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Olivia Hines
10th grade English
Mrs. McGee
15 September 00
Cheap University Papers on Paying too much for the whistle
I Never
The time I "paid too much for the whistle" was an attempt to get attention and to be well liked by the senior Accents. We were asked to play a game called "I never". We were supposed to go around a circle and say something that we had never done before and if someone had then she was to put one finger down. Well I put my finger down on something that I definitely could have kept to myself. This statement caused a little uneasiness with my boyfriend and best friends. I told what most people consider juicy gossip. Well, it is not as much fun when I am the one being talked about.
Rumors spread very fast in high school, especially among tenth grade girls. What I practically blurted out was not a very big deal but now, two days later, it is. A variety of people are starting to ask me "Hey I heard you…" and these people will say something totally wrong. Not only are people asking and talking about me but, they are trying to discuss it with my boyfriend. This is the point where giving him the sad, "I am so sorry" face does not work.
I can say that I am getting a little more attention from the older girls though. I guess being well liked by these girls is important because I look up to them so much. Maybe I was thinking that I might be put on the front row of a dance if they like me. I understand now that this is most likely not going to happen. I also realize that it is way more important to keep from saying something that might hurt my friends' feelings. Friendships can last forever but popularity might not.
Before the "I never" game started, I had a pretty good reputation. I really did like being known as a good girl or a goody- goody. To me, that is kind of like a compliment. Now, people are probably not going to say that about me because tenth graders always believe gossip. I always felt proud when my guy friends would joke with me because I am such a "good girl". I am probably not going to get that kind of attention anymore.
I learned a couple of lessons from playing this game. I learned that popularity is not everything. Also, that I need to think before I say something. I learned how it feels to be gossiped about and that I really should not be doing that either. There is a reason for everything and I guess my reasons were to learn these lessons.
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