Wednesday, October 16, 2019


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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Conference of Rulers

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Conference of Rulers. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Conference of Rulers paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Conference of Rulers, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Conference of Rulers paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


When Malaysia received its independence in 157, it chose to establish a government based on the concept of parliamentary constitutional monarchy with a Federal Government structure. The present constitution with its parliamentary and cabinet system is based on the British Westminster model. Since independence, Malaysia is being ruled by Barisan National coalition of political parties. Formerly it was known as Alliance, but in 171 it became Barisan National.

Malaysia has a unique system of constitutional monarchy giving each of the nine State Rulers a chance to be King for five years in rotation. The rotation of the post was the brainchild of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister, when Malaysia gained independent in 157. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is elected by the Conference of Rulers' meet to elect a successor. He holds office for five years or until his resignation or death. Upon elected the Yang di Pertuan Agong relinquishes all his functions as the Ruler of his own State during his tenure as King. However, he remains head of the Muslim religion in his State.

Conference of rulers…

Do my essay on Conference of Rulers CHEAP !

The conference of rulers was established in July 187 when it met for the first time in Kuala Kangsar, the citadel of the Sultan of Perak. During 146-48, the period of the Malayan Union, it was referred to as the Council of Sultans. Under the Federal Constitution, the Conference of Rulers is subjected to Article 8 and the fifth schedule.

In Malaysia the Conference of Rulers consists of the various Sultans, who, having chosen their parents well, serve for life. However, under the Federal Constitution, fifth schedule, not only the sultans will be a member of the conference of rulers, but the Yang di-Pertua Yang di-Pertua Negeri also will be part of the conference of rulers. Being part of the Conference of Rulers, the Yang di-Pertua influence in the conference is limited if compared to the other sultans. For example, they are not to take part in the election of the Yang di Pertuan Agong. Only the sultans, in rotation, serve as King, with a term of five years. The Sultans are a permanent institution in Malaysia, going back over five hundred years. It is this permanence that highlights their position of power in the affairs of the country. The Constitution of Malaysia, though after plenty of amendment, which, have lessen the influence and powers of the sultans, still manages to recognize the primacy of the Conference of Rulers. The Sultan resident in the national palace as King, is given by the Constitution a range of powers, and he exercises these in consultation with his fellow Sultans, who, though busy with the affairs of their fief, meet regularly to tend to matters of national need. The number of appointments made by the Conference of Rulers, with the King acting as their spokesman, is large, giving them extraordinary influence in the selection of federal officers.

Jurisdiction of the Conference of Rulers…

The federal constitution, under Article 8() invested several significant and influential legal and political roles to the conference of rulers. One of the most important functions of the conference is the appointment of election of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA). Article 8()a give the power for the conference of rulers to elect the King and his deputy as accordance to the Third Schedule. With this power given to the conference, it places a prevailing power upon them. As stated in the constitution and which is widely accepted, the YDPA is the head of state with vast powers laid upon him. Even though, the YDPA powers are subjected the certain constraint, such as to act on advice of the Prime Minister, he still have some discretionary powers which render him as an important constitutional figure of the land. Example of powers which gives the YDPA dominance are appointment of PM, refusing the request for early dissolution of the parliament, and the power to appoint some important federal post. All these powers are very important in ensuring the smooth drive of the government. Therefore, in the sense that the YDPA is an important constitutional figure, and the power to elect the YDPA is on the conference of rulers, it can be held that, the conference of rulers hold a very important power on their hand. However, despite this power, it can be argued, the jurisdiction of the conference only up to that point. They can appoint a YDPA but later on, when the YDPA is appointed, the YDPA is to act on advice or to act under his discretion on matters which he may do so. Under the constitution, the YDPA must not follow what the conference intention, he may disregard it or agree with what the conference want. Furthermore, under the constitution, it requires the YDPA to act on advice of the PM, therefore, generally, if the intention of the PM is inconsistent with the desire of the conference, the YDPA must favor the PM. Looking at this point, it is safe to say that the jurisdiction of the conference, in terms of appointing a YDPA is only to that extent. They can only appoint.

Another jurisdiction of the conference is to remove the King. This power is vested upon them under Article 6(a) of the Federal Constitution. This power is inevitably related to their other power, which has been mentioned above that is to appoint a King. With this power, arguably, the office of the YDPA is under the pleasure of the conference. Though never exercised, this remarkable power under probably exerts a significant pressure on the King to respect the wishes of his brother Rulers. After examine this power, it is seem that the jurisdiction of the conference in influencing the government is extended. It can be said that, the YDPA is, to ensure the security of his office; he should follow the request of the conference because if he does not, he can be dismiss by them. It gives the King a good reminder for not to simply disregards their demand. In 18, when the YDPA is required to assent a bill, which enable the legislation to bypass the YDPA and the sultans, he didn't do so. This is because the conference of rulers "advised" the YDPA to withhold the assent. Even though the YDPA withhold his assent and the government did compromise with the conference, it should be noted that if the government or the PM insist for the YDPA to assent the bill, the YDPA must to so. If he fails to assent, after on advice, his omission is unconstitutional and the PM can challenge it in the court of law. After analyzing this point, still it comes to a similar conclusion, which is the power of the conference of rulers in appointing, and dismissing the YDPA is, under the constitution, only up to that extent. If the PM wants a bill to be assented, he can do so even if it is against the conference's wish.

Another jurisdiction of the conference of rulers is the power to veto legislation. Under Article 8(4), any law that affects the privileges, position, honors or dignities of the Rulers cannot be passed without the consent of the conference of rulers. Under Article (b), consent of the conference of rulers is required if a law is to be passed regarding the alteration of state boundaries. In relation to the amendments to the Federal Constitution, Article 15(5) requires that any legislation making amendment to certain matters under the constitution shall not become law without the consent of the conference of rulers. The matters are an amendment concerning the conference of rulers of the Article 8, an amendment to Article 70 of the constitution which deals with the precedence of rulers, an amendment to Article 71 which guarantees the right of a ruler to enjoy and exercise the constitutional rights and privileges of a ruler, an amendment to Article 10(4) which permits laws to prohibit the questioning of some enumerated "sensitive issues" of the body politic, and amendment to Article 7(4) freedom of speech at the State Legislative Assembles, Article 6(4) freedom of speech in Parliament, Article 15 which makes Malay the national language, Article 15 special privilege for orang asli, and Article 14 and 1 regarding citizenship.

Above, we can see, that the conference of rulers can veto a number legislation. The collective effect of Articles 8(4), 15(5) and (b) created an entrenched part of the constitution. It preserves the special rights of the royals that their consent is required to make law. There are two occasions where a Bill had to be redrafted in order to make it acceptable to the conference. One in 18 regarding the bypass of consent and another in 1 over the withdrawal of royal immunities. Nevertheless, even with the power to veto legislation, it is still a limited jurisdiction for the conference of rulers. Almost all of the legislation that requires the consent of the rulers is trivial in effect. 4 out of it are regarding the rulers themselves. Article 7(4) and Article 6(4), which concerns about the freedom of speech in State Legislative Assembly and in Parliament respectively, in away have been, intrude. This is so because under the Sedition Act 148 or more famously known as Akta Hasutan, if a person says something that is seditious, they can be prosecuted and seditious is considered as a crime. The Sedition Act, originally enacted by British colonial authorities, limits free expression by broadly criminalizing any speech that is judged to have a seditious tendency, including speech which tends to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the government, promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races, or question constitutional preferences in business, education, and government employment opportunities given to Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak. The speakers intent and the statements veracity are irrelevant. A violation of the act is punishable by up to three years in prison, a 5,000-ringgit fine or both. An MP, who is supposedly have the immunity for anything he said in the Parliament, under this amended Sedition Act can be prosecuted if he says something seditious, even if he says it in Parliament. From this we can see that the right to freedom of speech in Parliament have been tampered, and this is done without the requirement of the consent of the conference of rulers.

Another legislation that requires the consent of the conference of rulers is the amendment to article 15, which makes the Malay language as the national language. Even if the national language is the Malay language, how far can it affect the public as a whole? It is up to them the speak in what language, even now, most of youngsters in Selangor speak English rather than Malay, and the government is now slowly accepting that mastering English is more important than Malay language. Therefore it is safe to say that only the legislation regarding the "sensitive issues" Article 10(4), article 15, privileges of orang asli and Article 1 to 1 about citizenship is seen as the real power to the conference of rulers. And these are only three topics out of 18 articles under the constitution. This clearly shows that the jurisdiction of the conference is trivial and very limited.

The conference of rulers under Article 8(6)(b) is given the right to be consulted before several critical posts are filled. These critical posts are judges of superior courts, the Auditor-General, the Chairperson and members of the Public Services Commission and the Election Commission. This consultation is mandatory and if the conference is not consulted before the appointment, this appointment shall be declared by the Federal Court as null and void as the appointment is inconsistent with the constitution. The conference of rulers can bring this matter to the Federal Court if there is any appointment on critical federal post is filled without their prior consultation. As powerful as it may seem, it need to be stressed out that this appointments only require consultation. It doesn't need their consent. Mere consultation will do. Though the PM has the right to have his way on these appointments, there is no doubt that the mandatory consultation with the conference is an important safeguard for examining the suitability of the proposed appointees. But again, it only requires consultation.

Under Article () of the Federal Constitution the Sultans are the head of the religion of Islam in their states. The YDPA is the head of the religion of Islam in Wilayah Persekutuan, Labuan, Putrajaya, Melaka, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak. Under Article (5), the Parliament may by law make a provision for regulating Islamic religious affairs and for constituting a council to advise YDPA. For matter relating to Islam, the conference has the discretionary power to agree or disagree to the extension of any religious acts, observance or ceremonies throughout the whole Federation. From this, it is clear that the conference of rulers do have a full jurisdiction in relation to Islam. Even though the YDPA is to act on advice of the Council of Islam, the conference of rulers do not. Nowhere in the constitution states that the conference is to act on advice of the Islamic Council. Therefore, to this extent, the conference has a wide jurisdiction in regarding Islam. An example of a situation where the conference of rulers has a wide jurisdiction in regarding Islam is when they issued a ruling to permit the use of word Islam in political parties and organization even though the ruling government at that time suggested otherwise.

The constitution in Article 8(5) requires that the conference to be consulted before any changes in policy affecting administrative action under Article 15 be made. Again, the word consulted is used. Article 15 is regarding the privileges of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities. The word consulted is plainly used. Therefore, if the government intends to change their administrative policy concerning the privilege of Malays and native of Sabah and Sarawak, just tell it the conference and they can change it as they want.

Another special prerogative jurisdiction for the conference is the power to pardon. Under Article 4(5) the conference of rulers may exercise mercy after considering any written opinion of the Attorney General. The conference may grant pardon the YDPA or the sultans if they were found guilty in a criminal court. The conference also has the power to grant pardon in relation to the consort of the YDPA or a ruler. Despite this prerogative power to exercise mercy, it can be argued that this power is only to act on advice. It is said that in order for the conference to grant pardon, they must first received the advice of the pardon board and after considering a written opinion of the Attorney General. They cannot simply give pardon. If Malaysia follows what is practiced in the United Kingdom, where the Queen's power to pardon can only be exercise on advice, then the conference is only to act after advice. However, this matter is yet to be decided in Malaysia and is still open to debates. Whatever it is, the conference cannot just simply give pardon because the Pardon Board accompanies them on this matter.

In a constitutional amendment in 1, the rulers and the YDPA has no longer immunity, neither in civil nor criminal actions. Under Article 18 requires that any proceeding that involves the YDPA or the sultans, the action will take place in a Special Court. Under this article, the conference is honored the power to nominate two judges to preside in that court. Again, this is a situation where it only concerns the rulers. The conference can only appoint judges where the case that is going to take place concerns the rulers. If not, the conference has no power to do so. This why it is said that the extent of the jurisdiction of the conference of rulers is limited. In fact, in the Special Court, only two judges out of five will be appointed by the conference, therefore their appointments won't even be majority in the court. Even if the two judges decided on behalf of the rulers, the other three can decide otherwise. So, in discussing about the jurisdiction of the conference in relation to justice, it can be said that their jurisdiction is only influential in regards to their brethren in trial. Even in this kind of trial, their power is still subject to limitation.

The conference of rulers has been invested by the constitution with a unique unifying and advisory role. Under Article 8() it has been given the power to deliberate on questions of national policy and any other matter it thinks fit. This article also requires that when the conference deliberates on matters of national policy, shall be accompanied by their respective Menteri Besar or Chief Minister. It is also a requirement under this article that the deliberation shall be among the functions exercised, by the ruler(s) in accordance with the advice of their executive council. Therefore this function is non-discretionary because its performance is accompanied by their Menteri Besars or Chief Ministers. The conference may ask questions on national policy, they may even give advice and share their views about national policy, but whatever it is, their views and advises are not binding.

The last but not least of the jurisdiction of the conference is granting honor. Each sultan and The Yang di-Pertua Negeri can grant honors. This is power is prerogative in nature and is nowhere mentioned in the constitution. Even though this jurisdiction is exercised on advise, it is acceptable if the conference of rulers wishes to honor some subject that he likes.


The conference of rulers is a distinctive Malaysian institution. Their functions are varied and they do enjoy some jurisdiction in certain matters. This powers or the Federal Constitution vests jurisdictions on them. This assignment requires me to critically analyze the extent of the jurisdiction of the conference of rulers. After a bit of research and study, I manage to understand what is the conference of rulers and develop my own view about the extent of their jurisdiction. The conference has the power to appoint and dismiss the YDPA. The conference may even veto some legislation. The conference has the right to be consulted for certain critical appointments, if there are any changes in policy under Article 15 and regarding national policy. They are the head of religion of Islam in their respective states and they have the power to nominate two court judges for the Special Court. They can also exercise mercy. All these are the conference of ruler's jurisdiction and almost all are limited. Most of these jurisdictions only require the conference of rulers to be consulted. After consultation, they can't do anything about it. After appointment, they can no longer demand their appointees to do what they say and they also have to act, in certain condition, on advice. Most of the jurisdictions of the conference are only concerning their brother rules. Seldom it affects the public as a whole.

In sum, even though the conference of rulers is vested with discretionary and non-discretionary powers as one mean of check and balance, their jurisdiction are very limited and have little effect.

Please note that this sample paper on Conference of Rulers is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Conference of Rulers, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Conference of Rulers will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Ballad of Birmingham

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ballad of Birmingham. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ballad of Birmingham paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ballad of Birmingham, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ballad of Birmingham paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

In the poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, written in 16, Mr.

Randall uses of irony to describes the events of the mothers decision, and also

her concern for the welfare of her darling little child. It seems odd that this

child would even know what a freedom march is, but this would be considered

Cheap Custom Essays on Ballad of Birmingham

normal back in the early 160s, when Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. had rallies and

freedom marches to free the African American people from discrimination and

segregation (Hunter 6). It also seems very ironic that the young child is acting

like an adult in this particular situation (Hunter 1). I think the mother would

be the one who would want to got to the march to free her people, not the child.

In the poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, written in 16, Mr.

Randall uses tone and irony to describe the events of the mothers decisions, and

as well as her concern for her childs well being.

In the first stanza irony is used in order to make

reading the poem more interesting. The situation in this first stanza is also

very important. The little child is in a desperate situation and wants to help

better the lives of the African Americans. Randall also focuses on specific

culture here. The speaker is allowing the reader to make a mental picture of one

specific march in Birmingham (Hunter 17). But, you know as well as I, that with

peace marches and rallies comes violence and hostility. This is exactly what the

little girls mother is afraid of, this is why she will not let her go to the

march. It also seems weird that her mother is so sure that going to church,

instead of going to the march, will be the best thing for her. (Hunter 1-0).

Typically, a church is to be a very safe and sacred place where no-one would

imagine a bombing or any other type of violence to happen. What is ironic about

this is that going to church turns out to be the worst place for her to be

(Hunter 1). Something else that strikes me funny is that her mother dresses her

in her daughter in her best clothes to go to church with her. What is ironic

here is that she ended up wearing them to her funeral instead (Hunter 6). There

is also a shift in dialogue here in the fifth stanza(Hunter 7). Here the

narrator starts to take over. The narrators tone shows the reader the pride and

joy that the mother takes in her childs appearance (Hunter ). It also gives

the reader some sense of reassurance and cleanliness as the mother is brushing

her daughters night-dark hair. She also dresses her in the same fashion (Hunter

6). She tries to dress her all in white, which is the symbol for purity. But no

matter how hard the mother tries to have her daughter conform to the whites,

they are ultimately the ones who kill her (Hunter 41).

Something else that is ironic comes about in the sixth

stanza. The mother smiled to know her child was in the sacred place, but that

smile was the last smile to come upon her face. This gives the reader a sense of

what is about to happen(Hunter 44). This stanza is ironic because if the mother

thinks her daughter is going to be in a safe place, why would this be the last

time she would ever smile?

The figures of speech that Randall uses in this poem

also give the poem a touch of irony. He uses two types of figures of speech, and

he uses them very well. First, he uses the metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of

speech in which one thing is likened to another, different thing by being spoken

of as if it were that other; implied comparison. He uses this in stanza five to

hint to the reader that the child is an African American female(Hunter 47). He

also uses it in stanza seven to show how angry, afraid and worried her mother

gets when she hears the explosion. The other figure of speech that Randall uses

is repetition. He uses the saying, No, baby, no, you may not go, in stanza two

and then again in stanza four. This saying expresses the worries and fear that

the mother has for her little girl.

Another big factor in this poem is the use of tone.

First, there is a tone of innocence in the first stanza (Hunter 51). The young

child tries to act nice and innocent to her mother, in the case that her mother

might let her go to the march(Hunter 55). Secondly, there is the tone of concern

for her childs safety. Her mother tells her that there are dogs, clubs and

hoses. These things were used on protesters and marchers to control the crowds

when they grew too large and had gotten out of hand. Next, there is the tone of

joy in the fifth stanza and in the first half of the sixth stanza. Her mother

takes pride and joy in getting her daughter ready to go to church. She is also

joyful that her daughter is going to church instead of going to the march

(Hunter 5-61).

But, if you notice, in the seventh stanza that tone of

joy immediately turns to grief and loneliness. The move from the sixth to the

seventh stanza is when the explosion occurs(Hunter 64). The mother doesnt know

what to do. The mothers tone in the last two lines of the poem gives the reader

a feeling of grief and guilt. The word baby the mother uses implies the mothers

affection for her lost daughter. I dont know how, but for some reason her

mother feels that something has happened to her child, so she runs through the

streets of Birmingham, Alabama calling for her child. She clawed through bits of

glass and brick, then lifted out her childs shoe. From this finding the mother

knows that she has lost her daughter forever. In conclusion, I personally think

that this poem was well written for the simple fact that Randall is not afraid

to confront the problems that these two races had between them. He describes

things that had happened in this time period to get his point across vividly to

the reader. With that said, I leave you with one last question If her mother

had let her go to the march like she asked, would she still be alive?

Please note that this sample paper on Ballad of Birmingham is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ballad of Birmingham, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Ballad of Birmingham will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Slipknot tabs

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on slipknot tabs. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality slipknot tabs paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in slipknot tabs, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your slipknot tabs paper at affordable prices!

1.) TRANSACTION- this refers to any peice of business, e.g. bought goods, and payed by check, sold goods on credit, bought a computer, payed an electricity bill and payed by check, payed wadges to employees.

to be able to record information into the accounting system, wach transaction must have, a date, give details of wat has happened and also a monetary value.

.) ACCOUNT- in order to keeep a record...... a number of accounts are used. these accounts are keptin wat is known as the ledger.

in thwe computerized system the ledger is devide up so dat accounts of a similer nature are kept together e.g. all customers are kept together, all supliers are kepet together and all general records are kept together.

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.) CUSTOMER- this is a person to whom goods have been sold on credit i.e we have let them have the goods but they have not payed for them yet.customers can also be refered to as debtors.

4.) SUPLIER- this is a person from whom goods have been bought on credit i.e we have recived the goods but we have not payed for them yet. supliers can also be refered to as creditors.

5.) fixed assets. these are thing which have been bought for use in the business and not for selling to customers. they are expensive itemsthat will hope will last for serveril years e.g equipment, machineery, computers, furniture and fittings.

6. ) invoice. an invoice is a document sent by the seller to the buyer when involved with credit TRANSACTION

7 invoices recived. these are the invoiced the business wil recive when it buys goods on credit ie the business recives goods and pays for them later



credit note this is a doc used in accounting when goods are returned

credit note recived these will be used when goods which we have prev bought on credit are returned to the suplier

these will be used when goods that we have prev. sold on credit are returned to us by a customer.

cash received sheet- when money in the for of cash or cheques is recived by the business e.g. from customers it will be recorded on a sheet such as this. in addidition each recepit will be given a ref. number.

CASH PAYMENT- when money in the form of cash or cheques is paid out by the business e.g to supliers or for expences such as weadges, electric. the date the nameadn the ammount needs to be noted. in addidition each payment will be givena ref number.

the book keeping system- the Sage computerised account system follows the rules of the double entry book keeping system. using this system two accounts are required uin order to record each business.

e.g- september 18 sold goods on credit to joe bloggs £50

in order to record this information we need an account for joe bloogs (a customer/debtor) and also an account to record the sales.

the advantage of the computerised system is that when one entry has been made the computer automatically updates the other. this reduces the ammount of time required for financial transaction

the ledger- this is the name that is used to manually record financial trainsaction. it can be devide into different sections i.e all customers kept together all supliers kept together all cash and bank kept together e.t.c. the sage program uses a simmilar method and the main sections are-





Please note that this sample paper on slipknot tabs is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on slipknot tabs, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on slipknot tabs will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, October 11, 2019


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on LOTR:Fellowship. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality LOTR:Fellowship paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in LOTR:Fellowship, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your LOTR:Fellowship paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


Real Boys Read Books is simply about reading. Reading for pleasure, reading regularly, reading different authors, styles, genres, reading bigger and better books.

Real Boys Read Books is basically a motivational campaign requiring enthusiasm from teachers, students and parents, and incentives to read more and more.

The main aim of the wide reading programme is to enhance and enrich you reading by

Write my Essay on LOTR:Fellowship cheap

· acknowledging your own interests in reading;

· encouraging you to read widely in different genres;

· experiencing the works of a wider range of authors.

The programme requires you to

1. read a minimum of two texts on a different genre each term (rather than sticking with the one genre and/or author);

. complete one oral and/or written review during semester 1 and one sustained project during semester that incorporates information research skills (see page ).


Reading is a special kind of process, sharing common features with other forms of reading, but having special and educationally valuable characteristics of its own.

1. The development of sustained reading. It is best suited to develop in you the capacity to read sustainedly and to develop the skills involved in tackling and completing a whole work. Virtually no subject other than English requires this of you. Regular, prolonged reading stretches the attention span.

. The development of language. Contact, through fiction and non-fiction, with a variety of genres and narrative forms, and an extensive range of vocabulary, leads to a better understanding of ourselves and our experiences, and enables us to better relate these experiences to others. With reading, words are usually everything reading emphasises language.

. It works psychologically as "virtual experience". Through wider reading we expand enormously our understanding of life experiences. Wide reading presents the reader with experiences beyond one's personal environment reading broadens experience.

4. It contains a wealth of information, facts about places, periods and people as well as information and insights about behaviours, motivation and social interaction. Wide reading is therefore a valuable learning process. Books require active participation from the reader reading stretches the imagination.


Incentives are an important part of the programme. You will receive certificates for the number of books read. Certificates are awarded at the end of each term.

Ø Book prizes are presented for the most books read at the end of each semester to three students from each year level. In nominating you for book prizes, your teacher will consider

· minimum reading of ten books per semester

· range and variety of reading

· level of complexity of books read


The Library has provided an extensive reading list which offers a variety of reading styles, interests and levels, and has particularly looked to include a selection of titles, both fiction and non-fiction to cater for all interests and reading levels. You are encouraged to add to the list.


The term information skills encompasses study skills, library/locational skills and research skills.

The skills required to locate, extract and synthesise information from different sources are the focus of the Project.

You need to demonstrate the following skills which forms an integral part of your assessment

1. DECIDING - What exactly do I need to know? 4. RECORDING - What do I need to make note of?

Skills- identifying key areas, key words etc.- categorising, mappingSuggested areas to focus on- brainstorming a general topic- grouping ideas Skills- making note of information from different sources including electronic and audio visual- organising the information collected using a Data SheetSuggested areas to focus on- why make notes?- what are good notes?- relating notes to original purpose (organising)

. FINDING - Where do I go to find out? 5. PRESENTING - How am I going to present the information?

Skills- identifying appropriate sources of information- using catalogues, indexes, menus, directories, etcSuggested areas to focus on- electronic information sources- search techniques for Key word search - information types (e.g. print, pictorial, video, audio etc.) Skills- graphic, oral, print, etc.Suggested areas to focus on- do I have the necessary skills to present information satisfactorily in this way?- how does the method of presentation influence the information collected?

. USING - What do these resources tell me about what I need to know? 6. EVALUATING - How well have I done with the task?

Skills- analysing, comparing, questioning- reading, viewing, listeningSuggested areas to focus on- techniques like skimming and scanning (using key words established in DECIDING process)- considerations of bias, accuracy, etc. Skills- ability to evaluate quality and quantity of final product- ability to keep evaluating throughout the processSuggested areas to focus on- need to keep assessing the information found- need to assess the level of skill achieved as tasks are being undertaken


1. Read regularly and widely.

. Read a minimum of two books on a different genre each term.

. Record your reading on the appropriate Wide Reading Record Sheet (see page 4).

4. Complete one oral and/or written review and one sustained project during semester .


In preparing your oral or written Book Report you should consider the following questions although they don't have to be dealt with in the same order in which they are presented here.


Ø What type of book is it? (fiction or non-fiction, historical fiction, biography or autobiography, science fiction or fantasy, adventure, thriller and so on).


Ø Think about and explain the significance of the title.


Ø Consider the theme (or themes) in the book. (Don't confuse the theme with the plot).


Ø Describe the main characters, briefly supporting your comments about each character with examples from the story (e.g. if you say a character is brave refer to an example from the book which shows this). Are the characters realistic? if so, in what ways, if not, in what ways are they unrealistic?

Ø Towards which character do you feel most sympathetic (why?), and least sympathetic (why?).


Ø Describe the setting of the book in

- time

- place

Ø How important is the book's setting?


Ø Comment on the author's style. Is the book interesting and refreshing to read? (consider language, dialogue, description, action, imagery etc).

Ø How did the author succeed in maintaining your interest in the book?

Ø Was there an expected or surprising ending? Would you have preferred the book to end differently? What use was made of qualities like suspense and surprise?


Ø In discussing your overall reaction to the book, you could consider the following points

(a) Why did you initially select the book to read?

(b) What have you learnt from the book?

(c) What did you like/not like about it?

(d) To whom would you recommend/not recommend the book?

(e) Why may it have encouraged you to read other books by the same author or other titles on a similar theme.


NAME ............................................................................................................................... CLASS ....................


The more you read, the more you know.

The more you know, the smarter you grow.

The smarter you grow, the stronger your voice,

when speaking your mind or making your choice.

Year Wider Reading List

As part of your Wide Reading programme you are required to read at least two books on different genres each term. Below is a recommended list of titles. You are encouraged to add to the list. You cannot include texts that you have read or studied in the past or are studying this year.


Buchan, John The Thirty-Nine Steps

Clancy, Tom Netforce Explorer Series

Crewe, Gary Angel's Gate

Crichton, Michael Congo, Jurassic Park

Disher, Garry Kickback, Restless

Harris, David Devils Island

Higgins, Simon Thunderfish

Holman, Felice Slake's Limbo

Kelleher, Victor Parkland

Lisson, Deborah The Devil's Own

Metzenthen, David Johnny Hart's Heroes, Lee Spain

Monagle, Bernie Blue Girl, Yella Fella

Paulsen, Gary The Car, The Crossing, Dogsong

Reilly, Matthew Ice Station

Sachar, Louis Holes

Stevens, Leonie Eat Well And Stay Out Of Jail

Zurbo, Matt Flyboy and the Invisible


Adams, Richard Watership Down, The Plague Dogs

Gowdy, Barbara The White Bone

Grahame, Kenneth The Wind In The Willows

Herriot, James All Creatures Great and Small

Horwood, William The Duncton Chronicles

Jacques, Brian Redwall Series

Kelleher, Victor Papio

Lloyd, A.R. Wingfoot

London, Jack The Call Of The Wild

Paulsen. Gary My Life In Dog Years

Rubenstein, Gillian Foxspell


Baillie, Allan Secrets of Walden Rising

Beckett, Bernard Lester

Catran, Ken Black Sister, Talking To Blue

Clarke, Judith The Lost Day

Cormier, Robert Fade

Corris, Peter Cliff Hardy Novels, The Japanese Job

Crewe, Gary Strange Objects

Disher, Gary The Dragon Man

Forsythe, Frederick The Odessa File

French, Nicci The Safe House

Gee, Maurice The Fat Man

Golden, Christopher Burning Bones

Greenwood, Kerry Feral

Hammett, Dashiel The Thin Man

Jinks, Catherine The Inquisitor

Lecarre, The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

Lindsay, Joan Picnic At Hanging Rock

Lockhart, Robin B. Reilly Ace Of Spies (7.141 REI LOC)

Macfarlane, Peter The Enemy You Killed

Malet, Leo Mission To Marseilles, Shadow Alley Nine Crime Stories

Puzo, Mario The Godfather

Staples, Suzanne Fisher Storm

Togawa, Masako The Master Key


Burke, Janine Journey To Bright Water

Cadnum, Michael Zero At The Bone

Carter, Alden Up Country

Choy, Wayson The Jade Peony

Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl

De Goldi, Kate Sanctuary

Fusillo, Archie The Dons

Hartnett, Sonya Sleeping Dogs

Hathorn, Libby Thunderwith

Mckerral, Helen Homestrung

Nicholls, Bron Mulloway

Nieuwenhuizen, Agnes Family (Short Stories)

Svensen, Mark Snigger James On Grey

Voigt, Cynthia Sons From Afar, When She Hollers


Anderson, Kirsty Kingdoms Of The Seventh Pool

Carmichael, Claire Fabricant, Originator

Carmody, Isobelle The Gathering, Ashling, The Farseekers

Caswell, Brian Dreamslip

Dickinson, Peter The Kin Series

Fletcher, Susan Shadow Spinner

Higgins, Siman Beyond The Shaking Time, Cybercage

Lasenby, Jack Taur

Leguin, Ursula The Earthsea Trilogy

Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles Of Narnia, Out Of The Silent Planet

Luckett, Dave A Dark Winter, A Dark Journey, A Dark Victory

Mccaffrey, Anne Dragonsong

Mcrobbie, David Mandragora

Nicholson, William The Wind Singer

Nix, Garth Sabriel, Lirael

Odgers, Sally Translations In Celadon

Pryor, Michael The Mask Of Caliban

Pullman, Philip The Subtle Knife, Northern Lights

Salvatore, R.A. Homeland

Tolkein, J.R.R. The Hobbit

Whitmore, Andrew Fireflaught


Bunting, Eve Blackwater

Charlwood, Don All The Green Year

Collins, Alan Boys From Bondi

Condon, Bill Dogs

Corbet, Robert The Passenger Seat

Crewe, Gary Dear Venny, Dear Saffron

Disher, Gary From Your Friend Louise Deane

Fleischman, Paul Westlandia

Gardam, Jane Bilgewater

Hathorn, Libby The Climb

Lanagan, Margo The Best Thing

Larkin, John Growing Payne

Lowry, Brigid Guitar Highway Rose

Marsden, John Secret Men's Business (05.1 MAR)

Monk, Scott Boyz'R'Us

Monk, Scott Raw

Parry, Glynn Mosh, Scooterboy, Sad Boys

Pausacker, Jenny Mr Enigmatic

Ridden, Brian Outfall

Shillitoe, Tony Joyride

Svendsen, Mark Snigger James On Grey

Zurbo, Matt Idiot Pride

Zusak, Markus The Underdog

Walters, Celeste The Last Race


Baillie, Alan Songman

Catran, Ken Golden Prince

Crichton, Michael The Great Train Robbery

Dickinson, Peter A Bone From A Dry Sea (Pre-History)

Doyle, Roddy A Star Called Henry

Dumas, Alexandre The Man In The Iron Mask

Jacq, Christain Ramses Series

Jinks, Catherine Pagan Series, The Inquisitor

Lisson, Deborah Red Hugh

Marshall, Alan I Can Jump Puddles

Moloney, James The House On River Terrace

Park, Ruth Playing Beattie Bow


Aronsen, Linda Kelp; A Comedy Of Love

Barnes, Rory Horsehead Boy

Bone, Ian Fat Boy Saves The World

Clarke, Judith Al Capsella Series

Gleitzman, Morris The Other Facts Of Life

Jinks, Catherine The Great Stinking Lie

Killeen, Gretal My Life Is A Toilet

Larkin, John Pizzafeatures

McCann, Daryl Wish You Weren't Here

Mcrobbie, David Wayne Series

Townsend, Sue Adrian Mole Diaries

Wheat, Chris My Excellent Lives

Winton, Tim Lockie Leonard


Baillie, Alan The China Coin (China)

Brooks, Martha Bone Dance (American Indian)

Carter, Forrest The Education of Little Tree (American Indian)

Courtney, Bryce The Power Of One (South Africa)

Garland, Sherry Shadow Of The Dragon (Vietnam)

Marchetta, Melina Looking For Alibrandi (Italian)

Paulsen, Gary Dogsong (Eskimo)

Staples, Suzanne F. Daughter Of The Wind (Pakistan)

Watson, James No Surrender (Angola)


Dumas, Alexandre The Three Musketeers

Hugo, Victor Les Miserables

Maupassant, Guy De Selected Short Stories

Saint-Exupery, A. De The Little Prince


Muller, Robert The Summer That Was


Masson, Sophie Tiger (Indonesia)


Brown, Alan Audrey Hepburns Neck

Mori, Kyoko One Bird

Watkins, Yoko K. My Brother, My Sister And


Cairncross, John The Enigma Spy (7.10 CAI)

Dingo, Sally Ernie Dingo King of the Kids (71.408)

Eley, Beverley The Book Of David (786.0 HEL ELE)

The Diary Of Ann Frank (40.51161 FRA)

Gaze, Andrew On The Road With Andrew Gaze (75. GAZ)

Jiang, Ji Li Red Scarf Girl A Memoir Of The Cultural Revolution (51.056 JIA)

Lobel, Anita No Pretty Pictures A Child of War (40.5180 LOB)

Mah, Adeline Chen Chinese Cinderella (51.505 MAH)

Mccourt, Frank Angelas Ashes (41.080 MCC)

Morgan Sally My Place

Pryor, Boori Maybe Tomorrow

Vassilieva, Tatiana A Hostage To War Diary Of A Young Russian Girl (40.517 VAS)


Burgess, Melvin Loving April

Campbell, Margaret Shadow Across the Sun

Carmody, Isobelle Greylands

Clarke, Judith The Lost Day, Wolf on the Fold

Condon. Bill Dogs

Crewe, Gary Dear Venny, Dear Saffron

Crutcher, Chris Ironman

Gwynne, Phillip Deadly Unna, Nukkin Ya

Harlen, Jonathan Fracture Zone

Hyde, Michael Max

Kelly, Laurene I Started Crying Monday

Klein, Norma Going Backwards

Lanagan, Nargo The Best Thing

Lucashenko, Melissa Killing Darcy

Marsden, John So Much To Tell You

Mccarthy, Maureen Ganglands

Mcfarlane, Peter More Than A Game

Mcrobbie, David Tyro

Metzenthen, David Falling Forward, Stony Heart Country

Moloney, James Dougy, Gracey, Angela, Touch Me

Monagle, Bernie Monstered

Monk, Scott The Crush

Pausacker, Jenny Getting Somewhere

Pausacker, Jenny Penington's Last Summer

Taylor, William The Blue Lawn


Anderson, Kirsty Kingdom Of The Seventh Pool

Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451

Broderick, Damien Stuck In Fast Forward, Zones

Carmichael, Claire Fabricant

Carmody, Isobelle Scatterlings

Caswell, Brian Deucalion

Clarke, Arthur C. 001; A Space Odyssey

Huxley, Aldous Brave New World

Jinks, Catherine The Future Trap

Kelleher, Victor Earthsong

Nix, Garth Shade's Children

Odgers, Sally Trinity Street

Pryor, Michael The Doorways Trilogy

Pullman, Philip Northern Lights

Wyndham, John The Chrysalids


Carmody, Isobelle Green Monkey Dreams

Caswell, Brian A Dream Of Stars

Chambers, Aiden Fatal Twist

Dahl, Roald Skin And Other Stories

Disher, Gary Restless

Duder, Tess Personal Best

Macfarlane, Peter Lovebird

Nieuenhuizen, A Crossing

Parry, Glyn Radical Take-Offs

Sheahan, Robyn ed. Original Sin, Tales from the Wasteland Stories from the 1th Floor

Westall, Robert Love Match

Wheatley, Nadia Landmarks

Walker, Kate Changes

Wheatley, Nadia The Night Tolkein Died, Landmarks

Wilson, Barbara Ker Hands Up, Who Enjoyed Their Schooldays


Baillie, Alan Songman

Farmer, Nancy A Girl Named Disaster

Harris, Davis Devil's Island

Kelleher, Victor Taronga

Lazenby, Jack Because We Were The Travellers, The Shaman And The Droll

Lawrence, Louise Children Of The Dust

Mitchell, Euan Feral Tracks

Paulsen, Gary Hatchet

Rubenstein, Gillian Terra-Farma

Sweeney, Joyce Free Fall

Voigt, Cynthia When She Hollers


Cadman, Michael Zero At The Bone

Carmody, Isobelle The Gathering

Caswell, Brian A Cage Of Butterflies

Catran, Ken Black Sister

Cormier, Robert After The First Death

Crewe, Gary Strange Objects

Cross, Gillian Wolf

Edwards, Hazel Stalker

Greenwood, Kerry Feral

Higgins, Simon Cybercage

Kelleher, Victor Del-Del, The Ivory Trail

Mcfarlane, Peter The Enemy You Killed

Mahy, Margaret Memory, The Changeover

Pryor, Michael Talent

Pullman, Philip The Broken Bridge

Rose, Malcolm The Obtuse Experiment

Westall, Robert The Wind Eye, The Scarecrows, Yaxley's Cat

Wilkins, Kim Bloodlace

Williams, Sean Metal Fatigue


Caswell, Brian Dreamslip

Crichton, Michael Timeline

Goodman, Alison Singing The Dogstar Blues

Kelleher, Victor Fire Dancer

Lisson, Deborah The Devil's Own

Murray, Kirsty Market Blues

Pulman, Felicity Shalott

Wells, H.G. The Time Machine


Ashley, Bernard Little Soldier

Ballard, J.G. Empire Of The Sun

Bawden, Nina Carrie's War

Carter, Peter The Hunted

Caswell, Brian Asturias

Clancy, Tom The Hunt For Red October

Courtney, Bryce Smoky Joe's Cafe

D'Ath, Justin Hunters and Warriors

Dahl, Roald Going Solo

Dubosarsky, Ursula The First Book Of Samuel

Hill, Anthony Soldier Boy (40.46 MAR HIL)

Hicyilmaz, Gaye And the Stars Were Gold

Higgins, Jack The Eagle Has Landed

Lehrmann, Christian Ultimate Game

Macfarlane, The Enemy You Killed

Marsden, John The Tomorrow Series

Nimmo, Jenny The Rinaldi Ring

Rylant, Cynthia I Had Seen Castles

Add new titles that are not on the list and which you would recommend to Year students


Please note that this sample paper on LOTR:Fellowship is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on LOTR:Fellowship, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on LOTR:Fellowship will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mass destruction

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on mass destruction. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality mass destruction paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in mass destruction, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your mass destruction paper at affordable prices!

There are many weapons of mass destruction. Chemical, biological and nuclear are all

weapons of mass destruction. An example of a chemical weapon is Agent Orange which was

used in World War II. A biological weapon is small pox or anthrax and a nuclear weapon might

include an atomic bomb or destruction of a nuclear power plant. These are all examples of

Cheap University Papers on mass destruction

weapons of mass destruction. What is the true weapon of mass destruction? Is it the chemical,

biological, and nuclear weapons or the people behind the weapons of mass destruction? Let us

take a look back over time to the days of Hitler, Castro, and Saddam.

First there is Hitler. There was mass destruction of the Jews by Hitler for no reason other

than race. Hitler thought he could destroy all Jews. He starved them, used chemical experiments

on them, executed them and kept them in concentration camps. Hitler also tortured these people.

There were hundreds of thousands of Jewish people killed. This is an example of a weapon of

mass destruction. Not the weapon itself, but the person in control of the weapon and how it is

used. There are many weapons but with chemical, biological, nuclear or any other weapon, it

cannot cause destruction or harm without a body to control and use it.

Next, there is Castro. This is another example of a weapon of mass destruction. In the

Cold War Crisis, he planned on using nuclear weapons on the U.S. He had little regard for

human life. Castro would not hesitate to kill his own people for nothing more than looking at

him the wrong way. One would think he cared nothing for mankind because of this treatment of

his people. If he would be this horrible to his own people , what would he do to other people?

Castro was cruel to his people . They worked for pennies sometimes and other times they

worked for nothing. Under his dictatorship, people were executed for no reason except his

need for control.

While all these things barely scratch the surface on Castro, there is still another example

of a weapon of mass destruction. Like Hitler, Saddam Hussein killed hundreds of thousands of

his own people after the Gulf War simply because these people disliked him. This was his way

of life and how he sustained control. Saddam's way of control was to torture and kill people

who did not agree with him. Saddam threatened to use chemical and biological weapons in

the recent conflict with America. He had many of his own people killed when they tried to

surrender to U.S. troops. Saddam's people for the most part, did not want to follow him but

did so out of fear.

Finally, the question remains, what is the true weapon of mass destruction? Is it

mankind? Is it chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons? Could it be something else? All

of these people, if that is what they are, have many things in common but stupidity is what

describes them best. Stupidity is the true weapon of mass destruction. Nuclear, biological,

chemical, or any other weapon will not cause destruction without a body to control and use it. It

is not the weapon itself but how that weapon is used, who uses the weapon and for what purpose.

It is the stupidity of the creators of the weapons(all of us and them) as well as how the weapons

are used. The people behind the weapons of mass destruction and their stupidity is the true

weapon of mass destruction.

Please note that this sample paper on mass destruction is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on mass destruction, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on mass destruction will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Brave new world

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Brave new world. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Brave new world paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Brave new world, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Brave new world paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

In his book Brave New World, Aldous Huxley subtly expresses his opinion on the thought of a Utopian world and the imperfection of humanity that would make such a paradise impossible to create. Through the characters of the novel Huxley explores this flawed utopia noting the cracks in the structure of the 'World State' when something if out of order, or not acting as it should be. This is a world who's overall stability depends on it's billion strong population to be blissful in their ignorance and emotional suppression. Therefore, if an individual chooses to seek the truth of the world, to seek love, to search for knowledge then the system begins to crumble.

In the world of Huxley mankind as it is today is completely gone. No longer are babies born, now they are created in laboratories. First their job along with their life is planned depending on what class they are to be. The Alpha and Beta classes are the genetic peak of this hierarchy followed by the Gamma's all the way to the peasant class of Epsilon, the semi-moronic class that is designed for all the mediocre tasks. The way that the classes are separated from one another is the amount of alcohol that each group is dosed in as a fertilized egg. In this way the intelligence of each baby is altered. The abilities, and the potential of these individuals have now been utterly crushed leaving them with nothing other then to do what they are made too. No longer is there free will to enter into a learning field of their own choice, they must now perform whatever tasks it was that they were created for. This is a serious problem, fore should the need for a new type of occupation arise, there are now no people who are able to fill it, even the Alpha-Plus class is somewhat restrained in their knowledge and ability to learn.

During human production is the stage, Embryo Storage, where the embryo is altered and slightly conditioned to fit their station, or job in life. As previously mentioned this severely limits any advancement in any other field then the one chosen by the scientists. During the Embryo storage phase many eggs are sterilized so even if the inhabitants of this Brave New World weren't conditioned to retch at the thought of childbirth they would be unable to should they choose to have a baby. The downside of this is the destruction of individuality, as no longer will a child inherit qualities from parents, they will all share the same qualities depending on what type off egg they were fertilized from.

Once 'born' the sleep therapy and physical conditioning begins. Each individual is conditioned for one job and one job only. This is how the Brave New World works and it will be this, which will eventually bring it to its knees.

Cheap College Papers on Brave new world

Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Waston are two men who, for completely different reasons have rejected the system of this 'utopian paradise' and have instead chosen to exile themselves from their world's way of life. Bernard is a hypnopaedia specialist. It is he and others like him who 'sleep teach' the children after they are born. Bernard resents the fact that he is different, that he does not gain the respect his Alpha-Plus class requires from the lower levels. It is this difference, this resentment that drives Bernard to find the truth of the world, to finally see the cracks and deficiencies in the World State.

Helmholtz on the other hand has completely different reasons, he is the model Alpha-Plus, strong good looking, and witty are just some of his personal qualities. He works as an emotional Engineer, regularly writing for the Hourly Radio. He feels there is something more to his life, that he hasn't reached his full potential yet.

'A mental excess had produced in Helmholtz Watson effects very similarto those which, in Bernard Marx, were the result of a physical defection.'

The World State has many thins wrong with it that cause problems within. The first of which is the suppression of emotion. Love, hate, envy, all has been replaced with an innocent lust for pleasure and indulgence. The free will to do and say whatever you want has been replaced with the semi-free will to say and do whatever is allowed or required with no thought of what else could be said or done.

'Did you ever feel, as though you had something inside you that was only waiting for you to give it a chance to come out? Some sort of extra power that you aren't using you know, like all the water that goes down the falls instead of through the turbines?' (Helmholtz pg 6)

With a world that depends on ignorance Helmholtz and Bernard are threats to society and the overall stability of the world state.

With the introduction of John the Savage this threat develops even more as the young man begins to realize and rebel against the ideas of the utopia. First is the lack of emotion, His feelings for Lenina are made known through his use of Shakespearian poetry. The world State is ill equipped to deal with John as the sights and the soulnessness of the new world begin to grow clear to him. The differences between the New World and that of John are so utterly complete he begins to grow resentful and bitter. He sees the creation of babies as sacrilege and the use of soma holidays as horrendous.

The more he learns of the New World the more he despairs as there is no hope left in the world, no thoughts of love, only pleasure. He becomes violent and lashes out at the ignorance of others and their infantile natures, Finally with nothing left to live for after his last shred of hope has been snuffed out, he commits suicide, for a life without the ability to share joy and love, to create, to be loved, and to excel is not worth holding on to.

Helmholtz and Bernard also discover this but thanks to their conditioning do not take it to the extent that John does. They leave for an island that is full of others like them, others who have become discontent with the loss of individuality for the sake of stability.

Please note that this sample paper on Brave new world is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Brave new world, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Brave new world will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!