social State vs. Japan Inc.

'Institution and Economic growth what model of capitalism for Central and Eastern Europe' Lucian Cernat July 001, Conference of institution in transition.

Please note that this sample paper on MODELS OF CAPITALISM is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on MODELS OF CAPITALISM, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on MODELS OF CAPITALISM will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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